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WWDC14 Thread of iOS 8 and Mac OSX 10.10


It sometimes does some funky stuff with redirects, just wondering if it would cause issues, but I guess not. Thanks.
That that is their intention anyway - to block unwanted redirects to the App Store while still allowing redirects where the user has given consent.

The release notes do mention to file a bug report if it fails to block unwanted redirects or blocks wanted ones.

The Mule

Yes. It has been as of iOS7. Anyone still pining for Chrome (especially those who think they're doing best with the Browser Changer jailbreak tweak) didn't get the memo that the newest version of the stock browser was better.

Safari on iOS7 was worse than the iOS6 version from my experience. Sites that looked fine on iOS6 were messed up on iOS7.

Happened to me the other day; a quit of Safari fixed it.

Early in 10.9, I discovered after about 20 days that the Mac would stop making any new outbound TCP connections. It would accept TCP (e.g. SSH), it would send ICMP or UDP packets, but no new outbound TCP sockets. Reboot would fix it, but fuck it was weird.


Junior Member
Settings is the only app that has crashed on me so far.

Mail has stopped crashing. And I don't have random resets anymore.
lots of small refinements in Yosemite DP2, the smoke cloud when you remove stuff from the dock is gone, the stack icons are a little better, the file copy window is a little bit more compact.
coming along nicely.


Wish there was a way to bring back the solid colour bars on files that are tagged, rather than the little dot. It's a tiny thing but i use those tags a lot for organization, and they're harder to see now.
Installed iOS 8 beta 2 on my iPad and really like it, love the new keyboard. Been wanting that for a while now, the suggestion before you type the next word is working pretty well so far.


Junior Member
Installed iOS 8 beta 2 on my iPad and really like it, love the new keyboard. Been wanting that for a while now, the suggestion before you type the next word is working pretty well so far.
Predictive text has worked great. It's my second-favorite feature behind quick reply, which has been a god-send.


Junior Member
I have found that when quick replying from the lock screen, the phone's display will still go to sleep even when you're typing.

When that happens, you lose everything you typed as well as the notification on the lock screen.
iPhone's (iOS 8b2) flat-out refusing to sync my music from my Mac (Yosemite DP2), whether iTunes Match is switched on or not. Irritating.

Also, getting a *really* bizarre error where sometimes it seems to think my AT&T iPhone 5 is an iPhone 4S or something - it stops alternating indicators between "4G" and "LTE" and instead starts only showing "3G." This extends to the Settings app - which doesn't have the option to activate or deactivate LTE, but *does* have the option to turn 3G on and off (an option that shouldn't even exist on the iPhone 5, IIRC). Weird because, like, that's one of the things that the different versions of the beta for different hardware models are totally supposed to prevent.


The Dark Mode looks nice--ironic that I'm considering using it, as I crank the brightness of the Adobe CC applications to emulate that classic OS feel :p

Will be interesting to see how far it extends--personally the menus, dock and menu bar are what interest me, but will you also get the Finder windows? Dialogs? What about general application windows?

(Speaking of which, those Adobe applications are going to look even worse now. The entire Adobe UI is pretty outdated looking and doesn't even hew stylistically to any operating system it's on--it looks just as out of place in Windows 7. Grr.)


It's about time we get a dark mode. I remember how easy it was to mod 10.4 and have a black skin, it was awesome then, will still be great now.


GAF, can you airdrop any kind of file from Yosemite to iOS 8? How does it fare with files which are not natively supported by the mobile system and have to rely on 3rd party apps?


GAF, can you airdrop any kind of file from Yosemite to iOS 8? How does it fare with files which are not natively supported by the mobile system and have to rely on 3rd party apps?
I would assume the iOS "Open with..." Prompt shows up, same with AirDrop from iOS to iOS (this happens with PDF files that I transfer to/from iPad and iPhone).
I asked this a couple days ago but now that Podcast.app is baked into ios 8, is there an easy way to transfer 50 subscriptions from instacast to the official podcast app?
Doesn't it sync subscriptions with iTunes/iCloud? Pretty sure you can import OPML with iTunes.

