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WWDC14 Thread of iOS 8 and Mac OSX 10.10

The Real Abed

Yeah, Control Center and Siri on my Mac, give it to me, Apple.

Get us closer to that Her technology, haha.
I just want Siri. And the ability to script Siri. And the ability to have her always listen, even when unplugged (An optional checkbox in the power saving section of course) and finally replace the outdated, not changed at all since OS 9 Voice Control features.

SIRI ON OS X PLEASE APPLE! It only makes sense!
I welcome Siri on Mac because, hey, why not? But I doubt I'd use it much on a computer, especially in it's current form.

The reason I use Siri on iOS is because it's quicker to do many actions by voice than by navigating pages of apps and using onscreen keyboards. I can't think of many things on my Mac that take longer to accomplish with my physical keyboard, app launchers like Alfred (and the forthcoming Yosemite take on it) than could by done by voice. Siri needs a massive usability expansion before it'd be very useful on a Mac.

The novelty of talking to my phone or computer wore off pretty quick when it became apparent how limited these implementations still are.

The Real Abed

I'd just want it for casual reasons. But I'd prefer if she didn't take over the machine while processing. On the Mac it should be inline with what you're doing. So I can be working, ask her a question like "What's the weather like" or "look up so and so for me" and she'd either tell me the answer, or give me a place to get the answer when I'm ready.

"I've found what you're looking for when you're ready."

If it's not like Star Trek, then they've failed. If I see a fullscreen blur and takeover of my content while working with her, then they've failed.

You have to think of all the stuff it would be useful for on a computer and make sure it works right without getting in my way.

I'd love for it to also do this on iOS, you know, not get in the way, but sometimes you need it to. But on my Mac, please don't take over my machine. But let me do everything I can and grab my information when I am ready for it.

Know what I mean?

Something like Weather or small info like Stocks or Events coming up it could show an overlay in the corner while also telling you the information verbally. Since obviously if I wanted to I'd just take time out to two-finger swipe open the sidebar and look. So if I'm asking for this info, it's because I can't take the time. But for something like "look up this thing for me" maybe have it open the information in a browser, but don't take focus from what I'm doing. Instead show an overlay pointing to where I can get the information. Maybe a popover with a callout triangle pointing to the edge of the screen with a Safari icon saying "Your information is ready". Even if it requires you to use Safari. Or they could just have a non-browser that displays the info so non-Safari users won't all get pissy.

And make sure it can filter out my iTunes music or other background music and will listen even if I have music playing or a video playing.

Also make it aware of my other devices and make sure to only have one do the listening. This might be the hard part. I don't know if they could make it easily tell when my iPhone is plugged in and right next to my Mac. If I'm saying "Hey, Siri", I'd rather not have all my devices try and talk to me all at once. Just pick one. And if I am at my Mac, then pick my Mac. Or use my phone and have it do the information lookup, then send it to my Mac (Via HandOff) by placing it in that icon next to the Dock. As long as one device does it at a time. If my phone is not nearby, have the Mac do it. If my iPhone is nearby, have it hand the information off to my Mac when ready. HandOff would come in very handy there.

Here I go creating a reality that will probably never be. Though Apple did take many of my imagined realities and made them real this year so maybe next year? If done correctly, OS X Siri would be huge enough to require its own section of the entire event. So let's hope the Apple engineers are gonna get right to work on this.

The Real Abed

Okay. So I decided to just install Yosemite into a second partition for the shits of it. Of course it's really buggy as usual. But ignoring the bugs that will hopefully be mostly cleared out by the time the PB comes out here's some observances:

You can finally choose a default browser in the System Preferences app. No longer is it hidden in Safari. Not that it matters for me since I use Safari anyway.

