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WWDC14 Thread of iOS 8 and Mac OSX 10.10


I'm not too worried about this now that I've seen how Apple improved on Final Cut and iMovie after hitting the reset button on both of those projects respectively. Giving OS X a serious native photo library like iOS has will work wonders and likely INCREASE competition in that space now that other people can easily build photo-editing apps without necessarily having to worry about handling the import-from-camera process.

But on the other hand, I look at what's happen to QuickTime Player post-QTX and I get very sad. Apple's failure to open up AVFoundation so you can use third-party codecs like Perian (Perian ceased to work at all as of OS X 10.9, IIRC) is such a damn bummer, as is the total lack of old basic QuickTime Pro features.

I think Perian is still limping along--I've still got it installed. I think what you might be referring to is how they deprecated QTKit, so older codecs that open fine in QT7 don't render quick previews or thumbnails, which is a bit of a pain.

The Real Abed

Wouldn't one of the other Mac or OSX threads be a better fit for this discussion?
It definitely would. As long as the OP is willing to listen to the suggestions and give us more information.

Or a mod could split the conversation into its own thread.

Honestly I didn't even realize where we were. We all just started answering questions. lol
I'm embracing the news of Apertures death. I was as resistant as I could be when FCPX was introduced and it's now a decent programme, so I have faith in this new Photo app.
It's looks great in the new screenshot!
I think Perian is still limping along--I've still got it installed. I think what you might be referring to is how they deprecated QTKit, so older codecs that open fine in QT7 don't render quick previews or thumbnails, which is a bit of a pain.

They don't render quick previews or thumbnails, they don't open in Safari anymore, and they don't open in the 'new' QuickTime Player anymore. I've still got Perian installed too, but it literally *only* affects stuff that you've manually opened into QT7 Player.

It's a huge bummer.

The Real Abed

I've still got Perian installed, and yeah, it no longer does any of the cool stuff it did before. The only thing it's good for right now for me is viewing .webm videos in Safari. I still have to click them but at least I can view them without having to download and open in VLC.

I miss my thumbnails for MKV and AVI files. I can't believe something hasn't come along to replace it and give those back.
I've still got Perian installed, and yeah, it no longer does any of the cool stuff it did before. The only thing it's good for right now for me is viewing .webm videos in Safari. I still have to click them but at least I can view them without having to download and open in VLC.

I miss my thumbnails for MKV and AVI files. I can't believe something hasn't come along to replace it and give those back.

It's not so much that something hasn't come along, it's that it basically *can't* come along right now because Apple only lets themselves develop for AVFoundation (which is what currently handles just about everything).

The only nonstandard codecs for AVFoundation are found with FCP X (if placed in the AVFoundation folder they apparently *do* expand the available codecs for all of that stuff), but third parties don't know how to develop them yet and it'd be extraordinarily difficult to reverse-engineer, I think.

The Real Abed

It's not so much that something hasn't come along, it's that it basically *can't* come along right now because Apple only lets themselves develop for AVFoundation (which is what currently handles just about everything).
Yeah. Sucks. I want my damn Finder thumbnails! Alternatively, is there a program out there that can add thumbnails to video files that supports those odd non-QT formats? Even though it would add a gigabyte or so to my hard drive in total, I'd rather be able to tell what the video is.


Junior Member
Yeah. Sucks. I want my damn Finder thumbnails! Alternatively, is there a program out there that can add thumbnails to video files that supports those odd non-QT formats? Even though it would add a gigabyte or so to my hard drive in total, I'd rather be able to tell what the video is.
I just paste a picture in the "Preview" section of "Show Information."


Right now it's merely an inconvenience, but I'm going to be stuck with legacy machines or (gasp) using VLC (assuming it works?) it they cut it out of the code entirely. My work has thousands of dollars of stock that would be rendered unusable.


man I'm loving iOS 7. I'm coming from 4 years of Android and never owning an iPhone.

any good YT video out there going in depth with the latest beta of iOS 8?

this is the lamest nitpick, but in the App Store when you click on the magnifying glass (Search) tab at the bottom, it should pop the keyboard up right away. Why the extra tap? Is that fixed?

I wonder if the "Most Used Contacts" thing in the app switcher will work for me as I use Gmail and Google Voice?


this is the lamest nitpick, but in the App Store when you click on the magnifying glass (Search) tab at the bottom, it should pop the keyboard up right away. Why the extra tap? Is that fixed?

I think the extra tap is because they are using a tab bar for app navigation. Having the keyboard obscure the navigation would be disorienting if you didn't intend to search.


Megaton... 1Password beta supports Touch ID (and Safari Extension) under iOS 8:



Touch ID for third party apps is going to be so awesome for banking apps and whatnot. No more typing long ass passwords.


I wonder how the Safari extension works. I wonder if it could prompt for a fingerprint before filling in your password.

