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WWDC14 Thread of iOS 8 and Mac OSX 10.10


Even more significant: someone at Apple is actually still working on Automator.

Looking back, 10.4 is the graveyard of features, isn't it. Dashboard and Automator are irrelevant to most people now, basically only Spotlight exists in a useful format for most people.


I do wonder if Apple deliberately make Pages a bit cack so as to not upset Microsoft. Say what you like about MS, Office is still a great product (not so sure about this 365 stuff though).

Looking back, 10.4 is the graveyard of features, isn't it. Dashboard and Automator are irrelevant to most people now, basically only Spotlight exists in a useful format for most people.

I still use the dictionary! Although most of that functionality will be absorbed into the new Spotlight.


If anyone knows of a better word processor that handles comments seamlessly with Word users then I am all ears.

When you qualify it like that, it's impossible, as Microsoft has designed their software in such a proprietary way as to make that literally impossible. That doesn't make it a great product, merely a necessity by design.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Oh, I am not sure if this has been answered, but can you use photostream and shared photostreams in 10.10 without having to go through iPhoto?


If anyone knows of a better word processor that handles comments seamlessly with Word users then I am all ears.

That's a bit of a tautology. That's like saying "If anyone knows a better language than English for communicating with other English speakers..."


When you qualify it like that, it's impossible, as Microsoft has designed their software in such a proprietary way as to make that literally impossible. That doesn't make it a great product, merely a necessity by design.

Pages seems to open my comment laden Word files okay, just a shame the UI for commenting sucks.

I still don't see what's so bad about Office.

The Real Abed

Oh, I am not sure if this has been answered, but can you use photostream and shared photostreams in 10.10 without having to go through iPhoto?
Supposedly the Photos app will solve this. But that won't be coming until next year.

Maybe the photos might be synced to a folder in the iCloud drive? Maybe not? I wish they would though. I never even use iPhoto for its actual purpose anymore. Except to download my photo stream.


You seem to be confusing UI with actual features and infrastructure. GarageBand and Pages have always been a bit of a pill to use, and each update just replaces one frustration with another while they shift around where to find functionality (if you can find it at all) instead of how it functions in totality.

I am well aware of the difference between UI and features. All of the podcasting support was ripped out of the new GarageBand. You also cannot export to MP3 except for a few pre-set bitrates, when before you could fully customize the exporting of both AAC and MP3 files. Exporting for 2+ GB files is not as solid as it used to be, causing me two separate occasions where I had to export a podcast out manually in chunks.

Pages, yes, is more of UI bitching than feature-set bitching. However, those changes for me run for annoying (formatting integrated into the header to formatting as a totally separate sidebar) to worse (comment handling) to bafflingly terrible (Open dialog boxes).

Tell me what features are missing from, say, the iOS photos app that iPhoto has. And also tell me why you believe these missing features cannot be included to a Photos app for Mac.
And more importantly, please describe what is so fundamentally different from Photos and iPhoto.

Not in iOS Photos: Keywords, ratings, smart albums, face recognition, photos organized by person, image comments. I use each and every one of those on a regular basis. (I also listed map data before, which is in the iOS app, but isn't as robust in my eyes.)

I never said that an OS X Photos app couldn't have those things—I said that I have no faith that it will. My question has been why iPhoto can't do anything a new Photos app would do, as so far, I've not really seen an actual answer, unless the answer is "photos app for dummies". Any and all iCloud integration could be in iPhoto. It already has some level of that, all it needs is polish. If, for some reason, Apple wants to have a new Photos app on OS X but also keep iPhoto around and update, I've got no problems with that. I'm saying that I don't see the point. It's like having iTunes as it is and then having like iTunes Shuffle for when you want to listen to your purchased music on random. The app to do that is already there.

The fundamental difference starts with all of the things I listed above. Photos is literally a way to look at photos, and do some very light editing. iPhoto is about cataloging and organization, neither of with is in the iOS Photos app in any serious fashion.

If anyone knows of a better word processor that handles comments seamlessly with Word users then I am all ears.

It isn't "seamless", but Google Docs can save out files with comments that Word can read, and bring the documents back in, retaining the comments.

Really, I'd say the best non-Word solution is keeping around Pages '09 until it doesn't work anymore.


You seem to be confusing UI with actual features and infrastructure. GarageBand and Pages have always been a bit of a pill to use, and each update just replaces one frustration with another while they shift around where to find functionality (if you can find it at all) instead of how it functions in totality.

Tell me what features are missing from, say, the iOS photos app that iPhoto has. And also tell me why you believe these missing features cannot be included to a Photos app for Mac.
And more importantly, please describe what is so fundamentally different from Photos and iPhoto.

RAW file processing, faces and places database management, batch change of metadata, exif management keyword management and smart albums etc.

