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WWDC14 Thread of iOS 8 and Mac OSX 10.10


I'm happy with iCloud Keychain for almost everything really. Not sure why I would need to pay for an additional password service.

For me it's advantageous because I can choose how to sync stuff as opposed to relying on iCloud, and because it's more helpful in situations like where I need to enter in my mobile banking password. If you're doing everything in browsers it's not really as helpful.

Edit: That reminds me, is there a way to turn off the prompts for saving a password in iCloud keychain? 1Password is as annoying as Safari but at least if you haven't unlocked the browser extension it won't bother you. But getting both alerts is very annoying.

The Real Abed

Some guy did a Vine demo video showing 1Password working in Safari on iOS8. https://vine.co/v/MFXHTa9I7Lq
Awesome to get confirmation and proof! iOS8 is going to be the start (Or continuation) of something amazing. I can't wait to see what iOS9 has in store. And whatever comes after Yosemite.

I'm happy with iCloud Keychain for almost everything really. Not sure why I would need to pay for an additional password service.
What I like is that you can store other things in 1Password (And I assume LastPass) than just passwords. Like notes you don't want in your normal notes app and other stuff. It's just nice and easy to use too with a centralized location for editing all the info.


Nice. Will download later. I switched back to Chrome because Safari was crashing so damn much.

Also... if anyone is wondering, DO NOT do the Yosemite preview if you need Photoshop professionally. I've ran into too many bugs.

BUT... Adobe pushed out a general Photoshop update the other night and it totally solved my Wacom Intuous problems I've been experiencing for over a year. It's amazing!


beta 2 yosemite notes.

Mail inbox selection bug is fixed. (doesn’t drop you down to bottom of list of messages)

added back button in the new safari bookmark menu when clicking in titlebar.

iTunes beta in album view no longer has view options so cannot set album view to sort albums by artist, then by year released. it has defaulted to sort by artist, then album name. no way to change…. seems like a bug as view options still exist in other views.

album view has new “recently added” list of albums. convenient, actually.. also, seems faster opening and closing the album song list views. snappier. but that might bog down with more use.

iPod or iPhone icon in iTunes window now separated from music, movies, etc. less confusing.
My albums have defaulted to Artist Name > Year Released, which is actually how I want it, but still odd how it's now set.

Half of my Safari address bar is grey, as if half of it is highlighted (I have Graphite highlights selected) and doesn't change at all

Finder still doesn't remember it's window position and it resets, along with icon size, grid spacing and label position every time I reboot

Spotlight suggestions crash Spotlight whenever I highlight a Wikipedia search entry, no matter what I search. When reopening my previous search is lost.

Things on the whole just seem a little slower and more sluggish. I put that down initially to the Spotlight Index (possibly) reindexing but it's been a couple of hours now and it still seems to be the same.

Oh kinda weird on the Mac I had updates for Keynote and Numbers but not Pages and simultaneously on my iPhone I had updates for Pages but not Keynote or Numbers. Huh!?


Downloading now. A bit worried that it seems more sluggish since beta 1 was already pretty sluggish on my 2010 Macbook Pro. Hope the lack of album view options in iTunes is just a bug or an oversight, can't imagine why they would remove that. It was buggy in beta 1 and I had to keep changing it back since it reset itself all the time.


...hate me...
Oh man.

This public beta update.

Safari's focus when opening a new tab.


I just...



...hate me...
um, I updated and the internet is soooooo slooooow. Why could this be?
Spotlight indexing and generally slowing down your computer, giving the perception of a slower internet as well (javascript takes longer to execute etc)? Or maybe just mad coincidence?

Do an internet speedtest on both your computer and another computer or device, such as your phone etc.


Updated. My iTunes automatically sorted to Album Artist > Year so that's nice. I like the recently added idea but I wish it was able to be hidden, it's a bit annoying having it at the top like that.

Safari seems to have taken a hit performance wise, or it may be because of spotlight but I'm having trouble even loading some sites. And I am also having a glitchy grey highlight in the address bar sometimes.

Edit: Safari completely unusable at the moment. Ridiculous, this better be because of Spotlight :/

Edit 2: Not just Safari but Internet in general so the same issue as the poster above, it's fine on other devices.

The Real Abed

A new, strange sound for raising and lowering the volume. I was not expecting it. I guess I'll get used to it.

The overlays for volume and brightness are now different too.

Also, System Preferences no longer has a Back and Forward button. Just the All button.

Dark Mode now removes the shadow from the menubar.

Also, did anyone else have the checkbox to set up FileVault checked by default when you first logged into PB2? If I hadn't been paying attention I'd have ended up encrypting my Home folder. Which is not something I want to do. Why would they want people using that by default? And was it ever checked by default before?

