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WWDC14 Thread of iOS 8 and Mac OSX 10.10


with chrome, when you open a new tab, you can immediately start typing what you want in the search bar. in safari, you can't. :(

hmm. I thought you could. i might be misremembering.

try setting the "new tab" option in safari preferences to something different and see if that changes the cursor highlight to be in the address box.

I'd say this is a problem report kinda thing. after all, where else would we want the cursor to be for a new tab than in the address/search box?


If I don't have an external hard drive to back up my current data to, should I not test out the beta?

Depends how much risk you are willing to tolerate.

Based on my experience and from reading this thread, it seems like a very stable beta, but upgrading without something to roll back from wouldn't ever be considered 'best practise'.


listen to the mad man
Submitted a feedback report about the Wifi icon. Every time the corner of my eye catches it, the lines are so thin they look closer to the grey not-connected wifi icon from past versions.


I installed from a usb drive to an external HDD via usb because my main MBP drive wouldn't even open the installer, then swapped the drives over. This drive is the old one out of my PS3 though which states 'not suitable for laptop use'?

It's running smooth as hell but that might be as much down to how borked the other installation was ( i was experiencing lock ups and crashes ever since something went wrong with a point update. ) I'll probably stick with this as i only really use it for internet, mail and iTunes and it seems pretty stable aside from the odd bugs.


...hate me...
Submitted a feedback report about the Wifi icon. Every time the corner of my eye catches it, the lines are so thin they look closer to the grey not-connected wifi icon from past versions.

So true. Sometimes it can even look like just very low reception, because the bottom dot looks darker (due to being thicker).

Also having the bug that new tabs or windows don't have the address bar highlighted :/ Tried switching some options and even restarting Safari but no dice.
The new Notification Center is super handy. If I still had an iPhone, I'd imagine it'd be even better.

Some of these menu bar icons are rough on my MBA (respeck my DPI, damn it).


i'm having a weird problem with safari where whenever i go to a site that requires a login, it freezes after having loaded the login page

i thought it was 1password first but I quit both the 1password app and disabled the extension and restarted it multiple times and it is still doing it :S

has anyone else had this? i'm sure it has been working because I'm already logged into a few sites, not sure why it has started doing this now.

The Real Abed

with chrome, when you open a new tab, you can immediately start typing what you want in the search bar. in safari, you can't. :(
hmm. I thought you could. i might be misremembering.

try setting the "new tab" option in safari preferences to something different and see if that changes the cursor highlight to be in the address box.

I'd say this is a problem report kinda thing. after all, where else would we want the cursor to be for a new tab than in the address/search box?
On my Safari you can, sounds like a bug.
My problem is that when I create a new tab, there's a significant delay before the tab shows up. I'm used to Safari 7 which was instant and would be in the habit of hitting Command+T then immediately typing. Now it doesn't grab the first few characters of my query. Completely throws off my groove.


Hi y'all. I just installed the 10.10 Beta and have a very basic question. iMessage is a VERY important app for me, it's my number one message app across my iPhone, iPad and Mac.

Now in iMessage on Yosemite Beta is a microphone symbol next to the typing box, on the right of the smiley symbol. What does it do? Pressing it gets rid of the typing box and nothing happens.
Pretty sure you're supposed to press and hold it to record an audio message.


So is Mail less shitty as promised?

I'm having an issue with 2 Mail bugs today. The first is it locking up when ever I click on an email notification. The other is it always sends emails from my main gmail account no matter what I select in the drop down. I have 2 gmail accounts and 1 hotmail and it always sends from the same gmail. Makes Mail unusable to me. I've reported the lock up bug but not the sending one.

The other weird bug I'm having is with Safari and the Any.do web app. There is a in Safari specific notification system that won't still cycling through every item listed. Half the time it doesn't even show the notification and I just hear the sound. No idea if this is Safari, Yosemite, or Any.do. I like the Any.do system but there are bugs on all platforms.


Interesting new behaviour: Audio output automatically switches to headphones if you plug headphones in while outputting through a Bluetooth device.

You used to have to switch to headphones manually.
has anyone ran into issues with vlc & yosemite? the video window randomly seems to disappear and i have no idea how to get it back. the file is still running because you can hear the audio track but you just can't see anything. only seems to have happened since using yosemite.


has anyone ran into issues with vlc & yosemite? the video window randomly seems to disappear and i have no idea how to get it back. the file is still running because you can hear the audio track but you just can't see anything. only seems to have happened since using yosemite.
Yeah VLC has been a bit all over the place for me. When it works it works fine, but sometimes I'll have to quit and relaunch a few times before a video will play.


has anyone ran into issues with vlc & yosemite? the video window randomly seems to disappear and i have no idea how to get it back. the file is still running because you can hear the audio track but you just can't see anything. only seems to have happened since using yosemite.
Did you minimize the window to the dock? Minimizing the window to the dock makes the window disappear for me when I go back to VLC. If you go fullscreen it should reappear. This was also happening with Mavericks as well.

