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WWDC14 Thread of iOS 8 and Mac OSX 10.10

So since I'm an "iOS Developer" (registered literally for the iOS 7 Beta), can I expect to get iOS 8 today? Will servers crash like with WWDC 2013?


AHHHHHH, I'm so excited. I feel like this is going to be one of the biggest conferences they've had in a while. Nice that's it's getting a video stream this time too.


You can probably find the Twit.tv guys streaming it. Bonus! You get to listen to a bunch of old guys talk out loud during the presentations and then get confused about what was actually announced afterwards.

just got goosbumps


Flat dock... dem Tiger feelings


Junior Member
Is the stream supposed to have no audio at the moment? I'm not hearing any.

Edit: Nvm, I've got music.

I hope it doesn't crumble.


listen to the mad man
Stream is over, conversation about the rest of the conference can continue here as well as any left-over stream reactions.

Two Words

Yosemite was a bit of a letdown compared to the changes in iOS 8 and developer features. I was hoping they'd allow all iOS apps to be runnable on Yosemite. Not a feature great for all apps, but it would be useful for some that don't have a native OS X version.


Airplay without being on same WiFi network as Apple TV:


Peer-to-peer AirPlay discovery and playback.
With iOS 8, you can wirelessly connect iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch to Apple TV without first connecting to the organization’s network. Which means you can present or share your work even if you’re offline or the organization has a complex network.


formerly "chigiri"
Posted in the other thread, those who I helped out with iOS7 beta last year and who paid me something for it are good to go for iOS 8 as well as long as you haven't changed your device. If you want to double-check, you can PM.
That said I'll be able to provide more spots as well but this isn't the thread for that.


Great. Downloading the Yosemite preview, the iOS 8 beta and the Xcode 6 beta. Download speeds are incredibly slow. Figures!

Gonna start on that Swift Programming book now.
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