I just did that, and now all my podcasts are in iTunes, but they aren't showing up in the Podcasts app yet on the iPhone. I haven't used the app at all, so I have no clue, but is it working in the iOS 8 betas?


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Man, dark mode looks fantastic. Even with the unfinished stuff I might have to stick with it.

The Real Abed

I'm in Yosemite right now trying out Dark Mode. It is definitely going to need work.

The main problem I see with it is the lack of distinction between disabled and enabled menu items. The disabled ones are way too light and close to enabled colored ones. They need to be darker, or the enabled ones need to have thicker type or something. It's too close.

Also it looks bad with blue highlighting. Looks fine with graphite though.

Speaking of highlighting... Why have a "Highlight" choice (Under color scheme) if it's not going to apply itself to the rest of the system? The desktop icons gain the highlight color (Say I pick something like yellow or red) but icons selected in any folder still retain the blue or graphite choice. There should be one pulldown menu and all highlights should be affected by that. And we should be able to pick other colors than just blue and graphite. I've wanted red or orange for over a decade now. They might as well get rid of the dropdown menus all together and replace both of them with a single "Use graphite professional mode" option. Maybe when dark mode is finalized they'll tweak those options too. I'm sure that's where the DM option will wind up in time.

Of course, none of the menubar application icons are updated for Dark Mode yet. I look forward to them all getting their eventual Yosemite updates.

The "Remove item from Dock" poof animation is broken, or missing. It still plays the sound but nothing happens. It just disappears.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
As far as my imagination is concerned I already have a new iPhone and I'm starting to flipflop my position on the big boy. It might be too big if the simulation I'm running inside my mind is correct.


As far as my imagination is concerned I already have a new iPhone and I'm starting to flipflop my position on the big boy. It might be too big if the simulation I'm running inside my mind is correct.

The TechSmartt preview using the mockups said it was comically big, like too big. I'm still on the fence about which size I will go for, but I will likely have to hold each of them before jumping in. I also would really be interested in a plastic phone like the 5c if they make one of those this time.


edit: I'll likely get the phone with the best battery life as that's all that's really missing from my wish list for iPhones.


Junior Member
iOS 8 beta 2 has been a little wonky for me the last few days.

Safari is crashing and can't load pages a lot. Mail has crashed a few times. I would also like to open Mail, but not have it opened to my first e-mail should one be in my inbox. It's kind of annoying.

And The 5.5" iPhone is going to be way too big if they don't redesign the bezel, which it seems they won't. I was really hoping for a façade redesign from Apple. I'll be disappointed if there isn't one.


Yeah if they don't something about the bezel for both iphones they are going to be comically huge and ugly. Which is a shame since Apple was known for their design (the original 4 and 5S look great).

I'm shocked at how thin the LGG3 is though. Damn.

The Real Abed

Is it true HandOff will only work with the newest BlueTooth? I think TUAW said it did which sucks. Shame it can't just use WiFi or something. Especially for my dads old 2010 MBP which won't work with it if true.


Unconfirmed Member
So no handoff without Bluetooth LE on Mac. But does that include texts and calls or is that lumped other another feature (continuity) than handoff is?

Guess Who

The way Handoff works is:

1) Bluetooth LE is used to detect when two devices are in close proximity.
2) The devices know they should connect if they're in Bluetooth range and share an iCloud account.
3) Developers can use whatever mechanism they choose to actually get the data from one device to another.


Is it true HandOff will only work with the newest BlueTooth? I think TUAW said it did which sucks. Shame it can't just use WiFi or something. Especially for my dads old 2010 MBP which won't work with it if true.
Looks like it. I've got a mid-2010 MBP too and I'm kinda bummed I won't be able to take advantage of the feature. It's probably time to upgrade anyway I guess.
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