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World of Warcraft |OT9| People still play this? Isn't it from 2004


People called Romanes they go the house?
Wait they're removing the invasion requirement? Lmao.

I mean that's good, but why make the content so hard for people to see in the first place? Just bizarre decisions all around. Is it really a shock that a timed event on a weekday morning is a bad idea?

Blizz acting 'shocked' in response to their untested and/or changed ideas from the PTR seems to be the name of the game for a good chunk of 7.2

For every good thing they do, like AK catchups for alts, we seem to get stuff like the EU invasion start time.


The point they had of them cycling and eventually coming around to an accessible time would have been fine...if it weren't tied to flying, which EVERYONE wants right now. I mean, they really should have seen this coming.
Very true. I wouldn't have been nearly as anxious about missing them if it hadn't been tied to flying. Not great foresight there.

But even without the flying requirement, I'd like to experience at least one...maybe on the weekend when I don't have work I guess.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I'm surprised they still haven't made a new model for Illidan yet.

They did? His model in Legion content isn't the same as his Black Temple model.


Wait they're removing the invasion requirement? Lmao.

I mean that's good, but why make the content so hard for people to see in the first place? Just bizarre decisions all around. Is it really a shock that a timed event on a weekday morning is a bad idea?

They fixed the issue without actually fixing it. The true Blizzard way

People weren't upset because the Invasions were required for Pathfinder. They were upset because the invasions would appear in the worst possible times (2 in the morning!!!) once a day for a few hours.

So they made it so you didn't have to do them for Pathfinder without actually fixing the Invasions. Okay...
The original implementation of Pathfinder 2 on the PTR and how it is now on live show that Blizzard have no idea what the fuck they are doing anymore. Everything's getting removed from it because it's shitty.

I really wonder with 7.2 and Legion in general. So many solid ideas marred by seemingly not being fully thought out, which leads to poor implementation.

This is probably one of the requirements nobody really thought much about. Four invasions, no big deal. It's like doing four emissary quests. But then you see how it's implemented and are puzzled as to how Blizzard could fundamentally misunderstand their player base to that degree.

There are so many things in Legion where the intent seems to be "we want the players to feel a certain way" but then little to no intention is paid to how practical it is. They want invasions to feel like an event by lasting longer and not always having one up. But then you make them inaccessible by schedule when they are meant to be accessible content.

Great for removing the that gate from Pathfinder, but yeah, doesn't solve the underlying issue.

I think ion and his team are fucking out to lunch. Blizzard designed shit previously to be cool and then tuned accordingly. They always seemed to have the players interests in mind. Now Ion and team seem to be designing by checklist. They design the game while seeking out feedback and then ignore that feedback. The invasion part is just a symptom. How on earth can you justify having an invasion going when the majority of your player base can't log in and then think that "oh, well, what's the big deal? They'll cycle eventually". Completely missing the point. Hell, blizzards own social media team has trouble with the devs and communication and that speaks volumes for how the wow team is being run. And I say this as a guy who works for a software developer.


They fixed the issue without actually fixing it. The true Blizzard way

People weren't upset because the Invasions were required for Pathfinder. They were upset because the invasions would appear in the worst possible times (2 in the morning!!!) once a day for a few hours.

So they made it so you didn't have to do them for Pathfinder without actually fixing the Invasions. Okay...
Yeah, it's a very flimsy band-aid. Invasions are still content I'd like to do eventually.


Yeah, it's a very flimsy band-aid. Invasions are still content I'd like to do eventually.

It's weird, it's almost like when you have an argument with your SO over something, and instead of discussing what the problem is, you just go "Fine, we won't do that thing anymore". You're avoiding what the actual core issue is just to get them to shut up short term. It tends to compound problems in WoW down the road.
What's funny about the Broken Shore invasion events is the 7.0 pre-Legion Azeroth invasions basically had the same problem. Initially the events were too infrequent and happened inopportune hours for most of the player base because people were either working or at school, could not log-in, could not participate in the content. Here we are in Round 2 and it's basically the exact same problem.