When in Fullscreen and you mouse up to the top, it shows the traffic light buttons to make it easier to figure out how to exit out of fullscreen or close the window without leaving FS. This would have been useful for my dad the other day when my mom was taking a test online and at the end of the Flash-basedtest it told them to "click the X in the corner of the window to finish the test" but since it put the test window in Fullscreen (Even though the main window it spawned from wasn't fullscreen) there was no X button at all. What we didn't know was that the window had to close in order to send the JavaScript command to the main window to continue the test. So she ended up taking the test twice in order to get back to the message that clearly told him to close the window. He just didn't know how to close a fullscreen window. He now knows. lol

I wish I actually could hide the Tab bar completely. Since I plan on just using Tab View exclusively instead of installing Glims when Yosemite comes out. You can't though.

Also, in Safari for some reason it adds a rounded border to the webpage content area as well as the top of the window. Why? I'll allow the roundness at the bottom, but why add it to the top of the web content too? Small gripe. But I can't not see it anymore.

When I have two tabs open, it's hard to tell which one is the current one. For some reason the light colored one is the current while the darker one that's closer to the color of the rest of the toolbar is the inactive one. Which seems to be the opposite of what it should be. Again, if only I could just hide my tab bar.

The calculator app conflicts with what Yosemite seems a calculator should look. The icon is based on the iOS app. The sidebar version is also based on iOS. But the actual app is still the original OS X calculator. Not that I use Calculator.

Why is the Battery icon in the menubar soo big? It's like bigly hugely big!

The Finder SEEMS to FINALLY resize its windows to the correct content size when clicking the green Zoom button. After 13 years.

But the Dock still minimizes wrong. With the animation of the window shrinking going behind the Dock before popping forward into its icon position. You don't really see it unless you're looking closely or use Shift to slow the animation, but someone had mentioned it on MacRumors Forums and I decided to check for myself. Still broken. Heh.

Favicons seem to have disappeared from the Reading List sidebar which sucks. Unless that was a Glims feature. You don't realize how important favicons are until you lose them. I mean come on, Apple! They're also gone from the Bookmarks list in the sidebar. Was this Glims doing? Or is it actually gone? Either way, it sucks. Although they are still kinda in the Bookmarks menu lists. Kind of. As usual a lot are missing because Safari can't cache them for shit.

Windows that use the cool blurry transparency still work in Fullscreen. The FS window gets a desktop picture. (I assume it's based on the main desktop at the time.)

And lastly, the "Open in Finder" button in Docked folders in grid view is still at the bottom of the icon grid instead of at the top of the pop-out where it should be. Ugh. Why do they put it here? Why do I need to scroll to the bottom of the list in order to open the folder in the Finder? Makes no sense! Put it at the top right corner of the window!

That's about all I can find for now. I look forward to seeing what is fixed and changed for the Public Beta. I need to reboot back into Mavericks before I get too used to this.
This might be a sidenote but I'm thinking of jumping to Safari from Chrome because of the battery life/HTML 5 stuff they've shown.

I don't use many extensions but is there a way to make Safari's bar behave like Chrome's?

For example, I can start typing out "Youtube", press tab and make it search on Youtube without actually having to load up the page

I find that the most useful to be honest


This might be a sidenote but I'm thinking of jumping to Safari from Chrome because of the battery life/HTML 5 stuff they've shown.

I don't use many extensions but is there a way to make Safari's bar behave like Chrome's?

For example, I can start typing out "Youtube", press tab and make it search on Youtube without actually having to load up the page

I find that the most useful to be honest
It does this, it learns how to do searches on many of the websites you go to.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Safari is by far the best browser on Apple devices IMO.
Yes. It has been as of iOS7. Anyone still pining for Chrome (especially those who think they're doing best with the Browser Changer jailbreak tweak) didn't get the memo that the newest version of the stock browser was better.


Junior Member
I had my phone plugged in, and someone on the television show said something about Siri, and it activated my Siri, haha.
Okay. So I decided to just install Yosemite into a second partition for the shits of it. Of course it's really buggy as usual. But ignoring the bugs that will hopefully be mostly cleared out by the time the PB comes out here's some observances:

You can finally choose a default browser in the System Preferences app. No longer is it hidden in Safari. Not that it matters for me since I use Safari anyway.

