I'm conflicted what to do with my Priest. I got a crazy 930 Whispers in the Dark, but it isn't making as much of a difference to my performance in Shadow as I expected.
The conflict intensified today when I kicked over a chest in Aszuna while doing the emissary and out came Prydaz.
So with Soul of the High Priest and Prydaz, I have two of the best pieces for playing Discipline, which I already felt like I got the hang of and was performing pretty well at. I just wish the playstyle wasn't so unfriendly. Even with ToT and mouseover macros, it's really intensive and keeping on top of it takes a lot of attention away from watching mechanics.
Here are some Discipline macros that might streamline the spec a bit for you:
This is a Smite macro that tab targets an enemy if you're in combat. It's awesome during dungeons, since it saves you from having to worry about picking a new target when your current one dies. The [nochanneling
enance] means that mashing the key won't interrupt your Penance, though it does introduce a small amount of lag (based on your latency) on the first spell you cast after you finish a Penance. I think that the [nochanneling] is worth it just for the quality of life improvement and the added mental bandwidth it frees up, but you can remove it if you want to go super min/max. You can also use the same macro for other damage spells (like Shadow Word: Pain).
#showtooltip Smite
/targetenemy [combat,noexists][combat,help][combat,dead]
/cast [nochanneling:Penance] Smite
Here's my somewhat-crazy Penance macro. The order of what it will do is:
1. If you're targeting an ally or enemy, cast Penance on that target.
2. If you're in combat and not targeting anything, tab target an enemy and cast Penance on that target.
3. Cast Penance at your mouseover.
Most of the time you want to cast Penance as a damage spell, but this lets you left click an ally to target them in cases where you want to use it as a direct heal, which can be a life-saver in dungeons.
#showtooltip Penance
/targetenemy [combat,noexists][combat,dead]
/cast [@target,exists,nodead,nochanneling:Penance][@mouseover,exists,nochanneling:Penance][] Penance
This is my Plea macro. It isn't that much fancier than a normal mouseover macro, so you're probably good here. I use the same macro for all of my ally-targetting spells.
#showtooltip Plea
/cast [@mouseover,nodead,help,nochanneling:Penance][nochanneling:Penance] Plea
That said, play what you want to. The biggest difference between the two specs if obviously that Shadow is a DPS and Disc is a Healer. Even though Disc pumps out good DPS and can do strong burst damage in world content, you're ultimately the one responsible for keeping people alive in a group setting. Atonement is just one of your many tools for doing that.