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Worst live band you have ever seen

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MCR was amazing from the Black Parade to beginning of Danger Days era. After that they jus didn't feel it anymore.

ITT: people who have seen bands way past their prime and say they suck live with no research what so ever 😕

Next you'll tell me Rolling Stones are awful live because you saw their animated corpses at some random festival somewhere last year.

TBS was even worse live back in their heyday. I loved the band as a kid but even I couldn't deny how disappointing they were live.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
None of what you said changes the fact that if you were to go see that band on one of the nights they were bad that you would be perfectly logical in calling them "The worst band you've ever seen live." Which is what the thread is about.
You must never speak ill of the band that guy likes, ever!


Bat for Lashes opened for Depeche Mode a couple years ago. Her voice was horrible. It was offkey and flat most of the time. When I found out later that people actually like her, I was stunned. Her recorded material must be heavily autotuned.


The Fray.

They were pretty mediocer on the whole, not awful but the worst part is it's clear no one knows any of their songs outside of their singles.
I'm talking about a sold out gig (in a not too large venue to be fair) and it's clear that no one knows half the songs, was embarassing for them =/


Chicago some years ago. I don't know if it was just an off day or what, but it was sad seeing one of the all time great bands sound that awful.

I would say they were also the ONLY bad live show I've ever seen.
the locust

Isnt that on purpose?

Having been to a bunch of shows, there are a lot of opening acts that I have seen that have been terrible. I was at one where someone in the audience was flinging change at the lead singer.

Ooooo wait. Specific: Jimmy Fallon at one of the KROCK Christmas things in NY. It was so bad people were bored and peeling up the floor to reveal the hockey rink. Also Zwan was there and that was kind of, out there and self indulgent. Stone Sour was also there and it was for their first album so they were pretty much less heavy Slipknot at the time and made up for those two acts.
Saliva was terrible

I didnt like the Dropkick Murphy'swhen I saw them at Lolla one year
I saw Dropkick a few years back and while I wouldn't call them dreadful I was pretty disappointed. The acoustics in the venue were shit and they had 3(!) hours of terrible opening acts that weren't advertised on any of the promo materials. I had to leave 40 minutes through their set to catch the last train out of Boston.


Worst band is probably some shitty local band, but the weirdest turnaround I ever saw was System of a Down in 2001 and then again on the tour for the last album they did before they broke up.

The 2001 tour was just a ball of energy, flying around the stage, playing the shit out of their songs.

The Mezmerize Tour was everyone standing still and just playing the songs without any energy or effort, only sometimes interrupted by the guitarist saying nonsensical weed rants into the mic.
I saw them during Mezmerize. They were awesome. And they haven't broken up. I saw them several times in the last few years (Berlin, Amsterdam and Cologne). They are an incredible live band.



The main singer drove on stage on a motorcycle drunk as hell, and did a shit job all night. Thank god I was there to see Skillet and not them.


Motörhead springs to my mind.. Don't know why but Lemmy treated it like some kind of pratice concert, couldn't remember lyrics, stopped to adjust things, yelled at the sound crew to adjust volume etc.. It was horrible... RIP


Perhaps not worst band, since they could all play their instruments quite well, but my worst experience was actually Godspeed You Black Emperor. It was such a boring show. They walked on stage, said "hello", played for 60 minutes or so while not facing the audience and some boring-ass video collage played in the background, said "thank you" and left the stage. It just felt so hollow and pointless, like I could've just stayed home and played the album.


None of what you said changes the fact that if you were to go see that band on one of the nights they were bad, you would be perfectly logical in calling them "The worst band you've ever seen live." Which is what the thread is about.
If MCR or TBS is "The worst live band you have ever seen" you must have only been to like 4 concerts in your entire life. Even their worst shows are better than 100% of the various no energy concerts I've seen. But then again, I've seen pretty much every band worth a shit live several times, so my opinions might be jaded.

I guess it really boils down to what makes a show bad for you? To me it's attitude/low energy, musical ineptitude and track listing.

I think drive by "This band sucks" with nothing to back it up is pretty lame.
Lenny Kravitz.