When in Fullscreen and you mouse up to the top, it shows the traffic light buttons to make it easier to figure out how to exit out of fullscreen or close the window without leaving FS. This would have been useful for my dad the other day when my mom was taking a test online and at the end of the Flash-basedtest it told them to "click the X in the corner of the window to finish the test" but since it put the test window in Fullscreen (Even though the main window it spawned from wasn't fullscreen) there was no X button at all. What we didn't know was that the window had to close in order to send the JavaScript command to the main window to continue the test. So she ended up taking the test twice in order to get back to the message that clearly told him to close the window. He just didn't know how to close a fullscreen window. He now knows. lol

I wish I actually could hide the Tab bar completely. Since I plan on just using Tab View exclusively instead of installing Glims when Yosemite comes out. You can't though.

Also, in Safari for some reason it adds a rounded border to the webpage content area as well as the top of the window. Why? I'll allow the roundness at the bottom, but why add it to the top of the web content too? Small gripe. But I can't not see it anymore.

When I have two tabs open, it's hard to tell which one is the current one. For some reason the light colored one is the current while the darker one that's closer to the color of the rest of the toolbar is the inactive one. Which seems to be the opposite of what it should be. Again, if only I could just hide my tab bar.

The calculator app conflicts with what Yosemite seems a calculator should look. The icon is based on the iOS app. The sidebar version is also based on iOS. But the actual app is still the original OS X calculator. Not that I use Calculator.

Why is the Battery icon in the menubar soo big? It's like bigly hugely big!

The Finder SEEMS to FINALLY resize its windows to the correct content size when clicking the green Zoom button. After 13 years.

But the Dock still minimizes wrong. With the animation of the window shrinking going behind the Dock before popping forward into its icon position. You don't really see it unless you're looking closely or use Shift to slow the animation, but someone had mentioned it on MacRumors Forums and I decided to check for myself. Still broken. Heh.

Favicons seem to have disappeared from the Reading List sidebar which sucks. Unless that was a Glims feature. You don't realize how important favicons are until you lose them. I mean come on, Apple! They're also gone from the Bookmarks list in the sidebar. Was this Glims doing? Or is it actually gone? Either way, it sucks. Although they are still kinda in the Bookmarks menu lists. Kind of. As usual a lot are missing because Safari can't cache them for shit.

Windows that use the cool blurry transparency still work in Fullscreen. The FS window gets a desktop picture. (I assume it's based on the main desktop at the time.)

And lastly, the "Open in Finder" button in Docked folders in grid view is still at the bottom of the icon grid instead of at the top of the pop-out where it should be. Ugh. Why do they put it here? Why do I need to scroll to the bottom of the list in order to open the folder in the Finder? Makes no sense! Put it at the top right corner of the window!

That's about all I can find for now. I look forward to seeing what is fixed and changed for the Public Beta. I need to reboot back into Mavericks before I get too used to this.

My only serious beef with Yosemite DP1 is that Safari 8.0 completely cannot handle Facebook. Any characters typed into the FB message field are also taken as an instruction to scroll downward by a notch, as if the down arrow had been pressed. Typing out a long message to someone makes the page scroll waaaaay down. It's a weird glitch.

The Real Abed

My only serious beef with Yosemite DP1 is that Safari 8.0 completely cannot handle Facebook. Any characters typed into the FB message field are also taken as an instruction to scroll downward by a notch, as if the down arrow had been pressed. Typing out a long message to someone makes the page scroll waaaaay down. It's a weird glitch.
Yeah, Yosemite currently has a lot of bugs. Obviously. Hopefully they take time to clean up as many as possible before pushing the Public Beta on us. I'm glad I put the DP on a second partition because it's fun to play with. And I'll do the same for the PB when it comes out. I won't switch over to it full time until I'm sure all the major apps I use every day work on it. And I'm going to do some app testing tonight.
Yeah, Yosemite currently has a lot of bugs. Obviously. Hopefully they take time to clean up as many as possible before pushing the Public Beta on us. I'm glad I put the DP on a second partition because it's fun to play with. And I'll do the same for the PB when it comes out. I won't switch over to it full time until I'm sure all the major apps I use every day work on it. And I'm going to do some app testing tonight.

