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WWDC14 Thread of iOS 8 and Mac OSX 10.10


Junior Member
Quoted for new page:
I'm running OS X Yosemite public beta 2.

Every time I close Safari and re-open it, the window size is smaller. It's weird. Nothing I've done, which includes deleting all Safari cache and preference files from the "~/Library" folder, has solved the issue.

Any ideas, anyone?

Anyway, I might ditch Yosemite's public beta for now. It has been annoying me a lot recently.


Do we know when the new iCloud pricing plans go live? My 15 gigs are so depleted that my devices won't back up to iCloud anymore, and I'd really, really rather not go up to the next tier and hope for some weird prorated adjustment.


...hate me...
Do we know when the new iCloud pricing plans go live? My 15 gigs are so depleted that my devices won't back up to iCloud anymore, and I'd really, really rather not go up to the next tier and hope for some weird prorated adjustment.
Probably with iOS 8.

Worst case scenario, with Mavericks. But it will with iOS 8, to go along with the iPhone 6.

I'm pretty much on the same boat.

Ninja Dom

I'm running OS X Yosemite public beta 2.

Every time I close Safari and re-open it, the window size is smaller. It's weird. Nothing I've done, which includes deleting all Safari cache and preference files from the "~/Library" folder, has solved the issue.

Any ideas, anyone?

What I have noticed is that I like to put my windows in specific positions on my desktop. I like my windows snapped perfectly into the top right, top left, top middle of my screen.

Closing some applications and then re-opening them will sometimes see the windows not perfectly snapped into their previous positions. Notable offender is iTunes and Safari. But these are also my most used apps too. The windows open a few pixels down and a few pixels to the left or right.

It isn't annoying but definitely noticeable.


Junior Member
What I have noticed is that I like to put my windows in specific positions on my desktop. I like my windows snapped perfectly into the top right, top left, top middle of my screen.

Closing some applications and then re-opening them will sometimes see the windows not perfectly snapped into their previous positions. Notable offender is iTunes and Safari. But these are also my most used apps too. The windows open a few pixels down and a few pixels to the left or right.

It isn't annoying but definitely noticeable.
I know what you mean. If that were happening to me, though, I'd deal with it.

It's far more annoying that every time I quit Safari, then re-open it, the window is smaller. It still opens it where I quit, but the size shrinks every time.
I know what you mean. If that were happening to me, though, I'd deal with it.

It's far more annoying that every time I quit Safari, then re-open it, the window is smaller. It still opens it where I quit, but the size shrinks every time.

I've noticed this happens to me on occasion but I can't make it happen consistently.

Mind you, I usually use Safari in fullscreen mode, since my 11-inch Air has such a small screen.

The Real Abed

Speaking of GIFs, I can't even load this page:


My fans kick into the highest of gears.
Ditto! I just opened it to see and yep. It froze loading immediately and stopped responding. Thankfully I could switch back to this tab, but I couldn't close the other one and quitting took a few seconds. Thankfully Safari doesn't load pages until you focus them so when I opened Safari again I could just close the other tab since it was hidden. I'd hate to imagine if it tried to keep loading the tab and refused to let you close it or use the browser anymore.

I had the same problem with another thread yesterday too. This is definitely new to Beta 2 for me. Safari is a lot buggier now. If I use Tab Overview now, when I leave it it puts a thick grey border at the top of the page content that I can't get rid of until I quit. I love Tab Overview and now I can't even use it anymore. I fear we'll be stuck with these bugs for 3-4 weeks too thanks to the slower update schedule of the PB.

The Real Abed

I hate this graphical glitch in PB2 Safari:
It's annoying. Basically the white background of the address bar for some reason doesn't reach all the way to the left. Funny thing is it looks fine when you use the Enhance Contrast Accessibility option. (Of course then you lose all the super cool transparency completely.)

Problem is it's inconsistent. Sometimes it goes away completely. Sometimes it only loses the whiteness behind the text. So strange. Gonna file feedback. Anyone else have this? Amazing that Safari in PB2 is buggier than PB1.


Junior Member
I hate this graphical glitch in PB2 Safari:

It's annoying. Basically the white background of the address bar for some reason doesn't reach all the way to the left. Funny thing is it looks fine when you use the Enhance Contrast Accessibility option. (Of course then you lose all the super cool transparency completely.)

Problem is it's inconsistent. Sometimes it goes away completely. Sometimes it only loses the whiteness behind the text. So strange. Gonna file feedback. Anyone else have this? Amazing that Safari in PB2 is buggier than PB1.
I haven't had that happen to me.