Terminal icon has been slightly tweaked.

iTunes now remembers which playlist folders I have expanded. Though it still doesn't remember your last location in the app. Baby steps I guess.

Deku Tree

A new, strange sound for raising and lowering the volume. I was not expecting it. I guess I'll get used to it.

The overlays for volume and brightness are now different too.

Also, System Preferences no longer has a Back and Forward button. Just the All button.

Dark Mode now removes the shadow from the menubar.

Also, did anyone else have the checkbox to set up FileVault checked by default when you first logged into PB2
? If I hadn't been paying attention I'd have ended up encrypting my Home folder. Which is not something I want to do. Why would they want people using that by default? And was it ever checked by default before?

Terminal icon has been slightly tweaked.

iTunes now remembers which playlist folders I have expanded. Though it still doesn't remember your last location in the app. Baby steps I guess.

Yeah that happened to me too. Weird. Would have been very slow to do encryption every time.
Also, did anyone else have the checkbox to set up FileVault checked by default when you first logged into PB2? If I hadn't been paying attention I'd have ended up encrypting my Home folder. Which is not something I want to do. Why would they want people using that by default? And was it ever checked by default before?

It was added in one of the DPs recently. FileVault encrypts your whole drive, i guess they're trying to make people aware of their security options.

Deku Tree

They got rid of the audio cues that played when you change volume. I miss my *splat* noise. :(

That's adjustable. They just set it to off by default for some unexplainable reason. Click "Play feedback when volume is changed" in the Sound Preferences. I think they changed the sound though.


They got rid of the audio cues that played when you change volume. I miss my *splat* noise. :(

I have a crazy fondness for the audio sounds in OS X. They take me back to the good old days of 2003 and 10.3, rocking an eMac with 128MB of RAM (man that was way too little for that machine.)

That, and I had a Mac that would occasionally get into these looping spazzy fits of playing the sosumi alert sound constantly back in System 7.
I'm surprised people leave those sounds on, I always turn all sounds like that off as they drive me crazy. Like on the iPhone where you have the keyboard clicks, locking/unlocking sound, mail sent, etc. Ugh.


I'm surprised people leave those sounds on, I always turn all sounds like that off as they drive me crazy. Like on the iPhone where you have the keyboard clicks, locking/unlocking sound, mail sent, etc. Ugh.

Yeah, I spent all this time making ringtones for phone calls and custom sounds for text messages, and now I run around on silent all the time anyhow.


...hate me...
The Preview embedded in Spotlight is like... really small. This breaks my workflow as I can preview dozens of PDF files any given day. I was so used to search for files then hitting the space bar to have this proper full size quick preview of them.

Any workaround?

The Real Abed

God Spotlight is crashy. It's always crashing. Or the internet search part always stops working. So buggy.

Also my com.apple.geod process is pretty much always (Not Responding).


So when I bought my GS3 they gave me 50 gb free which was awesome for photos and stuff auto uploading. Now it's running out and I'll have about 13 gb I think which is close to what I have uploaded. I was looking at the new iCloud drive pricing and it seems to be .99 a month for 20 gb. I might go with that. I'm just wondering if that is including iCloud backups and stuff. I'm kind of assuming it does. But I guess if all my photos are uploaded and everything it won't really matter since most of my backup is photos anyway. I still think it would be nice if apple did a 5gb per device. It's really not that much space and once you have an iPad and iPhone on there the 5gb gets stretched.


God Spotlight is crashy. It's always crashing. Or the internet search part always stops working. So buggy.

Also my com.apple.geod process is pretty much always (Not Responding).
SpotlightNetHelper (something like that, not on my Mac right now) hangs constantly.


...hate me...
now it's a pip pip pip. I want splat!
The splat made me giggle immaturely for some reason. I had to remove it to take my computer seriously when I first bought it.

Anyway, I think the whole visual display of changing volume should be optional, especially in iOS. Changing your volume during a video? Enjoy losing 1/6th of the picture right in the middle of it, for a couple of seconds.

The Real Abed

SpotlightNetHelper (something like that, not on my Mac right now) hangs constantly.
Yeah. It's terrible. I love the new Spotlight. But it's so buggy right now.

Also they slightly broke the newly fixed Finder zooming. So sad. It was finally fixed after 14 years. Bah.

The Real Abed

I wonder what it's like to be the person whose job it is to decide which of those sounds to choose and when it's time to change it up.
Has the sound ever been changed since OS X came out? As long as I can remember it's been that splat sound. It's so weird to hear it different now.