It's also (obviously) hell on battery life. Not at all ready for public consumption. I enjoy playing around with it but it's not even remotely a daily-use OS yet.


Yes. It has been as of iOS7. Anyone still pining for Chrome (especially those who think they're doing best with the Browser Changer jailbreak tweak) didn't get the memo that the newest version of the stock browser was better.

It was made to better because Chrome:

1) Isn't allowed to use a different layout engine, Chrome can only do what Safari does and nothing more.
2) Safari's js engine used to be locked so that apps ran with an older version making Chrome slower.

The only reason you'd ever pick a different browser is for bookmark syncing. At least now they can perform the same which allows browsers to be better based on interface but they're 90% the same anyway so the only point in using Chrome would be your a fan of Google, otherwise it's not even worth the download to have two of the almost same thing. Apple knows this, it's not going to change.

The Real Abed

It's also (obviously) hell on battery life. Not at all ready for public consumption. I enjoy playing around with it but it's not even remotely a daily-use OS yet.
Yeah. I was also getting super lag with the 1920x1200 setting. I don't even get that now. Setting it to 1680x1050 helped but that's not the resolution I plan on using.

I'm sure Apple's people are super hard at work. In fact I bet they've already fixed most of it. I'd wager that the DP we got is an older build. The one we saw on stage is much more advanced and probably closer to what we'll get. The DP was just pushed out to give developers API's to start working with while they polish up the PB for release.

Really cannot wait for this. Sad that they aren't doing a PB with iOS too. Maybe next year.

