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WWDC14 Thread of iOS 8 and Mac OSX 10.10


You shouldn't lose your virtual unless

1) Your virtual is a boot camp hybrid in which case it probably will work, but I haven't tested it.

2) Your version of Parallels is incompatible with the beta of OS X. Yosemite hasn't caused me any problems with this, but it always seems like the final release version will somehow break Parallels, requiring a paid upgrade of Parallels.

Parallels 7 still works fine for me in Mavericks, although if I was going to do any serious gaming I would have upgraded to 8 for that alone.


So what is the point of a public beta distinct from the DP?

The point is that with the PB channel you can send feedbacks to Apple in the proper way, and don't need to mess with torrents either. The first PB is the same build as DP4, actually, according to reports on the internet.


You can already do that on Mavericks.

Son of a bitch, you're right. For some reason when I was trying to go through one of the Apple pages it told me I needed to pay for the Developer license to get it. Tried a different one and it let me download. Thanks!


woo hoo! downloading now.

also, this is important. looks like I’m not enabling iCloud drive till iOS 8 is out. I have data and documents syncing that I don’t want to lose with my iphone/iPad

After you install the OS X Yosemite Beta, you will be asked whether you wish to upgrade your account to iCloud Drive. If you choose to upgrade your account, iCloud Documents and Data will be disabled on devices that are not running OS X Yosemite or iOS 8. iCloud Drive will be available only on other Macs using the OS X Yosemite Beta and iOS devices running iOS 8. If you want to continue using iCloud Documents and Data on devices with earlier versions of OS X and iOS, you should not upgrade your account to iCloud Drive.


Alright, I just restarted my machine. I wish my internet at work was better. I'm looking at like 2 hours download time. If I went home for lunch it's probably be done in 20 minutes.
Anybody that downloads it, can you tell me what the name of the installer app is?

Is it 'Install OS X Yosemite' 'Install OS X Yosemite Public Beta' or something different?

Want to make sure I block the process name so no one at work installs it :p


Alright, I just restarted my machine. I wish my internet at work was better. I'm looking at like 2 hours download time. If I went home for lunch it's probably be done in 20 minutes.
Weird! I wish my home Internet was as fast as my work Internet. It sucks that so much of the Internet is blocked at my work. That's cool that you can at least download stuff like this. I did a speedtest the other day at work and it was ~700 Mbps up/down at work.


Downloading... can't wait to try this out. Probably will just stick another drive in my Mac Pro and run it off that rather than off my mini, now that I think about it.
woo hoo! downloading now.

also, this is important. looks like I’m not enabling iCloud drive till iOS 8 is out. I have data and documents syncing that I don’t want to lose with my iphone/iPad

So iCloud will be dead on other devices e.g. I wont be able to access my contacts, Notes etc if I upgrade to iCloud Drive? Wow


Yeah it's a good thing they mentioned that iCloud drive thing prominently. I might've just enabled it if I didn't know any better.

I ran home to download it. Already done. I'm going to go back and install it now.
this is the thing about releasing iOS 8 in sept and OS X in Oct... surely all the iCloud data/photos stuff is going to be out of whack until you're running the latest OSs on all your devices?


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
It's giving me a "we'll be back soon" sign. I assume it's down?


iCloud Drive just replaces the iCloud storage of iWork/Preview documents, no? It's unrelated to iCloud syncing of your contacts, calendar, reminders, etc.


it’s installed. and then if you reopen the app store, you get the iTunes 12 beta.

something I haven’t seen mentioned before. when you drag an item off the dock and wait, instead of the “puff of smoke” cloud, you get a clear text popover that says “remove” on it.

Still not liking the shape and contrast of the white, borderless buttons on the grey toolbar (I think I have a thing for wanting single pixel border outlines on buttons) but other elements of the UI are nice. there’s a lot of subtle animation on radio buttons and checkboxes that screenshots don’t reveal.

The use of small fonts on the dark, translucent background in NC really benefits from the retina display. As an example, click on the weather to get extended forecast on a regular ~100 ppi display. text is a little muddied. typical for small white text on black backgrounds. it’s super sharp on the retina display on the macbook, as expected

there’s a section for Extensions in sys preferences where you can get more NC widgets but link to app store is broken now. no way to add more at this time.

I have Gmail setup in Mail and there’s now the gmail initials of the sender in a grey circle to the right of the message. I don’t know if this is gmail only but it now adds something that’s seen in the gmail iOS app and webapp.

safari does seem snappier. For real. loading new Gaf pages with extensions running is now faster than before.

edit: seeing blurred, colourful webpages show through the entire safari titlebar is weird. it’s not distracting for text pages but with lots of images, it seems weird. like some sort of old-timey shapeshifter theme.
I have Gmail setup in Mail and there’s now the gmail initials of the sender in a grey circle to the right of the message. I don’t know if this is gmail only but it now adds something that’s seen in the gmail iOS app and webapp.

Does it for any Mail account, started with iOS 7:



@infiniteloop. OK, good to know. it’s for any email.

note for haters of translucency (and white titlebar buttons with no borders). the “increase contrast” option in accessibility addresses both issues.

but I’ll leave it as default


So far so good, just minor lag with mission control. Like the way it looks. More subtle than the pics and previews made it seem.


Yeah, this seems much more retina focused. Probably looks really killer on there.

My concern is not how it looks, but how well it performs. Blows my mind how my ~€3.000 Best MacBook Pro We've Ever Built™ can't even handle lag-free scrolling in so many apps. Not a problem for my mother's bargain bin Windows laptop, though.

How's the latest DP in this regard? I'm talking about the original rMBP from 2012.


:lol, well somebody had to say it.
Thing is it's always true!
Safari definitely gets better with each and every iteration... or 'seems' to anyway :)

it’s true. especially loading gifs. single gifs under 3 or 4 MB in size start playing super fast - no wait time. pages with multiple gifs still take some time but, in my opinion, less time than before.


Scrolling up/down on Chrome is terrible

To revert back to Mavericks, I would need to reinstall it, correct?
You should have made a partition of your hard drive if you are going to install beta operating system. Try using Time Machine backup to restore previous operating system and data back to your computer.


OK, so iTunes 12 has a pretty big change to navigating store vs local than before.

it used to be that you clicked the iTunes store button and then there was a new list of section buttons for music, movies, etc.

But now, when you enter the store, the buttons to move between music, movies, app sections in the store are the same buttons you use to move between those sections in your library.

So, if you’re browsing apps in the iTunes store and want to go back to your music, you can’t just hit a single button (used to “library”) to see your music. you have to click the “music" button on the left side of the window and THEN hit another button in the middle of the titlebar to switch from iTunes store to “My Music”. (or click “my apps” first, then go back to music)

or, if something is playing, hit CMD-L to go to your library and see what’s playing.

hmmm…. not liking this change. will file a report once the feedback assistant servers aren’t broken.
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