The fact that the Broken Shore Invasions were part of the Pathfinder Pt. 2 achievement isn't the problem. Removing the Invasions from Pathfinder Pt. 2 doesn't solve the problem. The problem, again, is time sensitive content is occurring when the vast majority of the player base cannot experience it.

Watch them sling shot to the other extreme and basically have rolling invasions through each zone in a week or two. One will end in Azsuna and then another will immediately occur in Highmountain or wherever. Then people will get annoyed they can't complete WQ's for Emissaries because an invasion event is occurring.

I've done 2 out of 4 (with barely an hour left to complete them) and, honestly, they kind of suck. The mini-dungeon event to cap off the whole thing zone invasion events aren't as fun as the zerg-rush world raid boss fights from the pre-Legion events. Those were just stupid, messy and fun.


Burning Crusade timewalking is pure misery. Had a Druid tank for one and spent 90% of the dungeon out of range of mobs on my Paladin :))


They should've just made the first 4 invasions last all day for the first 4 days. Then people would've quickly realized there is no reason to ever do them after the first time and no one would care when they went to happening at really odd times.
Just managed to get the BM appearance from the Mage tower boss before the tower was destroyed - I was literally inside the scenario when the tower went down. The boss was pretty hard but I can imagine it being doable in much lower gear than mine if you know what you're doing, although if you don't have a healing legendary of some description I'm not sure how you're supposed to manage the damage.


Woke up just in time to see 2 hours and a half left on an Azsuna invasion, so that I could do it with at least 3 of my characters. Scenario is even quicker than the one in Storm. WQs wise, the 1% giving mobs (toward completion) with 2/3 millions hp are kinda silly.


Just got my sweatshirts from the spring sale. The 'medium' size is a joke, easily 1-2 sizes larger than all of my other sweatshirts.


Huh I thought they specifically said the invasions rotated per zone, this is the second time for Aszuna but we haven't had Highmountain yet. Guess it doesn't really matter, but I was slightly interested what the Highmountain one would be. Aszuna took the longest to do of them all so I'll probably skip this one.

So I guess there's not going to be an invasion for Thursday in the US?

Edit: lol and after I post Azsuna invasion pops up

Technically we had Stormheim this morning (from like 4 AM to 10 AM EST lol).


People called Romanes they go the house?
Time to test if the invasion chain gives good xp for sub-110 alts, lol.

At the very least, the nethershard ratio for 110 alts is good for getting relinquished 880 gear. You can still do more than just the 4 needed for the zone.


Time to test if the invasion chain gives good xp for sub-110 alts, lol.

At the very least, the nethershard ratio for 110 alts is good for getting relinquished 880 gear. You can still do more than just the 4 needed for the zone.

The exp isn't too bad, with 10 WQs +/- I went 104>105 on my rogue with 33% into 105, with rested exp though. It wasn't too enjoyable for me, even if scaled down the mobs seemed to hit pretty hard to me and they had higher than usual health pools (1 or 2 millions) for the level. With a group or if one's faction is owning the place it's a breeze tho.


People called Romanes they go the house?
The exp isn't too bad, with 10 WQs +/- I went 104>105 on my rogue with 33% into 105, with rested exp though. It wasn't too enjoyable for me, even if scaled down the mobs seemed to hit pretty hard to me and they had higher than usual health pools (1 or 2 millions) for the level. With a group or if one's faction is owning the place it's a breeze tho.

Yeah, with the 7 WQs in Aszuna (can't continue the chain for the finisher, obv), got ~80-85% with DMF buff and Rested.

Prob can get to 110 before sunday on an alt I don't really play, lol.
Nah, there are a billion Blood Elf Priests out there. I wanted something different, and damn it I'm determined to make it work.

The only thing Tauren are good for is ludicrously huge weapons and armor. It's not about making anything work, it's about wielding a mace that's larger than a goblin.


Having such a hard time finding anything that makes my Tauren Priest look good or at least not completely ridiculous.

Enter: the Chosen Dead LFR set! Success?


That was my priest in WoD, but the only difference now is that she uses the default disc priest staff instead of the mace + lantern. It pairs with the set beautifully.