The Real Abed

Some more observations..
  • In the Widgets Sidebar, for some reason you cannot move the Tomorrow section manually. You'd think maybe they just want it always at the bottom? Well, maybe I want it right below Today? Here's the thing, you can drag any other section you want, and put them below Tomorrow. So you could move all the other Widgets below Tomorrow to get it right below Today. But sometimes it fights it with some Widgets, but with others it works. Eventually I was able to get Tomorrow directly below Today.
  • But I hate that when there's nothing on my plate for Tomorrow, it just shows a large useless empty space saying "No events scheduled". Why not let it disappear when empty? I have the same problem with Reminders and Events. If there's nothing coming up, you still have an empty Widget sitting there. Just hide them! It would make more sense and keep it cleaner! I'm more inclined to not even use Events and Reminders in the sidebar if it's not going to disappear when its not needed. (Make it reappear when you Edit of course, but keep it hidden, or shrink it completely to just a titlebar, when nothing is on your plate.
  • DashBoard can now be disabled or enabled from System Preferences. In Mavericks and before it just has the two options "show as space" and "show as overlay", but now you can actually manually disable it without needing a Terminal command. It's off by default of course, but the option is still there for people who still use them.
  • Only LaunchPad is in the Dock now. Mission Control doesn't appear there by default interestingly enough. Even though both are available. Strange change. I don't use them anyway. I just prefer Gestures.
  • Game Center's icon STILL feels out of place. On both iOS 8 and Yosemite. But at least the damn green felt is gone.
  • The lag I was getting at 1200p the other night seems to be gone now. But I noticed I am now on dGPU instead of iGPU. So I guess they need to work on its speed on integrated GPUs. Weird thing though, according to gfxCardStatus, the app that was causing me to be on the dGPU was System Preferences. But now that I quit and relaunched it, I don't know which panel had triggered the switch because it's on Integrated now.
  • QuickRes shows far less resolution options for me right now. Including the 720p option which seems to have disappeared. I use that all the time for recording video game footage since ScreenFlow doesn't have an option to record at certain resolutions and instead always records at full size, which means it records at 4K resolution if I don't change my actual resolution first. I'll have to use 1080p non-HiDPI I guess.
  • In Mission Control, instead of zooming out the wallpaper, shadowing it and displaying a grey background, it just blurs the wallpaper. And the best part is each fullscreen window gets a wallpaper. If you have it set to Random, then they get a random wallpaper. This is so apps with transparent UI elements like the sidebar, still end up with the colored blurred effect they make such a big deal about. However, the wallpaper is chosen on Fullscreen Space creation. It's based on whatever is on the Desktop space at the time. It doesn't change with your “Change picture” setting. Which is fine I guess. Also, if you have the change picture setting on, it seems to pause while in a non-Desktop space. (I set it to 5 seconds and when I go into Mission Control and switch to another space, even while still in MC, it will stop the timer until I swipe back to the Desktop. Power saver I assume. I am also on battery right now so that might also affect it.)
  • The WiFi menubar icon is too light. I keep thinking it's off.
  • I still think the Battery icon is way too big. Why is it so wide? It's so wide! And there's little space between the icons. One thing I've noticed in the 14 years since OS X came out it's that there's no standard on how much space to put between menubar icons. Each developer seems to give their icon a different sized margin. And on the Battery icon, the right margin is bigger than the left. And each app developer chooses their own. Standardize, people!
  • Tags can still only be one of 8 colors. I know the technical reason for it, but I hate that they didn't plan that out better. I want to be able to choose any color for any tag I want! I need to redo my entire Tags system but I find myself not using Tags for anything other than the original Labels system because of this.
  • When exiting out of Fullscreen, the animation still always plays the same way. Even if I place a window to the left of the Desktop, it always animates as if it was on the right. It's been like this since Mavericks too. It's like they forgot they added the ability to put them on the left when they released Mavericks and never fixed it. Maybe they have in PB. Until then, here we are.
  • Stickies still exists. And people still use them. I haven't used them since OS 9. And even then I never used them. If I have notes I put them in Notes now. Reminders go in Reminders. Events, Calendar. Etc. Funny how it's lasted this long. It's like one of very few remnants of 15 years ago. It even still has the old Classic Mac image in the default blue sticky note created at launch.
  • Still sad I can't press space twice to add a period like on iOS. I catch myself sometimes wanting to add a period with a double tap of the spacebar. You can't even brute-force it in either still.
  • Bowtie seems to be completely broken. And seeing as it was never updated even while Mavericks was out, it doesn't look like it will ever be. Thankfully I'll just dump it and use Widgets. Hopefully there'll be an iTunes Widget available. Not that I ever use iTunes for music. I usually use my iPhone when I'm out. I'd be super surprised if the next iTunes update includes one in September/October. (Especially if the Control Center doesn't make it into final release, which is where it was going to be initially.)
  • GeekTool still works however. But I may not even use either of them anymore with Yosemite. Widgets will just be so much better. I will be able to quickly swipe two fingers from the right to check the time, date and hopefully music and if iStats decides to jump into Yosemite, then maybe other information at a glance.
  • The Widgets sidebar does seem to go to sleep though. Just like DashBoard did. So you have to open it completely and let it refresh to get the correct time. Not sure if that's a Battery only thing but I suspect it does it even on AC. This does cause a flashing of certain widgets when opening the sidebar currently.
  • I don't understand why Reminders and Contacts are the only Apple apps that don't have Fullscreen mode. Calendar does. Notes does. (Okay, so Grapher and Activity Monitor don't either. Nor Dictionary. But Terminal does!)
  • TextEdit no longer has “Here's to the crazy ones…" on it.
  • LaunchPad folders now allow multiple pages of apps. And they look much nicer now. And interestingly/thankfully they aren't restricted to 9 icons like iOS.
  • In Safari, the Address Bar tries to remain centered no matter what. So if you cram the left or right side of the toolbar with icons it squashes the Location Bar instead of shifting it. Silly oversight. You cant' even move the Location Bar anywhere. It always stays in the center and each side acts like a separate toolbar except that the bar just shrinks from both ends when too many icons are added. Seems to need some work.
  • I dont like how tabs look now. Same with the Bookmarks bar. The light color is weird and solid lines between sections and the tabs aren't connected to anything throws me off. Plus the shading is inverted for which should be the active tab. I'll not be using the Bookmarks bar in Yosemite and would disable the Tabs bar if I could and would just use the Tab View page but they don't give the option.
  • It takes getting used to, but not seeing the actual address in the Address Bar until you click it is weird, but since it's the same on iOS I guess I could get used to it with no problem.
  • The Frequently Visited section that appears when you click the Address Bar is great. It has my NeoGAF Subscriptions link in there right now. I look forward to seeing how it populates. Though I hope it isn't faulty like the Frequently Visited thumbnail grid that I had to manually fill with my sites. Unless it actually uses that data which would be better. (It doesn't currently.)
  • Also, the top section of that popover doesn't show folders of Bookmarks. Just plain ones that are directly in the Bookmarks Bar. So I guess you need to just keep your important sites right there. Or use the NTP. HOWEVER, in Preferences you can choose a folder of Bookmarks to show in that grid. Even if you have a hundred bookmarks in that folder.
  • Safari does not seem to reload the page when you swipe back anymore. This is huge. I can finally read a forum really quickly without having to keep waiting for the listing to reload every time. I wonder if this will also work for sites with continuous scrolling that take you to another page for an article. I hated that I kept having to open it in another tab in order to not have the main page start over from the top when I went back.
  • When booting up now with the Option key held, the background of my screen is black instead of grey. (Matches my bezel) And when booting up Yosemite it shows a progress bar, but it never gets filled because the time is different each time. It's like way back in 10.4 or so when they replaced the actual loading bar that actually told you what was loading with a timed progress countdown that adjusted itself to whatever it booted at last time. But they removed that when the OS got so fast it wasn't needed. So it's weird that it's back. Even though it obviously doesn't actually show progress of anything.
Looking forward to checking everything again when the Beta comes out. I suspect it'll be much better than the DP. Cannot wait. Crossing my fingers for soon. Really looking forward to trying out Dark Mode. If anyone has questions about the current DP feel free to ask. I'll also answer questions when the Beta is released.

