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WoW Open Beta

does any1 know how to post on the official forums? I can log in but it says I'm anonymous and I cannot post.

I'm trying to find out wtf Fray island is for (its south of durotar)
MrPing1000 said:
does any1 know how to post on the official forums? I can log in but it says I'm anonymous and I cannot post.

I'm trying to find out wtf Fray island is for (its south of durotar)

Its a bug, Ping...that seems to happen more when the servers are getting slammed. I can post one hour then when I next log in, I'm anonymous again - then I can post a while later.
Well that about wraps it up. I'm not going to play OB anymore. I already know I love the game, and the lag problems are beyond frustrating. It's just not in a playable state right now.

Hopefully Blizzard is ready for the blitz on launch day. I'm confident they will be, seeing as how both stress tests went great and the CB servers are doing ok. I guess it's just the 500k people all trying to get their time in.

C ya guys on the 23rd!


Grandma's Chippy
Anyone else still really undecided on their character??

I am having problems deciding on skills to train since we can only have two primary.

Was thinking stuff like...

Warrior + Alchemy + Herbalism - Then I can cast my own protects & buffs with potions, and heal myself as needed while selling the potions to others to make cash. The only thing holding me back is that I don't know if there are speed enhancing potions.

Paladin + Mining + Blacksmithing - This was I can make my own armor and save money, as well as make money selling it. I don't like the limits put on some of the buffs though (one at a time)

Druid + ??? - No idea what would work for a druid as I just started playing one....hehe.

As I understand it, fishing, cooking, enchanting, and first aid can be learned by anyone regardless of what other skills they have correct?

2 more weeks to figure this out!
Sal Paradise Jr said:
Well that about wraps it up. I'm not going to play OB anymore. I already know I love the game, and the lag problems are beyond frustrating. It's just not in a playable state right now.

Hopefully Blizzard is ready for the blitz on launch day. I'm confident they will be, seeing as how both stress tests went great and the CB servers are doing ok. I guess it's just the 500k people all trying to get their time in.

C ya guys on the 23rd!

I'm with you, Sal. I'm out until either I hear that the lag is gone or retail. IronForge is unplayable at this point.


Sal Paradise Jr said:
Well that about wraps it up. I'm not going to play OB anymore. I already know I love the game, and the lag problems are beyond frustrating. It's just not in a playable state right now.

Hopefully Blizzard is ready for the blitz on launch day. I'm confident they will be, seeing as how both stress tests went great and the CB servers are doing ok. I guess it's just the 500k people all trying to get their time in.

C ya guys on the 23rd!

Lag is Artificial, in order to optimize the servers. From Blizzard:

Hi all,

A number of inquiries have come in about the lag issues on some of the servers, so we want to take some time to provide more in-depth information for you. Some of you might be surprised to learn that the lag you’re experiencing is an expected and necessary part of the open beta test. Contrary to what some of you might believe, the open beta test is intended as a massive stress test, and not just a free demo of the game prior to launch.

Having hundreds of thousands of testers playing the game at this time lets us analyze how well our server infrastructure -- made up of the best, most up-to-date hardware available -- can handle extremely large server populations. In fact, the open beta test is allowing us to simulate having an even greater number of testers spread across even more servers than we currently have up. In terms of concurrency, we’re already seeing servers with twice as much population as we had during the closed beta test, and our total overall concurrency, across all servers, is already rivaling that of the most popular MMORPGs currently available. Keep in mind, also, that this population is distributed across a relatively small number of servers -- again, for the exact purpose of stress testing them.

In general, lag issues are caused when thousands of players congregate in one or two zones on a server. When this happens, the normal communication that comes from the server -- which includes information about every NPC, monster, player, item, etc. in the area -- increases to the point where the flow of data can get backed up.

For those of you who are concerned about server stability and possible loss of character-related information, take heart knowing that the lag you experience when this backup happens is not at all related to stability; it’s more of an issue with how quickly the data is handled. That is, with an excess of communication from the servers, the data remains stable, it just has to wait its turn in line to be processed. Running a massive open beta test like this allows us to steadily optimize how the data is processed.

With half a million people having signed up and been accepted into the open beta test, we have the unique opportunity of being able to fine tune our code prior to release in a way that most other MMORPGs have not. These code optimizations are done server side and do not require players to patch. As more and more testers finish their beta-client installations and start logging on, we’ll be able to do even more analysis and optimization prior to release. While this process brings about a challenge for those of you facing lag issues, it ultimately helps us maintain our schedule of analyzing and optimizing our code for all of our servers, including the ones that have yet to be brought online.