I hate this graphical glitch in PB2 Safari:

It's annoying. Basically the white background of the address bar for some reason doesn't reach all the way to the left. Funny thing is it looks fine when you use the Enhance Contrast Accessibility option. (Of course then you lose all the super cool transparency completely.)

Problem is it's inconsistent. Sometimes it goes away completely. Sometimes it only loses the whiteness behind the text. So strange. Gonna file feedback. Anyone else have this? Amazing that Safari in PB2 is buggier than PB1.

Never had it as well. Weird.

The problem I do have now, under PB2, is terrible HTML5 YouTube performance. Videos skip frequently (every 30 seconds of playback or so), as if the audio and videos track are going out of sync. Also, sometimes it takes a while to open a new tab: Safari just hangs for a bit, it's annoying. I hope these kinks are fixed by the time of release. Going to report them soon via the Feedback Assistant.

The Real Abed

Never had it as well. Weird.

The problem I do have now, under PB2, is terrible HTML5 YouTube performance. Videos skip frequently (every 30 seconds of playback or so), as if the audio and videos track are going out of sync. Also, sometimes it takes a while to open a new tab: Safari just hangs for a bit, it's annoying. I hope these kinks are fixed by the time of release. Going to report them soon via the Feedback Assistant.
Conversely, I haven't had that problem.

I have noticed that YouTube Center is extremely crashy, so I turned it off and discovered that YouTube now defaults to HTML5 for me out of the box. At least as far as I can tell. I don't have anything set to enable it anymore so I'm on vanilla YouTube and it's already serving me HTML5 videos by default. (Even when I had the experimental HTML5 option turned on for YouTube in the past, it would only work on 1% of videos. Now it is working on 99% of them. Something must have changed.)

Is this a YouTube thing or a Yosemite thing? Before you answer, a little note: On my Mac mini which is still running Mavericks, I am getting the old Flash player. So something is causing it to trigger on my Yosemite computer. Which is awesome. Maybe it's Safari forcing it by tricking YouTube into thinking it's serving to an iOS device? (And no, I don't have an agent set. It's set to Automatic.)


Conversely, I haven't had that problem.

I have noticed that YouTube Center is extremely crashy, so I turned it off and discovered that YouTube now defaults to HTML5 for me out of the box. At least as far as I can tell. I don't have anything set to enable it anymore so I'm on vanilla YouTube and it's already serving me HTML5 videos by default. (Even when I had the experimental HTML5 option turned on for YouTube in the past, it would only work on 1% of videos. Now it is working on 99% of them. Something must have changed.)

Is this a YouTube thing or a Yosemite thing? Before you answer, a little note: On my Mac mini which is still running Mavericks, I am getting the old Flash player. So something is causing it to trigger on my Yosemite computer. Which is awesome. Maybe it's Safari forcing it by tricking YouTube into thinking it's serving to an iOS device? (And no, I don't have an agent set. It's set to Automatic.)

I don't know how, but Safari does default YouTube to HTML5 automatically. I didn't need to opt in via youtube.com/html5 and it doesn't bug me to install flash, either. This is all freaking awesome, if it wasn't for the performance issues, in my case =(

The Real Abed

I don't know how, but Safari does default YouTube to HTML5 automatically. I didn't need to opt in via youtube.com/html5 and it doesn't bug me to install flash, either. This is all freaking awesome, if it wasn't for the performance issues, in my case =(
So weird. But thank you, based Apple. This is amazing. I don't even need an extension anymore. I do miss disabling auto-play but it's not even a top priority. HTML5 video is the one thing I would ever require in this day and age and I can get it.

If only it could do that for every website that had an HTML player but doesn't use it on desktop. (Blip plz.) When I tried dumping Flash for a week, I ran into so many problems with sites I use all the time. So many of them, even ones that clearly have HTML5 players that are used for iOS and Android browsing, still force Flash on desktop, even if Flash isn't installed. Even when I tried setting the Agent to iOS. So I had to reenable Flash. Maybe in another 5-10 years we'll be ready for a Flash-less internet.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Only two third-party apps I use aren't working properly in Yosemite as of now. One is SelfControl.app which is totally broken, and the other is Dropbox's right-click menu integration with the "copy public link" option, which I can circumvent by using the web browser. As far as extensions go, Glims is borked. I only used it for favicons, not fundamental but they were nice.

Ninja Dom

I don't know how, but Safari does default YouTube to HTML5 automatically. I didn't need to opt in via youtube.com/html5 and it doesn't bug me to install flash, either. This is all freaking awesome, if it wasn't for the performance issues, in my case =(

Not for me. I'm on Yosemite Public Beta 2 and if I'm playing a YouTube video and right click on the video, I get the About Adobe Flash Player appear at the bottom of the right click menu. So I assume my YouTube in Safari is still running Flash.