Edit: After having used Safari in Yosemite for a few hours, Mavericks Safari fells so slow.
Apple TV beta is only for Gen 3, and for testing of AirPlay from other devices.

They fixed that Sys Prefs icon so it doesn't have those large empty grey spaces on each side.


Safari: According to the release notes, Safari will now block ads from automatically redirecting to the App Store without user interaction.


Safari is by far the best browser on Apple devices IMO.

I have a persistent issue with it on OS X that prevents me from keeping it. I've googled around and seem unable to find a fix. Every once in a while seemingly at random (doesn't matter what site I'm on) I'm loading a page and the progress bar just ends up getting stuck and it doesn't finish loading the page. No big deal, right? So I hit reload, and it does the same thing. So I open up Terminal and ping the url, no issues. So, I open up Chrome or Firefox, while Safari is still open and hung up getting there, and paste the url in and they open it immediately with no issues. So it's not my connection/ISP. Seems like it always happens anytime I browse with Safari after, I dunno, 20 minutes or so of browsing. Cleared cookies/cache, etc. Still happens.

I did some googling about it again recently and some threads said it might be fixed by restarting and doing the old reset PRAM key command, but I tried that and it still happens. Dunno what to do about it anymore; I'd love to switch to Safari but it keeps happening for me, even after a got a new Mac last year. I'm stuck using Chrome.
I have a persistent issue with it on OS X that prevents me from keeping it. I've googled around and seem unable to find a fix. Every once in a while seemingly at random (doesn't matter what site I'm on) I'm loading a page and the progress bar just ends up getting stuck and it doesn't finish loading the page. No big deal, right? So I hit reload, and it does the same thing. So I open up Terminal and ping the url, no issues. So, I open up Chrome or Firefox, while Safari is still open and hung up getting there, and paste the url in and they open it immediately with no issues. So it's not my connection/ISP. Seems like it always happens anytime I browse with Safari after, I dunno, 20 minutes or so of browsing. Cleared cookies/cache, etc. Still happens.

I did some googling about it again recently and some threads said it might be fixed by restarting and doing the old reset PRAM key command, but I tried that and it still happens. Dunno what to do about it anymore; I'd love to switch to Safari but it keeps happening for me, even after a got a new Mac last year. I'm stuck using Chrome.
Happens to me all the time too. It sometimes fixes itself or I have to restart the browser. Sorry I don't have a solution, but you're not alone.