Deku Tree

Are you able to create a folder in iCloudDrive and put your own stuff in there? I tried to do that and the OS moved the folder into my main directory...


Are you able to create a folder in iCloudDrive and put your own stuff in there? I tried to do that and the OS moved the folder into my main directory...

I just tried this and it did the same thing, you can't drag stuff out either, you have to bring up the context menu and use 'move to'. I thought it was going to be like Dropbox.

Deku Tree

I just tried this and it did the same thing, you can't drag stuff out either, you have to bring up the context menu and use 'move to'. I thought it was going to be like Dropbox.

Yeah. I am still hoping they open it up more in a future revision. Apple sure did sell iCloudDrive like a competitor to Dropbox etc. So expect that it will be added in an update
Did you minimize the window to the dock? Minimizing the window to the dock makes the window disappear for me when I go back to VLC. If you go fullscreen it should reappear. This was also happening with Mavericks as well.

nope. it seems to think that the 'main window' is playlist and just shows that, regardless of what i do. it also greys out the video options in the menu. hmmm.

also, why do the notifications for Facebook etc. just stay there? then when you do close them they DISAPPEAR IN A PUFF OF SMOKE. ugh apple please.


I just tried this and it did the same thing, you can't drag stuff out either, you have to bring up the context menu and use 'move to'. I thought it was going to be like Dropbox.

Every time someone brings out a competitor to Dropbox it's like they miss the point of why Dropbox is so good.
How well is the screen recording between iOS 8 and Yosemite working with the latest betas? I remember it was flakey on earlier ones.

What have people been using previously? reflector?


Given up on Safari and gone back to Chrome.

It often just simply refuses to load pages, just hangs on the loading bar.

Switched to Chrome and it works perfectly on the same sites, still faster too. Shame it makes my Mac slightly hotter but I can't deal with the frustration that Safari still is.
The kerning on the final setup screens was completely effed on DP1. I don't know if they fixed that since I haven't seen those screens when updating to the later previews.

SMS/MMS relay uses iCloud and phone call relay uses Wi-Fi exclusively so you'll be good for those features.

Handoff and the new AirDrop requires BTLE and a compatible Wi-Fi chipset, those two you'll miss out on.

I have a 2011 Mac. Do I miss out too?


...hate me...
Interesting new behaviour: Audio output automatically switches to headphones if you plug headphones in while outputting through a Bluetooth device.

You used to have to switch to headphones manually.
When I'm connected to my bluetooth speaker, if I turn the speaker off, the computer starts playing whatever on iTunes.

I guess this action was meant to pause iTunes playback if it was playing, but yeah, poorly coded I guess. Actually I think that it shouldn't even pause anything and just switch to the computer's default speakers.
I just tried this and it did the same thing, you can't drag stuff out either, you have to bring up the context menu and use 'move to'. I thought it was going to be like Dropbox.

I'm pretty sure it's working as intended for me. I have a bunch of folders filled with my own personal files on there.


Given up on Safari and gone back to Chrome.

It often just simply refuses to load pages, just hangs on the loading bar.

Switched to Chrome and it works perfectly on the same sites, still faster too. Shame it makes my Mac slightly hotter but I can't deal with the frustration that Safari still is.

Macrumors is really slow for me and it did work but now trying to access utorrent through the web server hangs and then every other page hangs unless i re-open safari.

I'm pretty sure it's working as intended for me. I have a bunch of folders filled with my own personal files on there.

Maybe it's just buggy then.

Edit: Ok i just tried again and dragging is working, still refuses to allow new folders though.
Maybe it's just buggy then.

Edit: Ok i just tried again and dragging is working, still refuses to allow new folders though.

That's strange, for me it literally works like any other folder in Finder. I have a bunch of my own folders filled with documents and images on there, I'm also able to access it from my work computer that also has Yosemite installed.


Given up on Safari and gone back to Chrome.

It often just simply refuses to load pages, just hangs on the loading bar.

Switched to Chrome and it works perfectly on the same sites, still faster too. Shame it makes my Mac slightly hotter but I can't deal with the frustration that Safari still is.

