Man Steam refunds in general just seem so wrongheaded to me. Games aren't a fucking blender that works or doesn't work. I wouldn't allow any refunds for any reason other than the equivalent of a defective disk, where the executable just refuses to even execute. You shouldn't be able to get your money back just because you didn't like a creative work. I'm sure it's horrible that this guy thought he was making a good game and you don't agree, or that those Mass Effect endings weren't as emotionally fulfilling as you wanted them to be, but if you can't see why refunds based on subjective feelings are a bad thing then you're being willfully shortsighted. And yes but he liiiiiied, and he totally didn't go back and review every single statement he made about his game for however many years it took to make it, and analyze each one for its accurateness prior to release, and issue a formal statement correcting any statements which were intended to be true at the time but no longer were as of the time of release, including whatever implications fans took and ran with on their messageboards and subreddits, but, well, tough.
You spend at least a portion of your free time talking about video games, including upcoming video games, because you like doing that.
If you want to have things to talk about, you need information from developers directly, rather than sanitized PR speak.
If you want developers to talk to you directly about the things they are doing, you need to keep in mind that everything they are saying is about a work in progress that may or may not be true as of the final release.