I don't have any specific advice for shadow, but get MogIt(it was recently updated with Legion gear finally) if you don't have it and mess around, I'm sure you can make something.


semen stains the mountaintops
While I really like the darker night potion, I hope they do some fixes to it cus it's a bit too dark in some spots, so much so that it actually hurts my eyes since they' strain to see what the fuck it is that I'm looking at.

It's pretty good for most areas, though.


After using it a bit more tonight, I think it's gets way too dark when it rains and anything in the far foreground tends to be too dark to be visible. Some tweaks to that would be lovely.

Daniel R

Last night was a success. Bought a full NH HC clear for 300k and got perhaps 8 pcs of loot bringing me from 880 to 889 equipped. 910 titanforged set legs as the best item. Sadly no trinket.
It's been really weird playing Fire and Frost during these 7.2 quest lines to unlock the additional traits after spending the majority of Legion playing Arcane. Fire feels like such a glass cannon while Frost is built like a brick shithouse that could probably withstand a nuclear blast.


I did my Marksman quest as BM and only switched to MM when it was time to unlock the traits. To think I only played MM in vanilla/tbc while nowadays I feel lost if I don't have my exotic pets with me (plus having two pets is too cool, even if they are brain-dead morons who gets stuck over the smallest hill).
I have a hard time keeping aggro as a guardian druid. Does anyone know of a guide? I just came back a few months ago after being gone for two years and Elitest Jerks is dead.


Highmountain invasion popped on EU so I got my achiev done, even if it's not needed for flying. The WQs sucked, so many ally around and I kept running in circles hoping to tag some mob, while some of the ones with objectives to click on had the objectives disappear after 1 use, which meant waiting for repops on those too. At least the scenario was quick and easy.
I still can't believe there is no legionfall rep to gain from all this though.
Ugh, I just came back around the middle of last month and it is increasingly apparent that my old guild is in shambles. People sporadically show up to raids (including officers/raid leader), and we've had an influx of toxic players during my 3 month absence that you would find next to the definition of 'Shit Posters' in the dictionary. It feels like the inmates are running the asylum at this point. I feel like I should just leave and find another guild, but my server is pretty sparse as it is and I do have some genuine friends that are still members. WoW problems, man.


People called Romanes they go the house?
I have a hard time keeping aggro as a guardian druid. Does anyone know of a guide? I just came back a few months ago after being gone for two years and Elitest Jerks is dead.

Icy Veins is usually okay for starters (though not always 100% up to date on stat weights and such), otherwise you can check MMO class forums, and I'm assuming there's probably a discord channel out there.

I still can't believe there is no legionfall rep to gain from all this though.

Yeah, why invasion quests don't even drop the 75 per quest completion out in the world is absolutely baffling. Just make them give rep for the zone and for armies of legionfall, it's not like they cant' do it - they already do with Wardens and Kirin Tor.

Ugh, I just came back around the middle of last month and it is increasingly apparent that my old guild is in shambles. People sporadically show up to raids (including officers/raid leader), and we've had an influx of toxic players during my 3 month absence that you would find next to the definition of 'Shit Posters' in the dictionary. It feels like the inmates are running the asylum at this point. I feel like I should just leave and find another guild, but my server is pretty sparse as it is and I do have some genuine friends that are still members. WoW problems, man.

The Mythic guild I'm in for some server-friends and alt HC runs just fell apart - a combination of people burning out on the Legion grind, and people wanting different things + the usual guild drama having a role.

Definitely feels bad.
Wondering how to deal with a guildmate who's a bit of a prick. He's been in the guild for a long time and is an established member whereas I've only been with them about six months. Basically we run a loot council (which thankfully he's not on), but every time I'm assigned a piece he'll pipe in with 'maybe we should give that to one of our shamans?'. Every time. Last night he had to be told twice that nobody else even requested two pieces of gear because he was so insistent that somebody else should get it. He screams down voice chat at the slightest error I make during raids, but is silent for any error any of the other 18 players make. I've lost count at the number of times he'll start yelling at me for not starting to move to a certain position (for example, away from Krosus when he's about to destroy the bridge) when I'm in mid air due to a perfect disengage. I swear it's like he's watching me intently through every single fight, every trash pull. Even outside of the raid he's quick to trash any achievement of mine which pops up in guild chat. Got the hidden appearance? My spec is easy mode and 870s can do it in two pulls. 300 mounts? Just means I have no life.

