Ban Puncher
There will be a backstage segment showing Roman getting hurt. Then HHH will cut a promo for a couple of minutes and say there's no one good enough to be the cham... *Metal music kicks in and Rollins comes out*
Wrestlemania saved. Book it Vince.
Probably one of the most poorly booked Wrestlemania's ever. But some of that isn't the WWE's fault. Too many injuries to top wrestlers.
And it's going to be weird as hell to have a WM without John Cena.
Which begs the obvious question... why doesn't everyone do that?Just sign up a new email address, you can still use the same Credit Card.
What about the price of a new e-mail address? Wrestlemania is free to new subs.
Ah, in the States you sign up and pay nothing from the start. You start with the free month and you're able to just cancel before the next month rolls over, avoiding the $9.99 charge.U still have to pay 9,99 for the following month, You pay 9,99 for one free month and get another free, at least in Portugal
Technically, HHH never main-evented a WrestleMania in the 90s OP.
OP needs to be updated with times when the pre-show starts so people don't tune in late and find out they've missed out on such riveting matches as Brauny the Strowman winning the ARMBAR or Lana & Friends vs. Eva Marie & Friends or the Usos vs. the Dudleys.
Pre-show starts at 6pm.
Well, okay... but they're not missing any matches until 6pm.It actually starts at 5pm!
Bronx good job your jerk face dweeb!
In for the glorious boos when Roman goes over
Well, okay... but they're not missing any matches until 6pm.
Just aimless hype and promo recap segments.
Or is that above graphic misleading there as well?
That's still far too good for this company.snark in the OP, Bronson with the first post in this thread
darkest WM timeline confirmed
will be renamed as WWE superstar chop suey nakatomi when he moves up to RAW.
And then a few days later, the entire Anoaʻi family got salty as fuck. This year, Reigns is winning, no questions asked.
Never in the past two years.Doubt it. He's going by Shinsuke Nakamura in NXT and when was the last time the WWE called up an NXT talent and changed their name?
So whats the outcome (read: outlook) if Roman wins? Is he gonna win? Where do they go with him? Do people even want this?Completely missed the buildup over the last month or so to WM.
So whats the outcome (read: outlook) if Roman wins? Is he gonna win? Where do they go with him? Do people even want this?
Whats the outcome (read: point) of HHH winning? Do people even want this?
Seems like a damned if your do damned if you don't main event if i ever saw one. Probably why i missed all the buildup
Never in the past two years.
Yep, Nakamura's name is safe at this point. The fact he was a massive star before he came over helps a lot.
They are changing his theme song though, but they've run it by Nakamura already and he said he digs it. CFO$ has been super solid with theme songs lately.
When have they changed people's name when moved to the main roster since the current version of NXT?Your memory's as bad as gravity's.
Well all do friend.I miss Seth.
Can't Roman's brother come back to the WWE and be made champ instead? That's like a win-win, right?And then a few days later, the entire Anoaʻi family got salty as fuck. This year, Reigns is winning, no questions asked.
Video packages is like the one thing WWE does really well right now.The video packages for most of these matches are going to be mostly boardroom meetings and Vince face palming.
I love you.Eva is in WM!!!
Now I will watch. Did you see her last night, she is so good. Her facials and mannerisms are on another level.
Mark my words, she is going to be legendary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wouldn't this just essentially make him Seth Rollins?So whats the outcome (read: outlook) if Roman wins? Is he gonna win? Where do they go with him? Do people even want this?
He's likely to win. People generally don't want that to happen but are expecting it. He is booed every single week right now. Most are hoping that if Roman wins, WWE turns him heel right there at Mania or the next night.
They do? i thought people are/would be fed up with this dude basically making the title a joke every chance he gets by interjecting himself into a feud/high end PPV.Whats the outcome (read: point) of HHH winning? Do people even want this?
HHH goes fucking over. People want this.
Can't Roman's brother come back to the WWE and be made champ instead? That's like a win-win, right?
Fans are happy that Roman isn't champ. Anoa'i family is happy that one of them is champ. Everybody wins!
Rosey for WWE champion!
Hurricane Helms and George Clooney's ex-girlfriend can manage him.