The Real Abed

Is the Developer Preview 2 the same as the "10.10 Update 1.0" that's showing up in the App Store? Or does it require a new download of another installer?

It is 1.16GB for me like mentioned above on a 15" Retina MBP.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I actually thought Siri was already in osx. Man I haven't used osx in like two years. :( I miss it.


Happens to me all the time too. It sometimes fixes itself or I have to restart the browser. Sorry I don't have a solution, but you're not alone.
Happens to me, too. Reluctantly installed Chrome because of it last night.

Well, at least it's not just me. Wish Apple would fix this bear already, I've had this issue across multiple versions of OS X/Safari and two Macs. Seems like something they should have caught by now. Still pumped for Yosemite regardless.
Wonder if making the podcast app built in will solve the really annoying bug that forgets you're listening to a podcast, and defaults you back to the Music app.

It wasn't like that until they broke it out into a seperate app, and I've been hoping that each update will fix it. It coming built in to iOS 8 seems like the best shot in a while. Here's hoping...


Wonder if making the podcast app built in will solve the really annoying bug that forgets you're listening to a podcast, and defaults you back to the Music app.

It wasn't like that until they broke it out into a seperate app, and I've been hoping that each update will fix it. It coming built in to iOS 8 seems like the best shot in a while. Here's hoping...

Mine used to do that but recently it has been fine.

They've updated the podcast app several times as of late. My concern with having it built in means they would only be able to push updates with OS releases and this would hold changes until the rest is ready.

The Real Abed

BTW, Photo Booth is back for anyone who was missing it. It has reappeared in my LaunchPad at the end of the list. Still looks the same except without the curtains and with the Yosemite look.

Also, I love how Top Sites in Safari gains the desktop wallpaper look. So nice. But once again, it only grabs whatever was currently on the desktop when you put the window in fullscreen.

App Store's Fullscreen seems to have broken with the DP2 update. Does not work right anymore at all.

I do love the new look for About This Mac. The old window is gone and it now just opens up that "More info..." pane which tells you a lot more about this Mac than the old one did. The Memory tab is gone though. So if you were hoping to see what RAM was installed in your machine visualized with grey rounded rectangles, you're out of luck.

I know people were concerned about this before, maybe that was MacRumors, but by default, double-clicking a titlebar performs the old "zoom" function while clicking the green button without a modifier is for Fullscreen when applicable. (Holding Option lets you Zoom.) But for people who don't like the double-click zooming, you can revert back to minimize in Dock settings. Doesn't seem to be a way to turn it off all together though.

The Resize cursor for windows is shifted to the right too far. It's so weird.

I said it already, but god dammit, Finder FINALLY ZOOMS TO THE CORRECT CONTENT SIZE. I've waited for that for 14 years. FINALLY! DON'T FUCK IT UP AGAIN, APPLE, AND I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER! This alone makes me wish I could switch over right now. (But the other terrible bugs that exist keep me sane and waiting until it's ready.)

Currently it still chokes sometimes on 1920x1200 HiDPI mode. Setting to 1680x1050 helps but dammit I want my 1200p!

Is this new? "Prevent computer from sleeping when display is off" option under the AC Adapter section in energy saver.

System Preferences still activates my dGPU for some reason. It happens when you click your avatar in either the iCloud or User panel to change it. Maybe something to do with the camera. Even though it's not on the camera tab by default. Surely it wouldn't need the dGPU for editing a small image or using the FaceTime camera.
Wonder if making the podcast app built in will solve the really annoying bug that forgets you're listening to a podcast, and defaults you back to the Music app.

It wasn't like that until they broke it out into a seperate app, and I've been hoping that each update will fix it. It coming built in to iOS 8 seems like the best shot in a while. Here's hoping...
It doesn't. Not yet, anyway. I wish it did.
Mine used to do that but recently it has been fine.

They've updated the podcast app several times as of late. My concern with having it built in means they would only be able to push updates with OS releases and this would hold changes until the rest is ready.

Oh man, I hadn't thought of this. :\

It's definitely gotten better, but certain apps still kick it out of rotation (specifically Safari), or it forgets what podcast you're on in the Control Center, and just stalls out there. It's not a huge deal. I'd just love to see it fixed.