We are looking forward to having hundreds of thousands of players enter the world of Azeroth on November 23, and we‘re grateful that you all have the interest and the patience to help us do this last, sometimes challenging, bit of testing. Your assistance with this will truly help us ensure that World of Warcraft will run as smoothly as possible at launch.


I completely understand the need for something like that... however, I hope they make the necessary adjustments soon and before the game hits retail. If this lag continues up until the last day of OB there will be a lot of people who won't be buying the game until they hear things have improved...


weee my gnome mage is up to 9th level now. Mage's rock! My only real limitation so far is water basically, but I can make it myself so it costs me nothing!*

*If I get aggro w/o beginning battle and I don't have Frost Armor up that was big trouble. The armor is awful (cloth + 30 armor from Frost... @ 10 i should get Frost rank 2 which is 110 armor? An awfully big jump it seems like)

Anyway, I almost always have Frost armor on.. 30 minute self-buff. It slows enemy attack speed 30%.. otherwise they interrupt my casting like crazy.

Grey Fox

I got my troll mage up to 21,really enjoying playing him,definately gonna remake in retail along with my hunter.Also have made a tauren shaman which I'm not enjoying as much,and a dwarf paladin which is pretty fun.


I like the changes they made recently to the priest's holy talents enough to where I think I'll make one in retail. It's only a 10 point investment for them to improve all their healing spells when it used to be I think 20 or 25 talent points just to unlock it.


Lot of servers have been offline all day and some multiple days. The official forum is a mess with everyone coming in making threads complaining.


needs to show more effort.
I've been playing a warlock with tailoring (and enchanting but I never use it) and love it because I feel unique compared to the rest of the people I party with.

pets rock
the whole sucking out souls and using them for spells I think is a really great concept
making portals to teleport people is awesome

anyway, what I've been wonder is why this game needs to be a MMORPG anyway? There is so much content is quests the game could be amazingly fun even playing single player. Or, make it peer to peer when you want to play with your friends.

I mean I just simply ignore the existance of everyone else. I would prolly buy this game if I didn't have a monthly fee attatched to it (and don't lecture me on bandwidth costs and server costs, I don't want to use blizzard's bandwidth and servers, thats the point) but as it stands I don't see myself ever paying for it.

Considering the size of the client (4GB) I assume all the content is here on my computer, I just have to connect to their servers to be able to access it. Why can't they just let me pay 50 bucks to play the game without connecting to their servers? =\


needs to show more effort.
soloing an elite quest just means waiting for it to turn green.

anyway, i don't neccisarily want to play alone but I don't have any need to play with everyone else. All I want is for it to be like diablo 2. A single player experience that, if my friends and I so choose, we can have someone host a game and the others connect to it and blizzard did nothing other than the matchmaking.

Even THAT would be more than I require in that, all I would need is a button 'host server' and another button 'connect to ip:' and I would be perfectly set.


anyway, what I've been wonder is why this game needs to be a MMORPG anyway? There is so much content is quests the game could be amazingly fun even playing single player. Or, make it peer to peer when you want to play with your friends.
Then they couldn't charge $14 a month.

I agree though I wish it was a single player game, with online an optional mode. That said I wish the battle system was faster paced as well.


The battle system is pretty damn fast paced. It's back up again, or at least Central + Midwest servers are.. which means hella crazy item lag again if you are in the early area's

Grey Fox

Yeah,I'm doing tailoring and enchanting with my mage,around 110 in tailoring and 80 or so in enchanting.Half the stuff I'm wearing I made myself. :)




Mountain and Pacific servers are going down now (aftering being up for only an hour). Apparently they are putting a queue system in place and capping the max. players on each server. If the server is at max and you try to log in, you're thrown into a queue until someone else logs off or they increase the max to the point where there is room for you. Apparently some people are looking at 1hr+ wait to get in. :(

EDIT: Official post


Hello everyone. The server team has just gotten back to me with some information that I'd like to share with you.

The Eastern and Central servers have just been restarted. It appears that every server in this cluster is running smoothly with the new changes that have been made. We will be taking care of the Pacific and Mountain servers shortly.

However, in order to monitor the changes and make sure everything gets up to speed in working order, the player "cap" is set lower than it usually is to prevent undue strain. We'll be increasing the caps slowly back up to normal as things progress during the evening.