How do I get it to run in HTML 5?

Sorry for being a noob, https://www.youtube.com/html5?gl=GB


Junior Member
In your account settings, if you have a Google account, you can set YouTube to play HTML5 by default. You just have to be logged in.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
This started in Mavericks and in Yosemite it's still the same, so I'm wondering if it's (not) working as intended or if it's a glitch on my side that carried over.

Whenever you click a notification in Notification Center, it opens the corresponding app. However, with Facebook messages they just disappear when I click them instead of taking me to the corresponding page in Safari. This used to work, stopped one day and it's been like this until now.

Tried many, many things already from removing/re-adding my FB account from the computer to reseting and deleting all sorts of files and cache.

Twitter notifications still work, I click them and I'm taken to twitter. Is this something FB related or is it an actual system glitch?

edit: just need to know if anyone has their Facebook message notifications working properly. As in, you click them and they open the site on Safari.


Not for me. I'm on Yosemite Public Beta 2 and if I'm playing a YouTube video and right click on the video, I get the About Adobe Flash Player appear at the bottom of the right click menu. So I assume my YouTube in Safari is still running Flash.

How do I get it to run in HTML 5?

Sorry for being a noob, https://www.youtube.com/html5?gl=GB

In my case, Flash was never installed. Don't know of any methods to choose the default player with Flash installed other than an extension like YouTube Center.

edit: HTML5 opt-in program (tje link you posted) is kinda hit or miss, in my experience. Unless you really need flash, I recommend uninstalling.

Ninja Dom

In my case, Flash was never installed. Don't know of any methods to choose the default player with Flash installed other than an extension like YouTube Center.

edit: HTML5 opt-in program (tje link you posted) is kinda hit or miss, in my experience. Unless you really need flash, I recommend uninstalling.

Interestingly I just watched the Pokken Tournament US Trailer in YouTube on Safari, pressed right-click on the video and it came up with an About HTML 5 player dialog. I never uninstalled Flash or made any changes to use HTML 5 by default.

Edit: My guess is that just going to https://www.youtube.com/html5?gl=GB while logged into your YouTube account automatically sets it by default into HTML 5.


Junior Member
I'm hoping that in the future, Apple decide to stick Control Centre as a tab in the Notification Centre (Today-All-Controls) and that the swipe up gesture goes to straight to multitasking.

Having to double click the home button feels archaic and it's not at all fluid to me.
The folders have been tweaked a little but still are too bright. Some of the colors seem to bleed a little and the transparency is a little much in places.

Generally I like it.

The Real Abed

Disagree, I'm really feeling the new design. When I look at a Mac that's even running Mavericks it looks "old".
Oh my god. This so much. I still have Mavericks on my Mac mini and it just feels so wrong whenever I need to look at it.

Cannot wait for it to come out so I can leave Mavericks behind.

Ninja Dom

Oh my god. This so much. I still have Mavericks on my Mac mini and it just feels so wrong whenever I need to look at it.

Cannot wait for it to come out so I can leave Mavericks behind.

I think Apple kind of messed up. Mavericks should have been 10.10

It's odd that the new naming conventions (Mavericks) is still related to the old look. New naming convention should have new OS X look.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I disagree with this, but would like you to mention examples.

Not to say it doesn't have its problems.

- I think the overall look of the UI is bad. Window chrome looks like it was made in Flash. Flat UIs don't have to look like this, and at this point I'd say that even Windows 8's desktop is more visually appealing.

- Helvetica is a truly awful system font, with very poor readability at small sizes (part of the reason why they've had to add heavier menu separation to stop the text clumping together); and splashing it everywhere just looks cheap.

- Translucency everywhere is giving me serious Windows Vista flashbacks. They used to have copious translucencies in OS X but they removed them over time because they were visually distracting and confusing. And again, it looks cheap; flashy without adding anything (like the 3D, reflective dock that they added with Leopard, and which was always the first thing I disabled on a new Mac); why is the sidebar in Finder windows translucent? What does it add, except three seconds of 'ooh look, you can see through part of the window now'?

- The folder icons are completely horrible. Various other icons are also awful (the new Finder icon in particular is visual vomit).

These are the standouts for me. There's some nice stuff, yes (the new login screen is nice, for the six seconds I see it, and I like the new notifications panel).

The Real Abed

I think Apple kind of messed up. Mavericks should have been 10.10

It's odd that the new naming conventions (Mavericks) is still related to the old look. New naming convention should have new OS X look.
Mavericks was half-finished UI-wise. It came when Apple had a new design direction they were heading towards, but didn't have the resources to pour it into the desktop OS because everyone was busy with the mobile one. Yosemite is what Mavericks would have been if they'd done the whole transition all at once. Plus 10.10 has a good ring to it as a milestone release. You're right that what they should have done was put one more cat name into 10.9 so the 10.10 update could be the beginning of the California names.