Got about 3 notes into Are You Gonna Go My Way? and passed out on stage.

Another show that left me feeling meh was The Pixies. I saw them live last year when they replaced Kim Shattuck with Paz. They sounded great, played an amazing set list, but it just seemed very mechanical. No banter, just walk on stage, and play straight for 2 hours and walk off.


Matisyahu - guy is awful, just sits there and yaps.

Best show - Dan Deacon. Front row & on psychedelics. Two feet away from his face. I had just got dumped and then saw him, it was life changing. He interacts with the crowd so well.. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

Also I've seen Armin Van Burren live many times and he always delivers, but this was small club stuff and pre-main stage clubs.

I also love love love Pretty lights live, especially at Red Rocks. You're in for a treat if you're a fan.

My uncle told me a story about the one time he saw "The Doors" - He said it was the worst show ever. Jim Morrison came out with a bottle of jack and crashed in the drums, which ended up cancelling the show.


Saw Stone Temple Pilots once when Scott was blasted out of his mind, stumbling through the songs. Guess that was the worst. Went to a Shinedown concert once(for some reason) and we were getting bored so we left, and just as we were getting into the car in the parking lot it started pouring down rain. Felt pretty lucky to get out of there when we did.


The last Taking Back Sunday record I heard was the second one, by that time they were already renowned for being shite live, looks like that didn't change haha.

I saw Senses Fail support Hundred Reasons, rubbish on record, even worse live.
My friends and I saw the Strokes. They had no energy and the singer ended up throwing a temper tantrum because someone threw a hat on stage and ended the show early.
Perhaps not worst band, since they could all play their instruments quite well, but my worst experience was actually Godspeed You Black Emperor. It was such a boring show. They walked on stage, said "hello", played for 60 minutes or so while not facing the audience and some boring-ass video collage played in the background, said "thank you" and left the stage. It just felt so hollow and pointless, like I could've just stayed home and played the album.

I am going to see God is an Astronaut this September and I fear the same sort of show, but screw it, I really want to see them live.

Ooo, Puddle of Mudd. Saw them at a show as an opener (I cant remember if it was Deftones or Godsmack as the headliner). The band was terrible and no one was feeling them. Whatever their single was at the time, the lead singer tried to be hard by inserting curse words into the performance of it.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
If MCR or TBS is "The worst live band you have ever seen" you must have only been to like 4 concerts in your entire life. Even their worst shows are better than 100% of the various no energy concerts I've seen. But then again, I've seen pretty much every band worth a shit live several times, so my opinions might be jaded.

You may need to take a few deep breaths.


Although they've improved over the years, Dragonforce back in like 2008 were terrible at playing their songs live.

I can tell you the best band I ever saw live was Rhapsody of Fire in Canada.
Red Hot Chili Peppers at a festival several years back. Never seen a band look like they care so little; they stopped and restarted like 2 or 3 songs and then there was a 20 minute break (technical issue? I can't remember) in which they just stood silent on stage. I'm sure I've seen worse local amateur bands, but as a festival headliner that's the one that jumps straight out in my mind.


Bob Dylan. I thought the sound in the venue was bad, but nope, heard a sound board recording of it later and he was just sleepily mumbling through the whole thing.
Bob Dylan. I thought the sound in the venue was bad, but nope, heard a sound board recording of it later and he was just sleepily mumbling through the whole thing.

That's how he sounds though on the majority of his records though.

He's the bizzarro Ozzie Osbourne. Understandable while talking, completely unrecognizable while singing.


Worst band is probably some shitty local band, but the weirdest turnaround I ever saw was System of a Down in 2001 and then again on the tour for the last album they did before they broke up.

The 2001 tour was just a ball of energy, flying around the stage, playing the shit out of their songs.

The Mezmerize Tour was everyone standing still and just playing the songs without any energy or effort, only sometimes interrupted by the guitarist saying nonsensical weed rants into the mic.