I've noticed him doing it to other people but not nearly so consistently. He'll chew out new healers for the slightest error or lack of knowledge, then when they walk because they don't want to be treated like shit, he'll be the first one saying that leaving group is really unprofessional and he doesn't know why they did it. I have no idea what his problem is with me personally though - I show up, I keep quiet and I do my job. I learn quickly and I'm consistently in the top 3 or 4 dps, quite often 1st or 2nd. Another guildy has suggested it's because his class/spec used to be top dog damage dealer in 7.0 and now it's useless so he's lashing out at the better damage dealers, but I dunno.

Anyway, aside from telling him to 'shut your wet mouth' a few days ago I haven't risen to it at all, I've barely even spoken to the guy, but he's really starting to do my head in now. I love the rest of the guild, they're good blokes who know their shit and are good for a laugh, but they're either used to his shit or don't notice it. I'm unsure whether to just keep ignoring him or say something.

TL;DR Guildmate is a known prick, what do.


Wondering how to deal with a guildmate who's a bit of a prick. He's been in the guild for a long time and is an established member whereas I've only been with them about six months. Basically we run a loot council (which thankfully he's not on), but every time I'm assigned a piece he'll pipe in with 'maybe we should give that to one of our shamans?'. Every time. Last night he had to be told twice that nobody else even requested two pieces of gear because he was so insistent that somebody else should get it. He screams down voice chat at the slightest error I make during raids, but is silent for any error any of the other 18 players make. I've lost count at the number of times he'll start yelling at me for not starting to move to a certain position (for example, away from Krosus when he's about to destroy the bridge) when I'm in mid air due to a perfect disengage. I swear it's like he's watching me intently through every single fight, every trash pull. Even outside of the raid he's quick to trash any achievement of mine which pops up in guild chat. Got the hidden appearance? My spec is easy mode and 870s can do it in two pulls. 300 mounts? Just means I have no life.

I've noticed him doing it to other people but not nearly so consistently. He'll chew out new healers for the slightest error or lack of knowledge, then when they walk because they don't want to be treated like shit, he'll be the first one saying that leaving group is really unprofessional and he doesn't know why they did it. I have no idea what his problem is with me personally though - I show up, I keep quiet and I do my job. I learn quickly and I'm consistently in the top 3 or 4 dps, quite often 1st or 2nd. Another guildy has suggested it's because his class/spec used to be top dog damage dealer in 7.0 and now it's useless so he's lashing out at the better damage dealers, but I dunno.

Anyway, aside from telling him to 'shut your wet mouth' a few days ago I haven't risen to it at all, I've barely even spoken to the guy, but he's really starting to do my head in now. I love the rest of the guild, they're good blokes who know their shit and are good for a laugh, but they're either used to his shit or don't notice it. I'm unsure whether to just keep ignoring him or say something.

TL;DR Guildmate is a known prick, what do.

Dude sounds pathetic. Either ignore him or talk to an officer about it.


I have a hard time keeping aggro as a guardian druid. Does anyone know of a guide? I just came back a few months ago after being gone for two years and Elitest Jerks is dead.

Guardian is pretty simple in terms of priority, so if you're having threat issues unfortunately it probably is just a gear disparity issue. As someone said, Icy-Veins is good, but I'll put my own 2cents in from experience:

1. Talents, if you're having AoE threat issues Brambles in the L15 tier actually helps quite a bit, the reflect damage generates nice threat. Similarly, Lunar Beam in the L100 tier helps patch AoE threat holes as well, though the other 2 are more mitigation. Also, make sure you're always taking Galactic Guardian, it is pretty integral in the kit especially with the new talents.