There are tons of things the iOS photo app doesn't have that iPhoto does. Some of it is pretty processor intensive. And a lot of that stuff you wouldn't want in a simple iOS based cloud browser.

I mean you don't want to manage some if the intricate under the good stuff on an iOS device, especially if they take a lot of storage and processing power.

Maybe the cloud could solve that, like handle the faces database.

But all sorts of things like managing and merging import events, renaming them, a more robust file management system all require more robust software.

Local management is actually the most jmprtant part of it and photos will entirely be cloud-based.

Photostream which is only part of iPhoto at the moment is inherently broken the way it's handled. You stand to lose your entire photostreams due to the way it's handled on macs at the moment, and I don't trust that they can fix that and trust my entire photo library to a cloud based system.

For example, whenever you transfer a photo to a shared photostream, it actually makes a copy and adds it to the stream. Fine. But when aperture needs to rebuild, it can lose track that these photos actually belong to the stream and identifies them as orphaned files. It suggests you delete them. And if you do it removes them from all the streams.

Would you trust your ONLY copies to a syncing system like Photos? Where one device
Or piece of software decides a file doesn't belong and then it's gone EVERYWHERE?

I don't.

As for explaining why it couldn't be done in a photos app for mac? Impossible, because of course everything is possible. You could just dump every single feature from iPhoto's into photos. But just because you could doesn't mean you should (jeffgoldblum.gif).

I think that shared browsing and basic editing should be separate from local and heavy file management.

The question, though is probably more should they turn iPhoto into photos, and push everyone who wants a "truck" photo management tool towards aperture?
Handoff can work between a website on OS X and an iOS app, which is cool.

I hope the future Office for Mac supports handoff to the iPad apps.
So I figured it out that the sound drivers weren't installed when I did the developer preview. So I rebooted the machine and tried to reinstall the developer preview in recovery mode, but it just beach balls when trying to verify to apple servers.

Can I download the developer preview on another mac via the app store, transfer it over, and then reinstall it by clicking app?

The Real Abed

I hope the future Office for Mac supports handoff to the iPad apps.
Wouldn't that require MS to allow saving to iCloud instead of their own OneDrive or whatever it's called?

Would be nice if they opened it up and had future Office versions optionally support iCloud, but I can see them trying to put their own version into Office and forget all about Apple's HandOff.
Wouldn't that require MS to allow saving to iCloud instead of their own OneDrive or whatever it's called?

Would be nice if they opened it up and had future Office versions optionally support iCloud, but I can see them trying to put their own version into Office and forget all about Apple's HandOff.

yeah, that's true. there goes that idea lol


Wouldn't that require MS to allow saving to iCloud instead of their own OneDrive or whatever it's called?

Would be nice if they opened it up and had future Office versions optionally support iCloud, but I can see them trying to put their own version into Office and forget all about Apple's HandOff.
No it does not. The API supports a direct connection that can be established and maintained between software of the same vendor. The only requirement is that the Mac app must be signed (which includes the free not in Mac AppStore soft). Apple has posted all their videos for free this year. Check them out.


I do wonder if Apple deliberately make Pages a bit cack so as to not upset Microsoft. Say what you like about MS, Office is still a great product (not so sure about this 365 stuff though).

I still use the dictionary! Although most of that functionality will be absorbed into the new Spotlight.

This blows my mind. I still use the dashboard, but benign able to get a popover dictionary definition on any selected word wins over dashboard. And if you don't use that, at least use spotlight!
Looking back, 10.4 is the graveyard of features, isn't it. Dashboard and Automator are irrelevant to most people now, basically only Spotlight exists in a useful format for most people.

I create about one Automator workflow a year, but then I also write shell scripts. I created an Automator app for a co-worker to run a shell script (I also wrote) on whatever she dropped on it so I didn't have to teach her about running command line things.

This blows my mind. I still use the dashboard, but benign able to get a popover dictionary definition on any selected word wins over dashboard.

I love cmd-ctrl-d. I can't even remember if that's the stock shortcut or my own, but I use it all the time.

The Real Abed

yeah, that's true. there goes that idea lol
No it does not. The API supports a direct connection that can be established and maintained between software of the same vendor. The only requirement is that the Mac app must be signed (which includes the free not in Mac AppStore soft). Apple has posted all their videos for free this year. Check them out.
Oh that's awesome! Good. Good. HandOff's for everyone!
With full release.



Handoff works from App to Browser and vice versa:




I create about one Automator workflow a year, but then I also write shell scripts. I created an Automator app for a co-worker to run a shell script (I also wrote) on whatever she dropped on it so I didn't have to teach her about running command line things.

I love cmd-ctrl-d. I can't even remember if that's the stock shortcut or my own, but I use it all the time.

I believe that's the stock shortcut? But since I think mountain lion or lion, they used a 3finger tap on a trackpad. Used to be double tap now it's just single tap.

