Sure you can say..... over time. But if you are looking at lifetime data sales you are actually missing the picture. Because when a sequel comes out, people aren't going to invest in the "previous" title so the sales are in relation to the install base at the time.
So as of March 31 2014, the Wii U has 6.17 Million units sold.
NSMB U has an install base of 4.16 million. I don't know about you but the last time I checked 67% is the majority.
Historically speaking all the numbers look the same to show that the vast majority of nintendo consumer purchase first party mario titles with the exception of the Wii which I already pointed out...
So if we want to go down the numbers (ignoring sequels of franchises) then let us do so.
NGC: Total install - 21 million SMS - 6 million
N64: Total install - 33 million SM3D - 12 million
SNES: Total install - 49 million SMW - 20 million
NES: Total install - 62 million SMB - 40 million
So even looking at
single entries the numbers show one third to a half or more of the install base purchasing a single entry over lifetime of the console. Considering purchasing habits the numbers are going to be striking looking at franchises numbers as a whole. New FP entries create new bundles. So truth is if you look at franchise totals it is without a question stacked towards consumers purchasing the most recent Mario title at the time. Honestly, I am surprised anyone would even try to dispute it.