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WWDC12 Thread of iOS 6, Mac OS X Mountain Lion and iCloud


Yeah because an easy-to-use solution baked into the OS and fully supported by all parties is the same thing as some obscure piece of freeware you have to go find and figure out how to use.

Wasn't Plex in the top 20 for app revenue for a few months post release? I wouldn't call it obscure. (PS3MS totally obscure and janky though)



you couldn’t navigate within the siri screen before, could you? looks like this is new?
Yeah because an easy-to-use solution baked into the OS and fully supported by all parties is the same thing as some obscure piece of freeware you have to go find and figure out how to use.

I think there are advantages to AirPlay on Mac, but I don't think the HTPC aspect is it. A real HTPC setup will be better than AirPlay.


Not for my purposes, no. And I don't think even this awesome new MacBook is powerful enough to replace a gaming PC so for gaming it doesn't really cut it either. (not sure if that is even possible)

It's definitely cool and slick as hell. Seems to have limited impact though.
Not for your purposes, but we're all very tech-savvy on this forum. Most of us probably ran XBMC at some point.

The simplicity of this solution for users already in the Apple ecosystem is why this should be a big deal. I mean, I feel like people were jizzing about airplay with iPad 2, but that hasn't come to fruition just yet.


So what? It's a $2000 laptop. What are you going to be doing with that that a $1000 laptop won't be able to do? Don't answer that, I'm just saying, it's a very expensive laptop and only the magic of Apple will make people think it's somehow a bargain.

13" MBA is half the price and will be fine for most people. Smaller screen means decent dot pitch, and it's 1440x900 so the icons etc will be the same size anyway. Still think that's the best laptop in apples range


Does this mean that if I pay 20 bucks to upgrade to Mountain Lion on my MBA, I can also upgrade my mom's MBP that's still running Snow Leopard?


I'm using SMS only as iMessage doesn't work for me. Messages get lost, won't be sent or are sent with hours of delay. Restored iOS several times, nothing helped.

I,m not kidding when I say iMessage has changed my life.

I use it on Mac OS X so damned much and it works near flawlessly most of the time.

I know other chat program's are out there, but not having to log in is one step that makes ALL the difference. IDevices are SO prevalent now, I can just look people up and send them iMessages without ever asking if they have an account. I just DOOOOO.

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and, again, you're divorcing the thought of being able to do that with the practicality/reality of how it's accomplished. unless Apple magically fixed wireless throughput and the performance of their (admittedly already great) real-time H264 encoding/streaming infrastructure, it's not as fluid or seamless an experience as you'd expect.

My only experience with AirPlay is between the iPhone 4S and the latest Apple TV. It works amazingly well. I have no idea what the resolution increase will do to that, though.


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Now if I can ask Siri to play a movie and it plays on my mac which airdisplays a ATV connected to my TV. Now that would be something.
As someone who loves Siri and uses it regularly, and with about a 99% accuracy, these updates are great for me. Can't wait to add more functionality.


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Turn by Turn navigation confirmed...that icon shows a trail.
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