Is this no dq?
If not Steph causing Daniel to win would be fantastic, cause her to flip her shit and give them an excuse to have HHH in the title match as a four way or some other horse shit
minus a few cool spots, this match seems slower-paced than I was expecting
Why is Steph out there, but no Brie? Isn't that the weirdest thing?
minus a few cool spots, this match seems slower-paced than I was expecting
#whatamarkSomeone smack that mark with the bobby g sign.
PS4 stream keeps jumping back in time and dropping quality.
I'm on PC. It always seems like XBL/PS-based streams fuck up.PS4 stream keeps jumping back in time and dropping quality.
This build calls for these dudes to war.When has HHH ever been a fast paced worker?
Everytime they end up outside the ring I expect them to cut to an ad break.
minus a few cool spots, this match seems slower-paced than I was expecting
That dude likes wrestling in public. What a fucking loserSomeone smack that mark with the bobby g sign.
El Torito run in confirmed
Do you want Brie constantly screaming "GO DANIEL!" throughout the match?