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WWDC14 Thread of iOS 8 and Mac OSX 10.10


If I don't like the Yosemite preview or if I run into any problems, can I go back to Mavericks
You should able to if you have been using Time Machine to backup your computer. Using this method you can wipe the HD and restore image from your Time Machine backup HD.
The fact that iOS 8 still seemingly lacks a file system is weird. They've solved a lot of the worst issues, but it'd still be nice to have a file browser where you can open a document first and then have the phone ask you which app you want to open it in (maybe tap to open in default app, hold to have the OS list all apps compatible with that document type).

At least with iCloud Drive they've basically got everything in place to make that happen very easily next year?

Anyhow, here's hoping that the photo app (and Photos in the Cloud) gets face recognition/tagging and animated GIF support.

Oh and Siri in OSX, a financial transaction platform, and Play Next in the Music app plz.


The fact that iOS 8 still seemingly lacks a file system is weird. They've solved a lot of the worst issues, but it'd still be nice to have a file browser where you can open a document first and then have the phone ask you which app you want to open it in (maybe tap to open in default app, hold to have the OS list all apps compatible with that document type).

At least with iCloud Drive they've basically got everything in place to make that happen very easily next year?

Anyhow, here's hoping that the photo app (and Photos in the Cloud) gets face recognition/tagging and animated GIF support.

Oh and Siri in OSX, a financial transaction platform, and Play Next in the Music app plz.

I think, and I could be totally wrong here, the lack of a filesystem is to prevent piracy. It's why jailbreaking is so difficult on ios compared to android. They want developers to make money on ios, not lose money like android.
The fact that iOS 8 still seemingly lacks a file system is weird. They've solved a lot of the worst issues, but it'd still be nice to have a file browser where you can open a document first and then have the phone ask you which app you want to open it in (maybe tap to open in default app, hold to have the OS list all apps compatible with that document type).

At least with iCloud Drive they've basically got everything in place to make that happen very easily next year?

Anyhow, here's hoping that the photo app (and Photos in the Cloud) gets face recognition/tagging and animated GIF support.

Oh and Siri in OSX, a financial transaction platform, and Play Next in the Music app plz.

Using a program like GoodReader would probably work pretty well as a file browser until Apple comes up with something more official.
I think, and I could be totally wrong here, the lack of a filesystem is to prevent piracy. It's why jailbreaking is so difficult on ios compared to android. They want developers to make money on ios, not lose money like android.

I don't think we need full file system access like *that* (and I'd rather not have it). Doesn't mean we shouldn't have a single shared document pool you can open up - even with this iCloud Drive stuff, documents are still kinda effectively tethered to specific apps within iOS in the sense that they reside inside that app like it's a folder. (Hopefully I'm wrong).


The ability to leave a group text thread is the greatest thing ever. I need that so bad.

Sorry, Dad, I'm out on the conversation between you, me, and everyone else you know!
So they made a big point about how all your photos will be in the cloud, but there can also be a local version that's getting constantly updated too, right?

I don't think I want my photos to ONLY exist in the cloud, but when I make an edit on my iPhone I want it to save on the local version as well.


I don't think we need full file system access like *that* (and I'd rather not have it). Doesn't mean we shouldn't have a single shared document pool you can open up - even with this iCloud Drive stuff, documents are still kinda effectively tethered to specific apps within iOS in the sense that they reside inside that app like it's a folder. (Hopefully I'm wrong).

i use google drive for documents/pdfs and then just open them in my preferred app.


Yosemite Gaf

So, guys, just based upon the keynote, what are your favorite features?

The new interactivity between iOS apps is pretty great but on a personal level being able to respond to SMS from my computers/iPad is something I see myself using quite a lot.
So they made a big point about how all your photos will be in the cloud, but there can also be a local version that's getting constantly updated too, right?

I don't think I want my photos to ONLY exist in the cloud, but when I make an edit on my iPhone I want it to save on the local version as well.

It'll be stored locally too, yeah. Full-res versions in the cloud, I think (and likely on your Mac), and slightly lower-res versions (of older photos) on your iOS devices, IIRC.


So, guys, just based upon the keynote, what are your favorite features?
I've always invited the strong integration between mac and ios so the continuity features such as hand off looks great to me.

Quick type also has the possibility of being quite profound.


Junior Member
iOS 8 definitely has features I don't think we would have seen in the Jobs/Forstall days. The ones that stood out to me were Sharing and Widgets.

Really looking forward to beta testing this and Yosemite soon.


Junior Member
iOS 8 definitely has features I don't think we would have seen in the Jobs/Forstall days. The ones that stood out to me were Sharing and Widgets.

Really looking forward to beta testing this and Yosemite soon.
I quite prefer that they didn't implement home screen widgets.

I think Jobs would have done something similar to the way it's currently implemented.


I’m glad windows are still grey and not some blinding white in an attempt to mimic iOS too closely.

I’m not a big fan of excessive translucency in windowed OSes but at least Apple kept the necessary shadows behind windows to make it clear which window is on top of which.
I’m glad windows are still grey and not some blinding white in an attempt to mimic iOS too closely.

I’m not a big fan of excessive translucency in windowed OSes but at least Apple kept the necessary shadows behind windows to make it clear which window is on top of which.

Yeah that stuff's all handled way more tastefully than I feared it might be (and only less-important parts of windows are translucent, basically).


Someone needs to screenshot dark mode, want to see what it looks like.

The new Safari like is sleek, hope we can still keep the bookmark bar with folders - I use them a lot in Safari.


Do we know a time frame when we will get to know when or if we can participate in the public beta? I signed up 30 mins after the conference, but don't recall a timeframe mentioned for when it will open.


Ooh, can you do the dark theme? Wanna' see what that looks like.

Aside from Aperture though all those icons look like they fit pretty well. And yes the Finder replacement is pretty ugly.

Trying too but can't find the option! Also the question mark in the dock is PhotoBooth. Don't know if that's just dropped for the beta or if they plan on getting rid of it.


Yosemite looks really slick! love the new UI, and that iTunes icon looks yum
oh and the continuity? hands-off? phone/sms on mac? YES PLEASE


Formerly Gizmowned
Missed the conference. Was a new Mac Mini announced? My parents '06 iMac is going to die soon so was hoping to replace with a Mac Mini.


I generally really like the look of Yosemite.

The dock icons are growing on me too, even if some of the colours are a bit too bright and the trash icon is bland.


Why doesn't Jony Ive ever get up on stage? The best we ever get from him is a pre-recorded video...

He went up in 2008 to show off the new unibody macbooks. He’s... not great on stage. Schiller is better for hardware reveals. Ive needs the videos and the editing and multiple takes to get his point across.

And Craig F is pretty damn good as their goto showman these days. He has a goofy earnestness that’s just grounded enough to have a good stage presence


I think it's cute. It's so happy

The old one was "cute" too. This one sort of is a throwback to the MacOS days, but the thin border for the two sides of the face and the thick lines for the mouth and eyes make it feel messy, personally. Could have rounded off the edges of the current one, removed the bevelling and gloss and it would have looked nicer.

Wish there was a little more depth in things like the window controls. Flat colors are boring. Still definitely an improvement from the iOS 6 -> 7 transition (and probably from OS 9 to OS X as well.)


Junior Member
Do we know a time frame when we will get to know when or if we can participate in the public beta? I signed up 30 mins after the conference, but don't recall a timeframe mentioned for when it will open.

Summer. You could always run the developer beta for free on your machine.
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