I need advice for a new notebook, I'd love to get a Macbook and I am seeking some advice, this thread seems like a great opportunity due the new models. Anyways I hoped the new Pro's (13") would get a retina update, sadly not.
Here are some important points:
- My budget isn't too big, I'd love the retina one and I can afford it, but I just don't think I want to spend so much money on a computer, I'd rather spend something like $1200, *though* I will use it very intense the coming years (4 years +).
- I will need it for school, I will take it with me everyday (2-3h of travel / day).
- I might want to take it while traveling in the future.
- It will be used for internet / movies / Photoshop / Video editing / Photo editing (Lightroom) mainly.
- I don't really plan to game on it, though it would be nice to play Diablo 3.
- I'd love to do some 1080p editing.. Nothing too fancy (After Effects) but just regular editing with 1080p footage.
I also have my desktop rig for editing (Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q9300 @ 2.50 GHz, 4GB RAM, GeForce 9800 GTX). It was a beast of a computer 4 years ago but it now really has trouble with 1080p editing. So it isn't like I need the Macbook per se for editing, but it would be very nice.
So GAF, I have 3 questions:
1) Which Macbook do you guys suggest me to get? 13" MBP, 13" MBA or something else? I'm leaning towards the 13" MBP (lower model) because of the bigger harddrive + possibility of upgrading the RAM to 8GB).
2) How good / much better (worse?) would a 13" (cheaper 2012 model) Macbook be compared to my deskop?
3) Can the 13" MBP handle 1080 editing without problems? (Not talking about fancy effects, just regular editing).
I'd be really glad with some good GAF Advice