2. Priority - pretty simple. For only one mob, Mangle > GG procced Moonfire > Thrash, but don't let thrash stacks fall off. Then just spam Swipe. For AoE more than ~3 mobs, honestly your best threat rotation is Thrash > Swipe forever. Rage of the Sleeper is also decent for aggro. But honestly if you just Thrash on CD and spam swipe you shouldn't ever lose AoE threat unless they simply have that much more gear than you or it is Skittish week.

3. Don't maul, ever. It is a trap. I guess if you're taking almost no damage? But it sucks, don't use it.


Wondering how to deal with a guildmate who's a bit of a prick. He's been in the guild for a long time and is an established member whereas I've only been with them about six months. Basically we run a loot council (which thankfully he's not on), but every time I'm assigned a piece he'll pipe in with 'maybe we should give that to one of our shamans?'. Every time. Last night he had to be told twice that nobody else even requested two pieces of gear because he was so insistent that somebody else should get it. He screams down voice chat at the slightest error I make during raids, but is silent for any error any of the other 18 players make. I've lost count at the number of times he'll start yelling at me for not starting to move to a certain position (for example, away from Krosus when he's about to destroy the bridge) when I'm in mid air due to a perfect disengage. I swear it's like he's watching me intently through every single fight, every trash pull. Even outside of the raid he's quick to trash any achievement of mine which pops up in guild chat. Got the hidden appearance? My spec is easy mode and 870s can do it in two pulls. 300 mounts? Just means I have no life.

I've noticed him doing it to other people but not nearly so consistently. He'll chew out new healers for the slightest error or lack of knowledge, then when they walk because they don't want to be treated like shit, he'll be the first one saying that leaving group is really unprofessional and he doesn't know why they did it. I have no idea what his problem is with me personally though - I show up, I keep quiet and I do my job. I learn quickly and I'm consistently in the top 3 or 4 dps, quite often 1st or 2nd. Another guildy has suggested it's because his class/spec used to be top dog damage dealer in 7.0 and now it's useless so he's lashing out at the better damage dealers, but I dunno.

Anyway, aside from telling him to 'shut your wet mouth' a few days ago I haven't risen to it at all, I've barely even spoken to the guy, but he's really starting to do my head in now. I love the rest of the guild, they're good blokes who know their shit and are good for a laugh, but they're either used to his shit or don't notice it. I'm unsure whether to just keep ignoring him or say something.

TL;DR Guildmate is a known prick, what do.

Is he an officer or raid leader type? Going to guess no since he's not on the loot council.

If not, absolutely go to the leadership about him. If he is, well, that's a bit harder of an issue to deal with as he's likely ingrained in their culture.
Is he an officer or raid leader type? Going to guess no since he's not on the loot council.

If not, absolutely go to the leadership about him. If he is, well, that's a bit harder of an issue to deal with as he's likely ingrained in their culture.

He's part of the furniture there and one of the officers, but I think you guys are right and that speaking to the GM about it is probably the way to go if he keeps it up.


Guilds shouldn't be bound by server anymore IMO. An universal GAF guild would be amazing.
I remember Blizzard promising vague new 'social features' before Legion. Not sure if they actually turned into anything, but I was hoping for a Communities system like Diablo 3 has.


Guilds shouldn't be bound by server anymore IMO. An universal GAF guild would be amazing.

I'm the only one online in my guild now from one of the top raiding guilds on our server at one point. Still have over 300 names, but I'm literally the only one left playing. I feel like at least moving my main into a more active guild on the server, but I've been here since day 1 almost and can't bear to do it.


I'm the only one online in my guild now from one of the top raiding guilds on our server at one point. Still have over 300 names, but I'm literally the only one left playing. I feel like at least moving my main into a more active guild on the server, but I've been here since day 1 almost and can't bear to do it.
I have something like that on Sargeras. Was a solid raiding guild in Cata / MoP, but they moved to Tanaris sometime during my break in Warlords and now I'm basically the only person ever online.

It's sort of eerie. Hundreds of characters in the guild still, message of the day is still there, and every once in a while I'll see someone else log on. It's like post-apocalyptic.
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