Now they just need to change the boot up BONG sound. It's been the same since 1997. (Coincidentally just as Steve came back. I bet he hand-picked the sound we hear now.) Before that it changed quite a bit. (Download MacTracker and browse around the older Mac lists and click the icon of the computer to hear it) A lot of the ones from the '90s were really really cool. Some sounded so pleasant. One style was like a harp. The TAM had its own sound too. I don't know if it's something they can change with a firmware update, but new Macs could get a new one. It only seems to make sense given the change in style they're going with. This video also lets you hear the differences. Pretty much everything from the mid-'90s was better sounding.

Also, remember when they killed Happy Mac? That was a sad day. No no one even remembers or cares.


I really hope start up times are better in the final version of Yosemite. It is ridiculous just how much longer my Macbook takes to start up now.

Deku Tree

I really hope start up times are better in the final version of Yosemite. It is ridiculous just how much longer my Macbook takes to start up now.

I hope so too and I'm sure they will be. Apple will optimize it. However on my MBA it is really like 15 sec to boot up on Yosemite vs 10 sec on Mavericks.


regarding startup times, My situation in the last two betas where my attached USB hub and attached devices (some hard drives, one USB DAC) will make startup either take a super long time or hang indefinitely. I remove the USB hub cable and startup begins normally and is quick.

this does not happen 100% of the time but fairly frequently.

so, yeah, definitely some issues with the Yosemite bootup process in these betas.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
I'm on Yosemite Public Beta 2 on my 2011 11" i5 4GB MacBook Air. I run it as my normal laptop. Feels great. There are some slight hiccups in performance. It's not as consistent as Mavericks. However, it's not regular enough to make me downgrade. If you own the same hardware as me, go for it. The new font is nice. Also, something cool is how much storage space it freed. I have no idea why.

The Real Abed

I really hope start up times are better in the final version of Yosemite. It is ridiculous just how much longer my Macbook takes to start up now.
Interesting. They did seem to make them longer, but for some strange reason they also brought back the fake progress bar.

The progress bar originally showed progress as all the extensions and components were being loaded. Some parts of the boot would go fast, others slow. It would also list the parts being loaded as it went. So the bar would fill erratically. This was back in the early days when it took forever to boot up a G3 PPC Mac. It was basically to replicate Classic Mac OS without the parade of extensions in the corner.

Eventually they stopped calling out each component and moved to what we have now. A fake progress bar that fills at a constant speed, and the speed is based on how long it took to fill last time you booted up.

They got rid of it when Intel Mac boot speeds were so fast it wasn't needed anymore. You'd turn it on and it'd be at the desktop in 10 seconds or so.

For some reason they brought it back. I know it's fake because it exhibits all the same signs. Also because the login process has been broken since Mavericks in terms of visual smoothness. For me now, I see a fully black screen with a white Apple and a white progressbar at "Normal" Retina resolution for a few seconds, then halfway through it switches to my set Retina resolution, but the black background is still there, however it's now in the corner, and the progress bar is just finishing up even though nothing is loading now. And you can see the login screen behind it. And it disappears after a few seconds. It's so fake. You can tell it's just a fullscreen window covering up the screen while it's booting. It was the same back with the fake progress bar before. It's like the process doesn't get killed when it should. Or it's designed to close itself when it fills up which is wrong too.

Hopefully this is stuff they figure out by launch. Though Mavericks had a broken boot up too. Especially in regards to jumping to the login screen.

That said, yes it does take a little longer to boot up for some reason. Hopefully it will get tweaked by launch. I assume launch will be in November. We'll probably get 1 more Beta before that. I wonder if we'll get the Gold Master when it comes out, or if they'll make us wait for release since we'll be upgrading to it directly from the Beta. Would be nice to let us have an early finished version since GM is usually the final release pending any major problems.

Ninja Dom

I'm not sure if this is a hardware issue I have or a software issue so this post is in both the Mac Hardware thread and the WWDC14 thread.

Okay so I have an iMac 27" Late 2009 model and I have NEVER used the full sleep function. I only either turn the computer off (if I'm not gonna use it for a few days) or leave it on with the display but to sleep (set to automatically happen after 10 minutes of inactivity).

After reading the thread on GAF about "do you turn off your computer" I read that it is a good idea to sleep your iMac overnight, or during the hours you're not gonna use it. So I decided to try this when I go to bed overnight.

The problem is when I wake the iMac from sleep the wifi is disconnected and doesn't reconnect. I have to manually turn off the wifi and then turn it back on again. I'm on Yosemite Public Beta 2 and even on Yosemite Public Beta 1 this happened. Because I never used the sleep function before on the iMac I have never seen the problem previously (Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks). Any ideas?

Deku Tree

I'm not sure if this is a hardware issue I have or a software issue so this post is in both the Mac Hardware thread and the WWDC14 thread.

Okay so I have an iMac 27" Late 2009 model and I have NEVER used the full sleep function. I only either turn the computer off (if I'm not gonna use it for a few days) or leave it on with the display but to sleep (set to automatically happen after 10 minutes of inactivity).