Two Words

I was really hoping Touch ID would arrive in Yosemite for MBPs. Do you guys think it's still a possibility, but Apple saw no reason to announce it until the new MBPs that would actually have the Touch ID components were announced?


Megaton... 1Password beta supports Touch ID (and Safari Extension) under iOS 8:



Touch ID for third party apps is going to be so awesome for banking apps and whatnot. No more typing long ass passwords.[/QUOTE]
Nice. Might actually use this now.


I was really hoping Touch ID would arrive in Yosemite for MBPs. Do you guys think it's still a possibility, but Apple saw no reason to announce it until the new MBPs that would actually have the Touch ID components were announced?

I wouldn't be surprised if they will allow us to use iPhones for Touch ID logins instead of actually including the components in the laptops. Another Continuity bulletpoint.
I wish you could sync songs to your iOS device from both your computer and iCloud. It seems stupid to me that if I want to download a whole playlist or more to my iPhone I have to re-download everything instead of just syncing it with a usb cable.


Not that I don't trust 1Password, but I'd rather have Apple just handle everything.

Just bought a 5C though so I have two years for them to figure it out!
I wish you could sync songs to your iOS device from both your computer and iCloud. It seems stupid to me that if I want to download a whole playlist or more to my iPhone I have to re-download everything instead of just syncing it with a usb cable.

iTunes Match versus syncing music from your computer remains kind of half-assed. I hope Apple fixes the issues with it, because some of it is fantastic.


If that is the case, wouldn't they have just announced it already?

Maybe it's coming at a later date. Remember the leaked images of Yosemite just before WWDC? There was Control Center for OS X, which they didn't mention during the keynote.

So, for both Control Center and a potential iOS Touch ID integration, I see four options:
  • They'll have another Yosemite event to introduce features that didn't make it to WWDC. I doubt that.
  • Included in the first release of Yosemite with no special announcement. Not a chance.
  • Moved to OS 10.11. But Control Center looked finished, at least visually.
  • Included with an update for Yosemite. Have they ever added a "bigger" feature with an OS update? I can't remember.
Maybe it's coming at a later date. Remember the leaked images of Yosemite just before WWDC? There was Control Center for OS X, which they didn't mention during the keynote.

So, for both Control Center and a potential iOS Touch ID integration, I see four options:
  • They'll have another Yosemite event to introduce features that didn't make it to WWDC. I doubt that.
  • Included in the first release of Yosemite with no special announcement. Not a chance.
  • Moved to OS 10.11. But Control Center looked finished, at least visually.
  • Included with an update for Yosemite. Have they ever added a "bigger" feature with an OS update? I can't remember.

FaceTime, OS X iMessage support, and iCloud Keychain both arrived somewhat out-of-sync with the major OS release schedule, IIRC. A few other things have done so too, I think.

Major OS X versions do change from announcement to release, though. It's possible it'll start showing up in some builds of the OS at some point soon.
FaceTime, OS X iMessage support, and iCloud Keychain both arrived somewhat out-of-sync with the major OS release schedule, IIRC. A few other things have done so too, I think.

Major OS X versions do change from announcement to release, though. It's possible it'll start showing up in some builds of the OS at some point soon.

The App Store came in a OS X 10.6 update.
The App Store came in a OS X 10.6 update.

Ah! Yup, that too.

Also, Photos in the Cloud is coming to OS X later than the initial Yosemite release, it seems.

I'm still hoping Apple's got some further tweaks to iCloud pricing (namely, increasing storage for the free tier) because there's basically no way for anyone to use the feature while also doing iCloud backups.

Two Words

Maybe it's coming at a later date. Remember the leaked images of Yosemite just before WWDC? There was Control Center for OS X, which they didn't mention during the keynote.

So, for both Control Center and a potential iOS Touch ID integration, I see four options:
  • They'll have another Yosemite event to introduce features that didn't make it to WWDC. I doubt that.
  • Included in the first release of Yosemite with no special announcement. Not a chance.
  • Moved to OS 10.11. But Control Center looked finished, at least visually.
  • Included with an update for Yosemite. Have they ever added a "bigger" feature with an OS update? I can't remember.
I still think it makes more sense that they haven't said anything if there is actual new hardware on their next MBP refresh for the feature.


My thoughts on TouchID is that it might simply be a matter of cost and availability. They didn't get around to putting TouchID into their iPads yet, it would seem like that would be the next place they get deployed before Macs, especially if supply constraints are still an issue.


Maybe it's coming at a later date. Remember the leaked images of Yosemite just before WWDC? There was Control Center for OS X, which they didn't mention during the keynote.

So, for both Control Center and a potential iOS Touch ID integration, I see four options:
  • They'll have another Yosemite event to introduce features that didn't make it to WWDC. I doubt that.
  • Included in the first release of Yosemite with no special announcement. Not a chance.
  • Moved to OS 10.11. But Control Center looked finished, at least visually.
  • Included with an update for Yosemite. Have they ever added a "bigger" feature with an OS update? I can't remember.
For Mavericks at least, they did a recap of some features and things they didn't have ready for the WWDC preview, IIRC.

