Probably a coincidence but I spammed nethershard rings, and then got the BiS ring I needed as a drop from Trilliax as my next legendary.
What's the point with the bop blue ilvl800 weapon drops from the end bosses of the invasion scenarios? I'd understand if they were boe but bop? Then again, even as boe it'd be weird because who'd need ilvl800 weapons even for alts.
mmoc said:Patch 7.2.5 PTR - Build 23910
Patch 7.2.5 might be on the way to the PTR soon.
The data for this build was a little different, so keep in mind this is only a partial list of changes. These may just be things being tested or abandoned ideas.
Timewalking Raid - Black Temple
Pet Battle Dungeons - Gnomeregan and Deadmines
New Holidays
Trial of Style - Several players enter a scenario, use the barber's chair to change their outfit to match a theem, and vote for the best. New Mog Coin currency.
Auction House Dance Studio - The long awaited Dance Studio is finally here
Moonkin Festival - Moonkin in Moonglade. Go visit.
Magni wants us to meet him in Sholazar Basin for an urgent message!
Several places refer to this as 7.2.5 Prelaunch - Magni Scenario and Azeroth's Warning Scenario.
Chromie needs our help in The Deaths of Chromie scenario.
Cheese puns - He'll plunder your provolone, turn your ship to swiss, then get your gouda. He's a true muenster and the scourge of the seven bries.
Honestly, that reads like a belated april fools.
Another key focus for this patch is on class design, particularly for a few specs that need some extra attention. Were likely to end up making adjustments for many specs to some degree, but were currently looking primarily at:
Destruction Warlocks
Outlaw and Subtlety Rogues
Brewmaster and Mistweaver Monks
Havoc Demon Hunters
Guardian Druids
Honestly, that reads like a belated april fools.
My first thought, really.
I'll believe that dance studio exists when I see it. It's been 9 years and 8 months since it was promised. Quite some time had passed.
Honestly, that reads like a belated april fools.
Sölf;233786569 said:Just wait for it, being released 10 years after announcement! What a anniversary!
Also, I like what I see. TW Raids could be interesting, depending on how they are tuned. They definitly will not be tooo hard (maybe MC hard) but still something nice to do.
just started on the legion fall rep. Fuck, this is going to take forever. Anyone have any specific tips for grinding it out as quick as possible?
just started on the legion fall rep. Fuck, this is going to take forever. Anyone have any specific tips for grinding it out as quick as possible?
FYI doing the Kirin Tor emissary now also gives you a Legionfall token for 750 rep.
I've been doing them for the legendary chance. Plus now the paragon rep mounts.Hah I've been ignoring emissary for the most part ... won't now!
Any mages figure out how to get The Great Akazamzarak yet?
Nope. Welcome to time-gate hell.just started on the legion fall rep. Fuck, this is going to take forever. Anyone have any specific tips for grinding it out as quick as possible?
I've been doing them for the legendary chance. Plus now the paragon rep mounts.
Yeah I feel you. Got flying last night so I'm probably going to really try and finish up my 100 dungeons hidden appearance this week. I'm at ~80 right now.Don't get me wrong I want to keep up with them, just haven't had the time and proritizing legionfall rep.
Hah I've been ignoring emissary for the most part ... won't now!
I see barrel's marking got changed again. Now the marks go away after you pick the barrel.
Yeah I feel you. Got flying last night so I'm probably going to really try and finish up my 100 dungeons hidden appearance this week. I'm at ~80 right now.
Nice timing with the Kirin Tor emissary, guarantees I will get flying tomorrow! Could probably get it today if I went a little crazy farming, but I'd rather not search all over for stupid caches.
In worse news, I got Cinidaria as my first "Guardian" legendary on yet another druid. I really hate this thing, wish the buff making it work until 85% had gone live, 90% is too short of a window for someone who primarily does M+, generally a single GCD or two. At least I can cheese Odyn in HoV on yet another toon...
Are you fucking shitting me? I ran all those Heroics for nothing other than AP? *pukes*They just made that 30, so if you log in you should get it.
They just made that 30, so if you log in you should get it.
Having just hit 110 about 1 day before 7.2 came out, been doing well on my progress towards flying. Just finished the Broken Shore diplomat with Wardens taking thr longest, now just need 2000 more rep for Legionfall and I'll be good. Pretty much just been doing those WQ, didn't even know about the caches til recently, and even then I'm already spending alot of time on other parts of the gane that I didn't feel like running around looking for purple treasures lol. Also got that Riddler mount this morning, thing is looking cool.
Also as a Restro shammy healer, what's a good ilvl to try to get into raiding. Wanting to do normals as all I've done so far is LFR, I do gave experience raiding from BC and Cata, though my ilvl is at 881 currently
Nice, didn't know they had lowered it. Still getting 100 WQ done with my artifact as a healing class is taking foreveeeeeer. I'm at like 72, but I've really been slacking on it since I hate having to try and do WQ as a Shammy, all i got is a lightning attack and a shitty fireball