My SE screen is going to be filled with that new control center.
Is Cellular Data in Control Center new?
Where can I get this wallpaper?
New control center
Looks like they have removed the carrier name from the top left.
Looks like they have removed the carrier name from the top left.
Hate to think what those new Macs will cost in a post-Brexit UK...
So many useless updates to Live Photos. lol
OMG finally. I hated those dots! They always waste so much space. #TeamBars for lyfe.Signal dots are now bars, though.
The current one is a mistake, plain and simple, so no wonder they are changing it a lot.The new control center looks hideous.
New iTunes icon is atrocious
Isnt this lifted from Android?
Definitely. So much wasted space for those buttons that don't need to be huge. And having to scroll to get my music? Fuck that. So happy now.The current one is a mistake, plain and simple, so no wonder they are changing it a lot.