That said, it's entirely possible that they took Control Center out because almost everything you can access from there can already be accessed easily already. There's not really any reason to remove it otherwise. I think it's completely up in the air whether they'll consider implementing Control Center in the final release or not.
So iphone 6 ?

...yeah xD I'm not really one to buy year-old hardware, so I won't seriously consider getting the 5S. I guess the only way I see myself getting a 5S is if for some reason the 6 only comes in 5.5 inches (never gonna happen). I'm fine with 4.7 inches (though I love the current size, great for pockets and fits nicely in my hands), but 5.5 just feels (and looks) comically huge for me.

Verizon contract is up in December, guess I'll re-up with the 6.


...yeah xD I'm not really one to buy year-old hardware, so I won't seriously consider getting the 5S. I guess the only way I see myself getting a 5S is if for some reason the 6 only comes in 5.5 inches (never gonna happen). I'm fine with 4.7 inches (though I love the current size, great for pockets and fits nicely in my hands), but 5.5 just feels (and looks) comically huge for me.

Verizon contract is up in December, guess I'll re-up with the 6.

Honestly, everything becomes normal with time. The first time I saw someone's Galaxy Note 2 that looked like straight comedy to me but I've seen my friend's 5.7" Note 3 quite a bit and it's completely normal to me now.

How it feels in the hand is another matter though and thankfully 4.7" is still great for one handed use (been messing around with the Moto X whenever I can). With the 4.7" iPhone there will be a little more of shifting the phone up and down in your hand to go from the top of the screen with your thumb back down to the home button but we're already doing this a little with the 5/5s so I don't see it as a big deal.
Honestly, everything becomes normal with time. The first time I saw someone's Galaxy Note 2 that looked like straight comedy to me but I've seen my friend's 5.7" Note 3 quite a bit and it's completely normal to me now.

How it feels in the hand is another matter though and thankfully 4.7" is still great for one handed use (been messing around with the Moto X whenever I can). With the 4.7" iPhone there will be a little more of shifting the phone up and down in your hand to go from the top of the screen with your thumb back down to the home button but we're already doing this a little with the 5/5s so I don't see it as a big deal.

I haven't had a chance to test out a Moto X (or any 4.7 inch phone, all my friends have either iPhones or Galaxy Notes), but from the comparisons I've see online the Moto X looks like its barely wider and taller than the iPhone 5. I'll try to get drop by a phone store these days to see if I can test one out, but it looks like it won't be much of an adjustment period.

Of course, that will mostly depend on how small they make the bezels - I'm pretty sure they'll keep the top & bottom bezels equally sized again (and thus big, due to the home button) so the 6 will probably be taller than the Moto X, but if they can keep the screen as flush to the sides as possible I think I'll barely notice the change in my hand.


Just please give me a 4" phone too. If they just follow the iPad lineup style of "pick storage space and size" I will be happy. I don't really care about sapphire all over my display, really.


Based on my experience with small smartphones before, then the 5.3" OG Galaxy Note, and then a 4.7" Moto G, the 4.7" size is optimal. It's comfortable to put in a tight jeans pocket. Going smaller would decrease usability because web on a small display is just painful, sacrifice usability and/or cost, and have essentially no benefit. Going larger would very quickly make the phone un-pocketable, as the Note was. (Which doesn't mean the larger phones are bad, just that they limit you in certain modes of carry.)


For Mavericks at least, they did a recap of some features and things they didn't have ready for the WWDC preview, IIRC.

That said, it's entirely possible that they took Control Center out because almost everything you can access from there can already be accessed easily already. There's not really any reason to remove it otherwise. I think it's completely up in the air whether they'll consider implementing Control Center in the final release or not.

Well, apps also were easily accessible. There's the dock, the application folder in the dock, the desktop and Spotlight - and yet they implemented Launchpad. So I doubt that's the reason, but I don't have a better explanation either.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Hey Hey, any word on if you can open control center with the keyboard open because OMG.


Well, apps also were easily accessible. There's the dock, the application folder in the dock, the desktop and Spotlight - and yet they implemented Launchpad. So I doubt that's the reason, but I don't have a better explanation either.
I think there's a stronger case for Launchpad than there is for Control Center. Sure we all know to open Spotlight or the Applications folder to get to apps that aren't already in the dock, but to a beginner, the only apps that exist are the ones that sit in the dock. Launchpad lets them see that there's more apps they can access, even if they don't know about the Applications folder yet.

You could argue the same with the toggles and things available in Control Center, but I think those things are less mystifying. Anyway, it's up to Apple's discretion whether they feel like putting it in or not, and it could go either way, I just think that's a likely explanation on why they're unsure whether to implement it.
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