Yeah, I posted about this issue somewhat recently. I've had this problem with Safari across multiple versions and two different Macs (a 2006 iMac, and this new 2013 iMac). Still happens in the Yosemite beta. I wish to god Apple would find whatever is causing this and fix it; I'd actually prefer to use Safari (especially once I have iOS8/Handoff) but I'm forced to use other browsers because of this crap. As an IT guy, I really despise long running issues in software; usually Apple isn't as often guilty of this the way MS is, but this thing has been happening to me for years. >=(

Deku Tree

OK I just got iCloud drive to work with creating folders and dropping files in there. Only have one computer with me so I can't check it on another device...

...but does anyone know where the iCloud Drive is located within my file system? I can access it from the favorites bar. And I can access it from the "Go" menu. But otherwise I don't know where to see it on my SSD...


Just a guess... might be in users/yourname/Library.

but the user's library folder is hidden by default (since mav or mountain lion?). you can go there with the goto command so you might find it in there.

Deku Tree

Just a guess... might be in users/yourname/Library.

but the user's library folder is hidden by default (since mav or mountain lion?). you can go there with the goto command so you might find it in there.

It's not in an obvious place inside there... I didn't check through subfolders though... the larger question is why is Apple hiding the location of the iCloud Drive in the file system?


It's not in an obvious place inside there... I didn't check through subfolders though... the larger question is why is Apple hiding the location of the iCloud Drive in the file system?

Try pressing cmd + arrow-up while you're in the folder; this should navigate to its parent folder.

edit: Alternatively, you could open a Terminal window and then drag & drop a file/folder from iCloud Drive into it. The full path of the file/folder should be displayed then.


It's not in an obvious place inside there... I didn't check through subfolders though... the larger question is why is Apple hiding the location of the iCloud Drive in the file system?

Not sure. but it's possible that the icloud drive is a meta data driven collection of document folders spread out across the file system, for different apps?

you know what? I should stop guessing, lol. I bet there's developer documentation on where/how icloud drive is located and organized.

anyone with a dev account should be able to read up on it or see some presentations from WWDC explaining it. Some gaffers here probably know.


That's strange, for me it literally works like any other folder in Finder. I have a bunch of my own folders filled with documents and images on there, I'm also able to access it from my work computer that also has Yosemite installed.

I've done a restart and it's now working as it should.

The Real Abed

I'd love to test out iCloud Drive properly but I only have one machine with Yosemite right now and no iOS 8 yet.

The problem is that I'm worried right now because Apple was saying "don't upgrade your iCloud account yet if you don't have all your devices on Yosemite and iOS 8" but when I installed Yosemite, it upgraded me immediately without asking and now I'm on iCloud Drive. But my iPhone hasn't complained about anything yet. But I just tested out Reminders, Calendar and Notes on both devices. Reminders and Calendar worked fine, but Notes ended up creating a copy of the note I edited (with my iPhone) on my Mac with the changes instead of editing the original. I might have to be very careful for the next 2 months until iOS 8 comes out.
Yeah, I posted about this issue somewhat recently. I've had this problem with Safari across multiple versions and two different Macs (a 2006 iMac, and this new 2013 iMac). Still happens in the Yosemite beta. I wish to god Apple would find whatever is causing this and fix it; I'd actually prefer to use Safari (especially once I have iOS8/Handoff) but I'm forced to use other browsers because of this crap. As an IT guy, I really despise long running issues in software; usually Apple isn't as often guilty of this the way MS is, but this thing has been happening to me for years. >=(

Disable IPv6 in advanced settings in Network. Worked for all my macs.
I'd love to test out iCloud Drive properly but I only have one machine with Yosemite right now and no iOS 8 yet.

The problem is that I'm worried right now because Apple was saying "don't upgrade your iCloud account yet if you don't have all your devices on Yosemite and iOS 8" but when I installed Yosemite, it upgraded me immediately without asking and now I'm on iCloud Drive. But my iPhone hasn't complained about anything yet. But I just tested out Reminders, Calendar and Notes on both devices. Reminders and Calendar worked fine, but Notes ended up creating a copy of the note I edited (with my iPhone) on my Mac with the changes instead of editing the original. I might have to be very careful for the next 2 months until iOS 8 comes out.

iOS iworks is currently unusable for me, it no longer downloads files from the old icloud. Luckily everything is accessible on yosemite, so I too will tread carefully.


I'm kind of amazed Apple put out a public OS beta with this half assed situation on iCloud Drive and the mess it can cause when not moving over everything.