After reading the thread on GAF about "do you turn off your computer" I read that it is a good idea to sleep your iMac overnight, or during the hours you're not gonna use it. So I decided to try this when I go to bed overnight.

The problem is when I wake the iMac from sleep the wifi is disconnected and doesn't reconnect. I have to manually turn off the wifi and then turn it back on again. I'm on Yosemite Public Beta 2 and even on Yosemite Public Beta 1 this happened. Because I never used the sleep function before on the iMac I have never seen the problem previously (Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks). Any ideas?

Report it as a bug to Apple if you haven't already. If it didn't happen on Macericks then it's probably a software issue.

Ninja Dom

Report it as a bug to Apple if you haven't already. If it didn't happen on Macericks then it's probably a software issue.

I will report it. I'll use the Feedback Assistant as I haven'y used that yet since I've been on the public Beta.

Thing is I never used the sleep function at all until earlier this month when I was on Yosemite PB1 and now Yosemite PB2, so I have no idea if this was a fault previous to this.

Deku Tree

I will report it. I'll use the Feedback Assistant as I haven'y used that yet since I've been on the public Beta.

Thing is I never used the sleep function at all until earlier this month when I was on Yosemite PB1 and now Yosemite PB2, so I have no idea if this was a fault previous to this.

Yeah and it would be a pain to downgrade to Mavericks just to check.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
I'm not sure if this is a hardware issue I have or a software issue so this post is in both the Mac Hardware thread and the WWDC14 thread.

Okay so I have an iMac 27" Late 2009 model and I have NEVER used the full sleep function. I only either turn the computer off (if I'm not gonna use it for a few days) or leave it on with the display but to sleep (set to automatically happen after 10 minutes of inactivity).

After reading the thread on GAF about "do you turn off your computer" I read that it is a good idea to sleep your iMac overnight, or during the hours you're not gonna use it. So I decided to try this when I go to bed overnight.

The problem is when I wake the iMac from sleep the wifi is disconnected and doesn't reconnect. I have to manually turn off the wifi and then turn it back on again. I'm on Yosemite Public Beta 2 and even on Yosemite Public Beta 1 this happened. Because I never used the sleep function before on the iMac I have never seen the problem previously (Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks). Any ideas?

I have this same issue with Mavericks on my MBA. Sleep causes issues with wifi. It seems to be working on Yosemite for me, now.

The Real Abed

When I first started using Yosemite when it first came out, I had one incidence where my computer didn't even go to sleep when I closed its lid. I didn't even realize it until later when I noticed the logo glowing with the lid closed.

Haven't had it happen since though. Must have been a fluke.

One thing I am glad they fixed in Safari was when the New Tab + button would appear in the toolbar when in Tab Overview mode. It was way to jarring and would shift all the toolbar icons slightly to the left when activated. So if you pressed the Tab Overview button in the toolbar itself, the button might jump out from under your cursor. Click it again and it once again moves back away from the cursor. I hated that. It was also redundant since the Overview page already had a gigantic + button anyway. Thankfully it's fixed.


Junior Member
I'm running OS X Yosemite public beta 2.

Every time I close Safari and re-open it, the window size is smaller. It's weird. Nothing I've done, which includes deleting all Safari cache and preference files from the "~/Library" folder, has solved the issue.

Any ideas, anyone?


...hate me...
Thread pages that are rich in GIFs and such, just kill Safari for me in PB2. What a blast from the past.

The Real Abed

Thread pages that are rich in GIFs and such, just kill Safari for me in PB2. What a blast from the past.
I only seem to have problems with huuuuuuge GIFs. Like ones hosted on gfycat that are like 720p for some silly reason. I'll have to check a thread on the forum and see if it does it there too. I just can't think of any GIF threads at the moment.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I'm on Yosemite Public Beta 2 on my 2011 11" i5 4GB MacBook Air. I run it as my normal laptop. Feels great. There are some slight hiccups in performance. It's not as consistent as Mavericks. However, it's not regular enough to make me downgrade. If you own the same hardware as me, go for it. The new font is nice. Also, something cool is how much storage space it freed. I have no idea why.
Hmm, I have the same model (except it's the 13"), I usually don't do betas but I'm tempted. I'll run time machine then try this current version of Yosemite out, thanks for the report.

The Real Abed

Does it bug anyone else that the bezel on the fake Activity Monitor display icon is thicker than the bezel on the fake Terminal and Mission Control display icons? It's something only someone with extreme attention to detail would notice. Which is me. And I can't unseen it.

Steve would never allow this! That's it, I'm switching back to Windows where everything is 100% consistent! /s

Funny thing is, it's a whole 3 pixel difference, and I'm on a Retina display with it set to a high setting and I can still notice the difference.
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