Having just hit 110 about 1 day before 7.2 came out, been doing well on my progress towards flying. Just finished the Broken Shore diplomat with Wardens taking thr longest, now just need 2000 more rep for Legionfall and I'll be good. Pretty much just been doing those WQ, didn't even know about the caches til recently, and even then I'm already spending alot of time on other parts of the gane that I didn't feel like running around looking for purple treasures lol. Also got that Riddler mount this morning, thing is looking cool.
Also as a Restro shammy healer, what's a good ilvl to try to get into raiding. Wanting to do normals as all I've done so far is LFR, I do gave experience raiding from BC and Cata, though my ilvl is at 881 currently
Nice, didn't know they had lowered it. Still getting 100 WQ done with my artifact as a healing class is taking foreveeeeeer. I'm at like 72, but I've really been slacking on it since I hate having to try and do WQ as a Shammy, all i got is a lightning attack and a shitty fireball
Normal is really easy. Will this be your first raiding experience or just this expansion?
For Emerald Nightmare I would say 850 is safe. You could go lower but with 850 you will do well. Get a raiding guild. Healers are always wanted and I guarantee you they will run you through normal NH for gear/tier if they have it on farm.