Agreed, System Of A Down was the first gig I ever went to, back in 2005 and I was a big fan. Had a lot of prior knowledge of their shows and how energetic they were so when I finally got the chance to see them... it was the biggest let down. As you say, just no energy and they were doing it by the numbers as if they couldn't give less of a shit.

Still love them and want to see them again in the hope they've rediscovered some of that spark in the last decade or so.

had exactly the same experience with 2 friends in... 2003?
we were huge SOAD fans back than and paid around 100 bucks each to go seem them... long story short we didn't get to see the end of their "show" because we left early... such a disappointment


Saw My Chemical Romance at a festival while I was waiting for the Foo Fighters. MCR was pretty bad. Seemed like they were bored the entire time.

This is my pick too. I saw them a few times now, and every time they were awful.

By the way, was this particular event at Bamboozle in Jersey?

Also, honorable mention for Taking Back Sunday. The few times I've seen them, the damn singer spends 90% of the show holding the mic out so the crowd can do his job for him, then spins the mic around to look cool.
Marilyn Manson were terrible when I saw them, this was before they became really popular. They were opening for NiN. They sounded terrible and he just talked about fisting little boys between songs.

Sisters of Mercy were pretty bad when I saw them a few years back, sound was super muddy and they ran the smoke machine so much you could barely see the band, could have been anyone on stage.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Saw Stone Temple Pilots once when Scott was blasted out of his mind, stumbling through the songs.

The last time I saw them was just before their second album came out. The shows I went to were great. I know they had some terrible shows, though.


Poet Centuriate
Saw some band called Attika 7 during the Mayhem Festival a few years back. Appearently some actor from Sons of Anarchy (Rusty Coones who plays Quinn) is the band's guitarist and a porn star (Evan Seinfeld) as the band's lead singer (tbf, he was in that one hardcore punk band Biohazard). They were serious trash and really maxed out their outlaw biker image, right down to the generic, boring, lazily performed dudebro hard rock and just constantly tried to rep their credentials with the crowd and play the lowest common demonstrator.

The Beard

Marilyn Manson were terrible when I saw them, this was before they became really popular. They were opening for NiN. They sounded terrible and he just talked about fisting little boys between songs.

Sisters of Mercy were pretty bad when I saw them a few years back, sound was super muddy and they ran the smoke machine so much you could barely see the band, could have been anyone on stage.

Isn't Marilyn Manson just a talentless hack that does shocking things for the sake of shock?


The Rolling Stones. I saw them on their Steel Wheels tour. They were just awful, just going through the motions (and badly).

And adding to the fun, there was a hippie lady in front of me who had an acid flashback triggered by the lights they used for 2000 Light years from Home
The Rolling Stones. I saw them on their Steel Wheels tour. They were just awful, just going through the motions (and badly).

And adding to the fun, there was a hippie lady in front of me who had an acid flashback triggered by the lights they used for 2000 Light years from Home

I saw that tour, with Guns n Roses in LA. The Rolling Stones were awesome, blew away Axl and Slash. Must have been an off night.


Disturbed was opening for Marilyn Manson. They all but apologized to the crowd and felt bad themselves. What a horrible pairing. Finnish metal heads coming together to see Marilyn Manson and some C-tier nu metal band is opening :-D

I kinda felt bad because it was their tour's last date and they even had some roadies show up and prank them on stage or something like that.


I would have to say Justin Bieber. I personally think the kid is talented, and was looking forward to a good performance when me and my boyfriend took his niece to his tour. But man, legit no effort from him at all. Dude looked like he was just there to show up. I expected him to lip sync but his dancing and stage presence was awful. Super sad considering a lot of little girls look up to him and he couldn't give him a good show.


I saw Modest Mouse at Coachella in 2013 and they were awful. Isaac Brock was drunk off his ass and could barely perform. They ended up getting cut off after going over their allotment, mainly because Issac spent so much time rambling instead of performing.

Where/when did you see MM? I saw them last year in DC and they're much better now that Isaac has sobered up a bit (relatively at least).

Love seeing the huge band and they had a ton of energy.

I hope it's true that he's sobered up somewhat, because at Coachella he looked like he was ready to pass out on stage.
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