The Real Abed

I wish they'd allow us to create sidebar widgets for OS X without needing to put them on the store. At least for personal use. And using different methods like the old HTML/JavaScript Dashboard Widget method.

I believe that's the stock shortcut? But since I think mountain lion or lion, they used a 3finger tap on a trackpad. Used to be double tap now it's just single tap.
The single tap kept conflicting with my gestures so I disabled it and returned it to its old double-tap with BTT.

The Real Abed

So then, what happened to Control Center?
That's what I was wondering. It looked useful.

Maybe it'll get put back later? Or before release?

Those photos are very old though. You can tell. The icons weren't even touched yet. Man they worked fast. Hopefully they're gonna keep working for 3-4 months and add even more in.

BTW, is there an iTunes Song widget in the Today panel in Yosemite? Surely there must be. Because if they're not going to give us the Control Center, we need a widget.

I will probably actually dump both Bowtie and GeekTool in Yosemite if there's an iTunes widget and maybe some other system info widgets. Just like when I dumped DragThing when LaunchPad was introduced.

And will probably be dropping DropBox when iCloud Drive comes since I don't really use it for much that really requires me to keep it around. Though I might fudge it and keep DropBox running on my Mac mini with the folder inside my iCloud Drive folder. I dunno. I'll experiment. I don't really see myself requiring DB anymore. Plus iCloud will have super cheap-ass storage. Though I'm hoping somehow we'll get an iCloud Browser app on iOS. Right now I mainly use DropBox for keeping all my downloaded images (Photos and non-photos alike) available to me anywhere. It's pretty dang useful. So it'd be nice if I could do the same with iCloud Drive. I hope iCloud Drive works with Symlinks the same way DropBox does and has a per-computer exclusion option.


Most of the things you can do in that Control Centre you can already do pretty quickly by other means, I guess they decided it wasn't really needed because of that.. Let's see if they change their mind.


Probably nothing in notification center will displace GrowlTunes for media. Set up a custom ⌃⌥⌘ + Numpad global shortcuts to that I can pause or skip tracks without leaving the application I'm in. It sucks not having global shortcuts that work when the app isn't active.

EDIT: So can someone with the beta tell me if they've improved fullscreen? Under Mavericks the default style of desktops with separate spaces means a lot of clutter and space-changing with dual monitors. Turn it off, and you get back your classic window-spanning and better space management—*but* then you also return to "fullscreen apps block both screens", which makes (among other things) Minecraft a bitch to play.

Really hoping they address this, because the current solution is suboptimal.
More on why public transit directions got lost in iOS 8 Apple Maps

As rumored, big changes to Maps never came in iOS 8 demo at the Keynote. Tech crunch has the following:

“There were multiple improvements that didn’t make it into iOS8,” a source tells us.

Why didn’t they appear? One tipster says it was a personnel issue: “Many developers left the company, no map improvements planned for iOS 8 release were finished in time. Mostly it was failure of project managers and engineering project managers, tasks were very badly planned, developers had to switch multiple times from project to project.”

It’s a take that is both contested and corroborated by our other source. “I would say that planning, project management and internal politics issues were a much more significant contributor to the failure to complete projects than developers leaving the group,” the source said.


9to5Mac has more:

While the TechCrunch report doesn’t mention any names, we do know that the mapping team has lost a few key people recently. Back in March, reports popped up that Cathy Edwards, who happen to be in charge of Maps Quality after joining Apple through the company’s acquisition of Chomp. The reason behind Cathy’s departure was unknown at the time, but we’ve learned from sources that disagreements with employees on the Maps team working under Edwards and an opposition to her management style lead to problems on the Maps team and ultimately her leaving in April. Apple also lost key Maps team member Jared Waldman from Placebase who worked as Head of Geo at Apple Maps until late last year. In addition, we’ve heard from former employees of the mapping team that recently left the company due to issues with Edwards and management of the Maps team.


Hopefully, this can be ready in time for 8.1.


More on why public transit directions got lost in iOS 8 Apple Maps

As rumored, big changes to Maps never came in iOS 8 demo at the Keynote. Tech crunch has the following:


9to5Mac has more:


Hopefully, this can be ready in time for 8.1.

At this point it may just be better to cut their losses and use google maps again.


At this point it may just be better to cut their losses and use google maps again.

Seriously. If Apple wants to try and destabilise Google Maps then let people pick the default app and make the top few options non-Google mapping options. Then at least they don't get the blame by users for picking one that sucks.

Apple Maps remains a giant "kick me" sign attached to Apple's face.


Why? Don't get me wrong, Apple maps aren't perfect in my region, but they are better than Google maps. I'm sure it depends on where you are.

I find this hard to believe. Here in the uk Apple maps always fails in comparison to Google.