Then again, it's a transition period right now. Not as big as when they switched to Intel or switched to OS X or switched to PowerPC, but it's still a transition of sorts. It's just not as clean a transition since they wanted to focus on their more important product first.


So, first time diving into an iphone at release. My girl is on a different service(Sprint) from me(AT&T). Do they usually come out on all 3 big carriers at the same time? Probably going to get her a 6 for her birthday when it comes out next month if so.
So, first time diving into an iphone at release. My girl is on a different service(Sprint) from me(AT&T). Do they usually come out on all 3 big carriers at the same time? Probably going to get her a 6 for her birthday when it comes out next month if so.

Yep, both should be available from the start.


listen to the mad man
Anyone know of a way to launch a command line application WITH ARGUMENTS using Spotlight?

Like basically, I'd like to be able to Apple+Space and then type "myprogram arg1 arg2 arg3" and have it run properly.

Deku Tree

Anyone know of a way to launch a command line application WITH ARGUMENTS using Spotlight?

Like basically, I'd like to be able to Apple+Space and then type "myprogram arg1 arg2 arg3" and have it run properly.

You can design a custom keyboard shortcut that opens the terminal app or X11 or any app that you want. Just go into the keyboard system preferences.


listen to the mad man
You can design a custom keyboard shortcut that opens the terminal app or X11 or any app that you want. Just go into the keyboard system preferences.

That's not what I want to do. What I want to do is be able to type an arbitrary terminal command into spotlight and have it execute. Not the same command each time.

So I can Apple+Space to open Spotlight and type, say:
weather Detroit

and then some other time, type, say:

and then a third time, say, type:
text mom How did the dentist go today?

(assuming that these commands are all terminal programs I've written or installed).

It seems to be impossible to run an arbitrary terminal command from Spotlight.


That's not what I want to do. What I want to do is be able to type an arbitrary terminal command into spotlight and have it execute. Not the same command each time.

So I can Apple+Space to open Spotlight and type, say:
weather Detroit

and then some other time, type, say:

and then a third time, say, type:
text mom How did the dentist go today?

(assuming that these commands are all terminal programs I've written or installed).

It seems to be impossible to run an arbitrary terminal command from Spotlight.

I highly doubt that's possible. Presumably, switching to Alfred is no option?

edit: Here's something. I can't take a closer look (I'm on my phone), but it sounds rather hacky. If you want to try it, read the install2.sh beforehand and don't forget to create a backup.

Deku Tree

That's not what I want to do. What I want to do is be able to type an arbitrary terminal command into spotlight and have it execute. Not the same command each time.

So I can Apple+Space to open Spotlight and type, say:
weather Detroit

and then some other time, type, say:

and then a third time, say, type:
text mom How did the dentist go today?

(assuming that these commands are all terminal programs I've written or installed).

It seems to be impossible to run an arbitrary terminal command from Spotlight.

My guess would be that Apple is not working to make spotlight do that for people who are astute enough to write their own terminal programs. But its just a guess...

The Real Abed

That's why we need Siri in OS X.

"Hey Siri, what's the weather in Detroit?" And they need to make it so all the devices are aware of their proximities to each other and make sure only one device answers if two are near each other. (The Mac could have priority over iPad has priority over iPhone)
I posted a short list of my most major grievances above. I don't think anything's broken, I just think it's ugly.

Only one I'm mostly on board with is Helvetica Neue as the system font, but that's mostly due to its shortcomings in the menubar. Everywhere else it's ok—certainly on Retina screens it could be seen as an improvement even if it's the boring obvious choice. My guess is a year from now Apple could have a new system font for both iOS and OS X.

The rest of your list I just disagree with. The monochrome icons in the Finder sidebar are a stunning improvement, even if I have quibbles with some of the choices on other icons. Apple's new icon style has greatly improved from when we saw the first public iOS 7 builds.


Doesn't seem to work in Yosemite. It doesn't do the hook, Spotlight doesn't know it's an option :(

Pity. In that case, there aren't many options left.

You could use a simple shell script that asks for the command and then executes it:
read command

You would have to enter the command in the Terminal though, not directly in Spotlight. That's one extra step.
Just save it in a file with the extension .command, then you can execute it by opening it in Spotlight.
Yosemite DP 7 is out

557 MB for me on a 2013 15inch Retina

- updated Language + Startup Disk icons in System Prefs.
- improved Dark Mode, Dark Spotlight
- new Dashboard, Disk Utility, Migration Assistant icons
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