Zones were fantastic but it would have been nice if there was some good end-game content on which you spend, you know, the majority of the game.
If you are arguing that Wrath end-game was worse than most of the other expansions, I'm not seeing it. Ulduar and ICC were both great raids (Ulduar is one of the best by virtually all considerations and ICC is my favorite end-of-expansion raid) and Naxx was perhaps the most fun, accessible "starter raid" the game has ever had without falling into the LFR trap of mechanics being so weak you can ignore them. Dungeons were easy, but worth doing due to justice/valor and at least in my experience Wrath had by far the healthiest, longest-lasting dungeon running environment of any expansion. People were always doing them for one reason or another, compared to pretty much every expansion after where they quickly went obsolete and were forgotten about.
On a related note, I think it's kind of weird when people use the content drought at the end of an expansion as a slight against that expansion. The fact that there was like 15 months of ICC before Cata launched doesn't make ICC a bad raid, it just makes Blizzard bad at scheduling/development time. Once the final raid is released, the expansion is over. I don't really understand taking points away from an expansion due to how
long it was over. I judge it based on the content it actually included.