It doesn't. Not yet, anyway. I wish it did.



Mine used to do that but recently it has been fine.

They've updated the podcast app several times as of late. My concern with having it built in means they would only be able to push updates with OS releases and this would hold changes until the rest is ready.

Oh man, I hadn't thought of this. :\

You could also make the argument that since it's built into iOS now it will be given higher priority.


You could also make the argument that since it's built into iOS now it will be given higher priority.
I doubt that.

I imagine it would be exactly the same. Whoever works on the podcast app either separate or built in would be the same. They just won't be able to push out updates to the app alone but just submit to the list of changes for the next is release.

That said, they'll probably keep the old podcast app around for all the users not on ios8. I wonder of that means ios 8 user CAN'T download it but earlier users can.
BTW, Photo Booth is back for anyone who was missing it. It has reappeared in my LaunchPad at the end of the list. Still looks the same except without the curtains and with the Yosemite look.

I'm guessing it was doing some custom drawing that made it unusable before, because it still looks like a quick port to Yosemite so far (corner radius is where you can tell the most). Happy to see it back and not simply canned as seemed like before.
For anyone thinking of joining the beta, I would strongly advise waiting for a more stable beta unless it is not your primary device. I put iOS 8 on an iPhone 5 and experienced a few big issues which I would not have wanted on my main device:

  • Frequent crashing of the Settings app as well as others.
  • Phone itself powering down randomly.
  • Camera app bricked, randomly decided to not freeze on the same screen and not changing, even after switching the phone off.
  • Disruptions to phone carrier. It stopped showing which carrier I was connected to and stopped me from being able to send texts and make calls, as well as connecting to the internet.

Anyhoo thats just my experiences so far. Siri with Shazam however was great when it worked.


Handoff is now working for me, at least iPhone > Mac, doesn't appear to function the other way around for me at the moment.

edit: oh look at that, I'm a proper Member now, joy.

The Real Abed

Yeah I would never join a beta on an essential device like my phone or my main computer.
Yep. I won't be installing the Public Beta on my main partition until I'm sure all the essential parts are working. I'll also have numerous backups to restore from if I need to.

On my phone I'll wait for September. But on my Mac I'll do it when I know it won't fuck up my routine.

The DP seems to work fine for the most part, but it's very very buggy like they always are. I wouldn't dare switch over to it yet. But I do keep it installed on a second partition and jump into it every day to try it out.

Looking forward to the version Apple actually showed off appearing in our App Stores. I wants to try the Dark Mode so much.

I'll wait for September to finally play with Continuity. Just in case there's any problems. Really looking forward to that though.

I remember when iCloud first came out I jumped into the iOS DP's and it broke my Safari bookmarks. I chased hundreds of duplicated folders and bookmarks for over a year. At the time I used Chrome though so it wasn't a big deal, but it meant that I couldn't switch to Safari if I wanted to. I tried resetting them numerous times, disabling syncing on my iPod, iPad and MacBook, deleting all my bookmarks from all of them, and resyncing and it kept putting them back every time. I was ripping my hair out until one day I realized that I also had syncing turned on on my Mac mini. Turned out that my Mac mini still had the broken duplicates (Which were indeed created by an early buggy iCloud system) and was re-syncing them every time I removed them. Facepalm indeed.


GAME CHANGER: Safari now blocks websites and ads from auto-directing you to the App Store in iOS 8 Beta 2.
Thought that was awesome too. Fuck you candy crush.

Every beta really tests my resolution to wait until the public beta. I just love updates so much. It always fucks me over though.


I'm eager to check out Handoff and making and receiving calls on my 3rd gen iPad, but I can't get either of those to work. :(

Tried toggling Bluetooth on both devices, restarting both devices, toggling the iPhone calls setting, nothing! Anyone able to get either of them to work, and which gen iPad?

Oh well, I hope it'll be working in a future beta release.

Oh, does that basically kill FreeMyApps and other similar services?
It only blocks those that redirect you to the App Store without prior user consent to do so.
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