How the hell this is supposed to work when Yosemite and iOS8 will almost certainly ship on different days is beyond me.
I'd love to test out iCloud Drive properly but I only have one machine with Yosemite right now and no iOS 8 yet.

The problem is that I'm worried right now because Apple was saying "don't upgrade your iCloud account yet if you don't have all your devices on Yosemite and iOS 8" but when I installed Yosemite, it upgraded me immediately without asking and now I'm on iCloud Drive. But my iPhone hasn't complained about anything yet. But I just tested out Reminders, Calendar and Notes on both devices. Reminders and Calendar worked fine, but Notes ended up creating a copy of the note I edited (with my iPhone) on my Mac with the changes instead of editing the original. I might have to be very careful for the next 2 months until iOS 8 comes out.

Unfinished software is unfinished.


I'd love to test out iCloud Drive properly but I only have one machine with Yosemite right now and no iOS 8 yet.
Apple tells you loud and clear to back up any data you are afraid of losing. They also warn you very directly not to install a beta on production machines.

It is great that almost all greater software companies are allowing for beta previews and demos and whatnot. But the result cannot be people mistaking incomplete, untested software for everyday usable systems.
Is iTunes, especially the Podcasts view, sluggish for other users of a Retina Macbook Pro?

It's really ridiculous.

On a Macbook Air, and in Mavericks, but my iTunes is flat out broken. Any time I got in to podcasts, the app freezes and I have to force quit. Seen reports of this elsewhere and it seems to be a major problem with 11.3.
Unfinished software is unfinished.

Apple tells you loud and clear to back up any data you are afraid of losing. They also warn you very directly not to install a beta on production machines.

It is great that almost all greater software companies are allowing for beta previews and demos and whatnot. But the result cannot be people mistaking incomplete, untested software for everyday usable systems.

I don't see anyone here blaming Apple. I'm sure we all know the risk of installing beta software on our day to day machines.

The Real Abed

Unfinished software is unfinished.
Apple tells you loud and clear to back up any data you are afraid of losing. They also warn you very directly not to install a beta on production machines.
No, what Apple specifically said was to not upgrade your iCloud to iCloud Drive. They didn't say not to install Yosemite. They made it clear that it would be an option that you'd be asked. But it never asked the option. It just did it. Then again, I was also using the DPs on a separate partition. Maybe it upgraded it back then a few months ago before they made it an option you had to agree to.

Doesn't matter, because A) I am the king of backing up. I have numerous backups of my data from before Yosemite and a Time Machine now and B) I haven't really had any problems with my iOS iCloud aside from that weird Notes duplication (Which it now turns out is a bug and I'll explain below) maybe because I don't really use many apps that have both an iOS and OS X version and use iCloud. I don't use iWork right now. Or any other programs. I only use Notes, Calendar, and Apples other stuff.

That said, as I said, I wish I could actually test its functionality seeing as it's upgraded anyway. But I don't have a second machine. Something tells me though that it doesn't currently work as much like DropBox as I was hoping. (I need the ability to put Symlinks in there and manually choose which files to be downloaded to certain machines.) Shame because I really wanted to replace DropBox since Apple's prices were going to be so much better. If they don't change how it works by release, it'll be just another feature I rarely use.

*As I said above, it turns out the "duplication" isn't actually duplication. Rather it's the way the cloud "atomically" saves changes to the data. It turns out when I was editing a note on my Yosemite Mac, when the changes filtered down to my iOS 7 devices, it was creating a second copy with the changes, then deleting the first. But it would sometimes take a few seconds to delete the old copy. I guess this kind of thing is supposed to happen behind the scenes but currently isn't. So I guess in the end, I have absolutely no problems with iCloud not working anymore. That's good to know.

Now on the subject of Safari's terrible lag when opening a new tab. Well, of course it turns out that if I use the Top Sites view, it takes a second and a half to get the tab working. But if I change it to Favorites view, it opens near instantly. *sigh* I have all my Top Sites exactly how I like them, but I'd much rather just use Favorites view if it's going to remove that darn delay. Hopefully they can speed that up by release. Actually... Favorites view looks a lot nicer I must say. But it's a bit redundant if you have the sidebar open there too. (Unless you change it to Reading List)


No, what Apple specifically said was to not upgrade your iCloud to iCloud Drive. They didn't say not to install Yosemite. They made it clear that it would be an option that you'd be asked. But it never asked the option. It just did it.
It certainly didn't for me. It asked me on first boot up, I said no and it never activated iCloud Drive. When I click on the iCloud Drive folder it just shows an explanation of what it is and asks if I want to activate it.
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