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WWDC14 Thread of iOS 8 and Mac OSX 10.10

Deku Tree

Glad I got in before the servers crashed. Still can't log into iCloud or the Feedback assistant program. Say's they are having server problems. Loving the flatness.

The Real Abed

I have no idea about Chrome, as I uninstalled that shitty browser as soon as Mavericks came out. Firefox is hit or miss for me and hates having a lot of tabs open to the point that it actually hurts Flash video playback.

Safari however is the best browser you can use on OS X. And that sounds strange to hear. But it's true. At least usage-wise. If you need tons of extensions, then sorry. Enjoy your Chrome and Firefox.

Now, Apple, please give me my Yosemite please!


Wait I accidentally did some swipe gesture where Safari showed me all my open tabs. How do I do that swipe again?

2 finger pinch inward (that existed in mavericks, too)

@kaskade. I agree about iTunes speed. I have a lot of music and it’s faster scrolling through album view plus the animation “opening” the albums when clicking on them. switching between music, movies, etc. seems fast too.

it’s just the revised itunes store/library switching I dislike. plus the store itself is still slow as always. it always feels like it’s running in IE6...

The Real Abed

Oh thanks. Yeah I like the two finger pinch to see all my open tabs.
It's a hell of a lot more useful than this abomination was:
That thing is less useful than the tab bar itself! How anyone at Apple could think that would make sense. Thumbnails on tab hover would make more sense than that. "The user wants to see all their tabs, right? So we'll show them one at a time! It's genius!"

Deku Tree

It's a hell of a lot more useful than this abomination was:

That thing is less useful than the tab bar itself! How anyone at Apple could think that would make sense. Thumbnails on tab hover would make more sense than that. "The user wants to see all their tabs, right? So we'll show them one at a time! It's genius!"


Thinking of Safari. I love that when you click on the URL bar it now shows you your favorites bar. Now I can save some more screen real estate for Safari and I only need to look at my favorites bar when I am about to use it. Genius.

The Real Abed


Thinking of Safari. I love that when you click on the URL bar it now shows you your favorites bar. Now I can save some more screen real estate for Safari and I only need to look at my favorites bar when I am about to use it. Genius.
I just put Safari in Fullscreen (God I love Fullscreen) and hide the Favorites bar. It appears when I mouse up to the top of the screen and disappears when I'm done if I need it. Though I usually make a new tab anyway and get it from there. Rarely do I want to replace the tab I'm in with a new favorite. And I have a habit of just closing the tab when I'm done and immediately Command+N-ing to open a new URL.

I am looking forward to giving Safari a proper test of my workflow. Installing the Yosemite DP on a second partition didn't help much since it didn't have all my content, and I couldn't figure out which Library stuff to copy over to get Safari to open all my same tabs.

The Real Abed

Okay. Now I'm confused.

I reloaded and it changed from a "We'll be back" to a 404 error page. Then reloading one more time brought up a login screen. I logged in and now it says "OS X Yosemite Beta is available from the Mac App Store." But I can't find it anywhere in the store. I tried searching. Checking the Purchases tab. Checking the Updates tab. It's not there.

Deku Tree

Wow Safari is kind of buggy. Some websites do not get through my companies WiFi firewall for some reason... They work fine on Mavericks. But not on Yosemite.

Like when I try to load Apple.com it continues to redirect to my companies firewall default website every time.

The Real Abed

Finally! Turns out the page wasn't finished downloading. It had stopped right below the "Get Mavericks" part. I reloaded again and it showed the numbers and the page scrolled to give me a link. Whoo. Downloading now!

Well, actually I had to cancel iWork downloading first. For some reason they decided to install themselves. I don't even need them. But somehow the "download" button got pressed. I'll have to remove them later. At least Keynote and maybe Pages. I might have some use for Numbers later.
Safari is almost perfect for me, but to make it my default, I need to make the text (zoom) a bit better. When I zoom in, currently, its too much. On Chrome, I have the zoom set to 110%.

Is there anything I can do with Safari to help with that?

The Real Abed

Safari is almost perfect for me, but to make it my default, I need to make the text (zoom) a bit better. When I zoom in, currently, its too much. On Chrome, I have the zoom set to 110%.

Is there anything I can do with Safari to help with that?
I do it the hacky way. It works for the most part but can be tweaked. Since there's no official way to make Safari remember your Zoom setting for sites for some god forsaken reason.

Use an extension like QuickStyle. It's on the Extensions store.

Then click and hold its toolbar button (It looks like two curly braces together {}) and select "Edit Styles For This Site".

In the popup that appears, type in the top right box either "HTML" or "BODY". And in the bottom, type "zoom: 140%;". Tweak the 140 until it looks right. And switch the HTML or BODY with another page element as you see fit. This CSS code changes the zoom for page elements. It can be a burden on occasional sites though so keep that in mind.

It's not as good as an official way to zoom and have it remember, but it works.


Safari is still not perfect because it has apparently still no way to block video ads. The adblock people said that they can't do it.

The Real Abed

Safari is still not perfect because it has apparently still no way to block video ads. The adblock people said that they can't do it.
They used to have a version that worked fine. But it stopped working long ago. I just suck it up and let them play. Especially since the ads help the people making the content. Which in my case is a lot of internet reviewers and game players.


