Wondering how to deal with a guildmate who's a bit of a prick. He's been in the guild for a long time and is an established member whereas I've only been with them about six months. Basically we run a loot council (which thankfully he's not on), but every time I'm assigned a piece he'll pipe in with 'maybe we should give that to one of our shamans?'. Every time. Last night he had to be told twice that nobody else even requested two pieces of gear because he was so insistent that somebody else should get it. He screams down voice chat at the slightest error I make during raids, but is silent for any error any of the other 18 players make. I've lost count at the number of times he'll start yelling at me for not starting to move to a certain position (for example, away from Krosus when he's about to destroy the bridge) when I'm in mid air due to a perfect disengage. I swear it's like he's watching me intently through every single fight, every trash pull. Even outside of the raid he's quick to trash any achievement of mine which pops up in guild chat. Got the hidden appearance? My spec is easy mode and 870s can do it in two pulls. 300 mounts? Just means I have no life.
I've noticed him doing it to other people but not nearly so consistently. He'll chew out new healers for the slightest error or lack of knowledge, then when they walk because they don't want to be treated like shit, he'll be the first one saying that leaving group is really unprofessional and he doesn't know why they did it. I have no idea what his problem is with me personally though - I show up, I keep quiet and I do my job. I learn quickly and I'm consistently in the top 3 or 4 dps, quite often 1st or 2nd. Another guildy has suggested it's because his class/spec used to be top dog damage dealer in 7.0 and now it's useless so he's lashing out at the better damage dealers, but I dunno.
Anyway, aside from telling him to 'shut your wet mouth' a few days ago I haven't risen to it at all, I've barely even spoken to the guy, but he's really starting to do my head in now. I love the rest of the guild, they're good blokes who know their shit and are good for a laugh, but they're either used to his shit or don't notice it. I'm unsure whether to just keep ignoring him or say something.
TL;DR Guildmate is a known prick, what do.