I'm convinced that Roman Reigns supporters are justifying his push because they just want to be different. Let's face it, he's not ready and it will take some time for him to be ready. It would have made sense if he went after Russev for the title because he's suppose to be a "legit bad ass" and fighting the biggest threat to the WWE next to Yokozuna would be glorious. Instead, they push him to the moon knowing the fact that he's getting lukewarm to bad reactions, his matches are little to be desired, and the heel is becoming the face which isn't suppose to happen.
It's like the WWE knows this match is going to be a mess but keep pushing the agenda of Reigns being in the main event because fuck what the fans think, say, or do about it. This goes beyond anger that Daniel Bryan wasn't in the picture...hell ziggler could have been a good opponent...hell even Cesaro, but out of all those legit competitors you pick somebody that's green as hell and force it because "it's my company".
Bottom line it is what it is, but for those that support Reigns...at least back up the claims instead of throwing people under the bus because not everybody is a smark about Vince's decisions.