They used to have a version that worked fine. But it stopped working long ago. I just suck it up and let them play. Especially since the ads help the people making the content. Which in my case is a lot of internet reviewers and game players.

Hey, I'm all for people getting money for their video content, but in my locale it plays the same ad over and over again. I'm not gonna lose my mind just to view a video, then I'm gonna take action.

The Real Abed

Hey, I'm all for people getting money for their video content, but in my locale it plays the same ad over and over again. I'm not gonna lose my mind just to view a video, then I'm gonna take action.
All internet video ads are like that. It's even worse on Blip.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?

I feel like this is the OS my retina 15" has been waiting for. Thrilled to hear game performance has improved, too. That 15-20% should be the perfect difference I need to enjoy games, now.


well, submitted 5 problem reports. little bugs here and there.

there’s a translucency rendering bug when activating the safari sidebar (blurred desktop appears before sidebar does)

when opening the Mail window, the sidebar is pushed all the way down to the oldest messages.

network pref pane has alignment issues for network sources sidebar.

I also submitted iTunes bugs about the modal get info window (i’m sure they have a ton of repeated ones here) plus the new store/library navigation issues.

yay! filing bugs and beta testing

(at work, I need to respond to problem reports so it’s a little cathartic to be creating them for a change)
Just installed and tried. I quite like it. Enough for me to know I don't really need to play around with the beta anymore and I'll pretty much go straight to Yosemite when it's out.

Only a couple minor things I didn't like:

- Transparencies are okay in most places but is terribly distracting in Safari. Thankfully I use Chrome so this is a non-issue for me unless Google adds the effect too...

- The dock is hella ugly when it's big (or default size). Looks better when it's smaller but the text bubbles look out of proportion to me. Like comically large with respect to the size of the dock. You guys should report this :)

- Animations sometimes get jerky on my 2012 MBA, especially in mission control.

- Everything looks fine for the most part on a non-retina screen but there is some blurriness and aliasing in places.
Eh, kind of nervous to go through with the beta. I have two Macs but I use both of them frequently (older one for school and my new one for everything). Are there any huge flaws?

The Real Abed

I hope Glims is updated soon. I had to remove it because it was causing problems, but I really mainly use it for the icons in the tab bar. Now that they're gone, I kind of miss their presence.

Also, the only menu apps I have that have updated their icons for Dark Mode so far are BTT and gfxCardStatus. Though Dark Mode is also still completely buggy so I'll stick to normal mode for now.


Eh, kind of nervous to go through with the beta. I have two Macs but I use both of them frequently (older one for school and my new one for everything). Are there any huge flaws?

I've been using it all day with no issues. I tested Adobe CS 5.5, Final Cut X, etc and no problems as of yet. Surprised at how stable it has been. Battery life has been great too.
I've been using it all day with no issues. I tests Adobe CS 5.5, Final Cut X, etc and no problems as of yet. Surprised at how stable it has been. Battery life has been great too.

Cool. I use CS6 so hopefully it works just as well.

Downloading it on my older Mac. Hopefully it works well.

The Real Abed

I'll tell you a secret. I have PhotoShop CS3, which I've trimmed down and removed parts from to save room, and it still runs perfectly. It's survived like half a dozen major OS X upgrades. It's not Retina, but it works. I'm impressed. Every time I upgrade I expect it to just die.

Also, for some reason when I updated, X11 got thrown in a second LaunchPad screen in a single folder all alone. So I tried to remove it and move it to my "Utilities" folder under LP and it kept "Reloading Applications" and putting it back for the first few times. Now I've gotten it into my Utilities folder but it left behind an empty folder on the second page.

Then I tried dragging an app into the folder so I could drag it out and the app disappeared from LaunchPad! So I used the Terminal to killall Dock and now it's working again. Heh.


Edit: Also, DropBox's default Mavericks style folder is really bugging the crap out of my OCD.


How's the dark mode? Can't wait to download it when I get home.

Very nice, although it only affects the menu bar and dock.

Kerning on non-retina displays is atrocious: even the "Welcome to OS X" splash screen on startup has the headline text essentially colliding.

The System Prefs icon looks really odd constrained in that box.

Miss some of the shadowing for the Dock, or the 3D dock; things just don't stick out well on it.

Really like the subtle animation on checkboxes.

Is it just me or have the title bars gotten a little darker, closer to Leopard and Snow Leopard than 10.7-10.9? Feel like the window controls are muddier because of it.

Beta time!

Do I have to worry about boot camp or Creative Cloud derping on me?

On a quick open haven't noticed issues but you can bet something's broken in Adobe's applications. Happens every OS update.


I’d recommend anyone in the public beta who wants dark mode to affect windows and not just menubar/dock to write problem reports on it in the beta feedback assistant app.
I tried to change the Spotlight order. System crash. Restart
I tried to change the font size in Safari. System crash. Restart

It seems that whenever something freezes, or hangs, the entire OS becomes inoperable; you cant access e.g. Activity Monitor to close the frozen app, for instance.
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