Thank you all for being patient with us today and for bearing with us through the rest of the server restoration. We hope to have everything back up and running normally soon. :)
- Caydiem -
Assistant Community Manager, WoW


yah, I started an undead rogue on central 27 or something. I just logged out to check P-31 and it's still not up. :\

Early analysis. Rogue's are nice, heavy damage. The Undead are fairly boring.
I started playing a rogue troll yesterday. Fun stuff more fun than shaman imo. My only concern is people not wanting me in groups. Played an undead warlock as well. Was pretty fun but not that high level.

so thats a lvl 10 shaman, a lvl 11 rogue and a lvl6 warlock.


i found shamans aren't that fun to play unless you get the cosmos UI (which is perfectly fine to download and install, don't listen to anyone in game who tries to say it's illegal) so you have room to place all your abilities. crazy fun class when you can do that, though, just because there's so much stuff you can use for almost any situation as you level up, and they're valuable in groups.

but I've literally never played a rogue past level 4 or 5. thinking about playing one sometime since they seem good now (whenever I played them before they were gimped) and I liked stealthing and pickpocketing guys. but so far, my 2 favorite classes are shaman and warlock. paladin is probably next, but god damn that class is so ridiculously overpowered now.
I'm going to take the opportunity today to play the one and only class I've yet to try in any capacity... Hunter. Should be fun. :D

(Yes I know I was supposed to be gone from OB, but I need help)


hunters rock now, but they got boosted up TOO much in power... now they're like bow amazons in d2 1.09 or something. huge damage... even after it gets toned down some for retail, I'm making a hunter for a DPS class for sure. it's got a lot more strategy, IMO, than rogue or mage. not as much as warlocks (hate management is not nearly as important for hunters) but just the added depth of a pet gives them the variety they need.


a 54 hunter guildie of mine was doing auto shots for 400+ damage and crits for ~1500 damage. that's regular shots. and aggro management with a hunter is nothing compared to a warlock. warlocks get no detaunt like hunters get, and they get leather and mail armor along with parrying and being focused on agility to actually tank a few hits while their pet regains aggro with its easily spammable taunt.


I've got a level 8 Orc Warlock and a level 3 Human Warrior. The Orc side is WAAAAY more fun to play so far. Maybe I'll try another alliance race, I just found the humans starting location very boring.


i like the starting human quests because they're ridiculously easy, but every other starting area has a lot better atmosphere to it, except maybe night elf.


firex said:
hunters rock now, but they got boosted up TOO much in power... now they're like bow amazons in d2 1.09 or something. huge damage... even after it gets toned down some for retail, I'm making a hunter for a DPS class for sure. it's got a lot more strategy, IMO,

I agree. All i had read was that Hunters were weak.. people don't want them in groups. blah blah blah. I know they just got talents but I haven't even placed any of my talent points. Something else must have changed, because Hunter is like clicking the auto-win button. IMO.

The pet holds aggro flawlessly. It heals SOO fast... you never have to stop fighting. You can consistently chain monsters without ever really stopping. Including getting adds. There was no need not to immediately move on to the next mob. It worked great in the wide open barrens in Orcish lands.

I quit at 15th level. So, obviously things could go downhill after that. Also, I can't imagine the Hunter having tons of success in PvP... so, maybe it's ok if they are really strong in PvE.

edit: nvm, I forgot to list the one big negative. The Pet does lower the amount of exp you receive (on a varying scale).


pet shouldn't lower the xp you get, it doesn't on my warlock or my hunter.

and actually, part of why hunters will probably have to be nerfed a little bit is because they're too powerful in pvp... that concussive shot + stings (serpent for warrior/warlock, viper for anyone else who has mana, scorpid for rogue) + crazy autoshot damage now pretty much means a hunter snares somebody from about 40 yards away (in game distance) and then hits them for hundreds of damage each second. even high armor warriors die fast to that.

they are still relatively easy to beat so long as you can get in their face, but that's just basically like expecting a hunter to NOT use all their abilities to get away.

I don't think it was a mistake to ramp up hunter damage (they sorely needed it before this patch) but they definitely overdid it, and it's the same with paladins. Paladins are back to where they were in phase 1 of closed beta (all-alliance push, druids and hunters weren't open yet) - so freaking godlike there's absolutely no reason to play a warrior for the alliance.


well when I say they "shouldn't" I don't mean you're lying, I mean that's probably a bug that's resurfaced with this patch... or it depends upon if you've been attacking first before your pet or not. The way I usually pull with my hunter is:
hunter's mark
serpent sting (only got him to level 13 so it's the only one I have)
shift-T (this is pet attack by default in key bindings, much easier than doing ctrl-# or clicking it manually)
it'll growl immediately, getting aggro, and you should get full xp.


Hunters aren't godlike, they are now a good class, they used to be total shite. I'd say they're up to par with Shamans now but not in PvP, Shamans are freaking good in PvP.

Though I'll say that often times the win will come to whoever gets the first shot in, Warriors charge, Hunters snare, Rogues stealth attacks, Druids rooting, Priests with mind flay/fear etc..
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