Well damn. They're going to hype me into buying a ticket, aren't they? I'll see how many WoW panels there are, because it's the only game in their roster that interests me, but if there are enough of them I'll happily drop the cash on BlizzCon this year.
Also, am I the only one hoping for a Cataclysm style expansion that focuses on the new player experience again? Because it's hard to recommend the game to new players in the current state when you have to say "basically ignore everything up to level 100 because nothing is relevant or balanced until then anyway. You'll outlevel old stories before they get even half way through, and your class playstyle will feel incomplete all the way through."
I feel like they wouldn't even need to change the quests much either. Just rewrite the text surrounding most of them to be about "cleaning up" the damage caused from past storylines like Deathwing, and update all the assets used so it looks modern. Combined with Legion's leveled zone system so you can go anywhere at any time, and add some zone-completion story quests to entice players to stick it out in each zone for a while (like being able to get rid of those whirlwinds in Westfall and Darkshore) and I think they could get this game in a much healthier state for new players and alt characters with significantly less work than Cata required. No complete zone overhauls and entirely new quest designs needed - just cleverly repackage what exists into a "clean up" quest line so it all seems relevant again, looks modern, and perhaps most importantly won't go back to being dated one expansion later which a complete quest and landscape overhaul about Void Lords or whatever would. Also world quests for Azeroth because THE POTENTIAL THERE OH MY GOD.