I'm not too worried about this now that I've seen how Apple improved on Final Cut and iMovie after hitting the reset button on both of those projects respectively. Giving OS X a serious native photo library like iOS has will work wonders and likely INCREASE competition in that space now that other people can easily build photo-editing apps without necessarily having to worry about handling the import-from-camera process.
But on the other hand, I look at what's happen to QuickTime Player post-QTX and I get very sad. Apple's failure to open up AVFoundation so you can use third-party codecs like Perian (Perian ceased to work at all as of OS X 10.9, IIRC) is such a damn bummer, as is the total lack of old basic QuickTime Pro features.
I think Perian is still limping along--I've still got it installed. I think what you might be referring to is how they deprecated QTKit, so older codecs that open fine in QT7 don't render quick previews or thumbnails, which is a bit of a pain.