No public transport alone is enough to kill it. A HUGE lack of points of interest and incorrect/old info seal the deal.

Google maps >>>>>> Apple maps

Not even close in my eyes.



I find this hard to believe. Here in the uk Apple maps always fails in comparison to Google.

No public transport alone is enough to kill it. A HUGE lack of points of interest and incorrect/old info seal the deal.

Google maps >>>>>> Apple maps

Not even close in my eyes.

Yup. It's just embarrassing.

Not to mention the fact that Apple's search in Maps is bluntly terrible.


...hate me...

I find this hard to believe. Here in the uk Apple maps always fails in comparison to Google.

No public transport alone is enough to kill it. A HUGE lack of points of interest and incorrect/old info seal the deal.

Google maps >>>>>> Apple maps

Not even close in my eyes.
These things are always more fleshed out early in the US. I imagine there's a much bigger discrepancy between Apple Maps US vs Apple Maps rest of the world, than the same with GMaps which is a much more mature service.


Seriously. If Apple wants to try and destabilise Google Maps then let people pick the default app and make the top few options non-Google mapping options. Then at least they don't get the blame by users for picking one that sucks.

Apple Maps remains a giant "kick me" sign attached to Apple's face.

It's one of my biggest pet hates about iOS.

Before I switched to Android I just used Chrome and the Gmail app so that I could set Google Maps as the default app for maps. A maps app that doesn't support public transport for directions is completely useless to most people outside of the US. Even when they do finally patch it in it will probably be a couple of years before it's competitive; Bing maps gives me a 6-10 hour train journey to get to somewhere that is 40 minutes by bus.



I find this hard to believe. Here in the uk Apple maps always fails in comparison to Google.

No public transport alone is enough to kill it. A HUGE lack of points of interest and incorrect/old info seal the deal.

Google maps >>>>>> Apple maps

Not even close in my eyes.

In Japan POIs like convenience stores are very clearly labeled unlike on Google Maps, the accuracy is much better (it actually gives me my address correctly when at home, unlike Google which says I'm 2 blocks away) and I find the routing directions a bit better; but they are both shameful compared to paid services here.

Both are fine for free map solutions, if you are serious about these things nothing beats a service you pay for.


I paid for iOS Transit Apps but I can't make them the default maps app so it's very annoying
I don't think Apple has any data detectors for Japanese addresses/phone numbers, or at least they have never worked, so I always copy and paste, seems to work okay.
So, that Reddit leak. Based on the new Spotlight and the changed Safari UI, it was obviously real (albeit very unfinished), right?

So then, what happened to Control Center?

I'm thinking Control Center and Siri are coming next year in Mac OS X 10.11. Apple is continually developing new features for this stuff and they eventually get finalized and added to the builds that are going to reach the public. They've been working on OS X Siri for a while, I'm pretty sure. Features get developed by sub-teams and eventually designated as ready for public consumption so they get lumped into the next major update; that's how project management works.


At this point it may just be better to cut their losses and use google maps again.

Apple wouldn't want to be in a situation where Google pulls there map app off the store and Apple is left with a smartphone in 2014 without a map application.


Apple Begins Rejecting Apps That Offer Rewards For Video Views, Social Sharing
TechCrunch said:
Apple has begun to crack down on tools that app developers use to monetize and grow their applications, including incentivized video viewing and rewarded social sharing, as well as discovery tools that allow users to find apps inside the games they’re already playing. The move will have a significant impact on the app industry as a whole, and will serve as something of a “reset” in terms of how apps can achieve growth and scale...

Today, a number of app promotion and monetization companies offer video ads as a way of helping developers make money and get their app found. That means the new rejections will take their toll on developers, as well as companies like AdColony, Applifier (Unity), Flurry, TapJoy, SupersonicAds, Vungle, AppLovin, Sponsorpay and others offering rewarded video, cross-promotion services and other tools, while greatly benefitting those offering non-incentivized video ads, like Facebook does in its app…or Apple’s iAd, of course...


Apple wouldn't want to be in a situation where Google pulls there map app off the store and Apple is left with a smartphone in 2014 without a map application.

Google wouldn't do that, way too much to lose, but Apple definitely isn't going to give up on maps and release a stock iPhone without Maps.
Steve T-S ‏@stroughtonsmith 51m
So… just in case there was any doubt left… iOS 8’s SpringBoard has code to run two apps side-by-side. 1/4 size, 1/2 size, or 3/4 size
what about users who are happy with that system? numble, for example, has made hundreds in rewards from these types of ads and cites them as one of the reasons he won't switch away from iOS iirc

One of the most important things for Apple to do is to better-curate the App Store (the current revenue-charts-based system incents the worst sort of developer behavior) in order to provide the best possible experience for the most possible users, instead of optimizing for edge cases like people who deliberately use trash apps.
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