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WWE Money in the Bank 2013 |OT| Return of the Whole Show F'N, RDV

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I'm actually kind of hyped for this ppv, what a nice feeling, so here comes the prediction train.
Random note: I'm going to miss the lack of Kofi Kraziness in the ladder matches this year, hate all you want but the guy always does something neat.

The Shield vs The Usos for the Tag Team Titles
Well this is a foregone conclusion, shield have this one in the bag, nothing much to say here, it'll be a fun five minutes.

Chris Jericho vs Ryback
Ryback really needs a win, usually beating the likes of Jericho could be considered a boon but considering the lacklustre year for Y2J so far it means very little, still since Jericho will be leaving at some point to continue his Fozzy antics one can hope that Ryback convincingly destroys Jericho in a way that reminds us that he is in fact supposed to be a monster kind of guy.
And then next month he can fight RVD in a battle of visually busy attire.

AJ vs Kaitlyn for the Diva's title
The never ending blood feud continues, we must have like 2 years of build up at this point, hey a feud that actually feels somewhat personal instead of forced personal is nice though so i'll take it. AJ most likely has this match won, hopefully I still get a wicked Kaitlyn spear out of this result regardless.

Miz vs Curtis Axel for the IC title
Miz now exists in midcard purgatory which is the right place for him, I don't really care much for Axel so far but I guess he carries on holding the title, still even Heyman can't make this guy that interesting for me.

WHC contract MITB ladder match
This is an interesting one, a heel heavy lineup filled with a bunch of guys who could feasibly hold the case which makes it the most intriguing match on the card in my book.
First of all i'm going to count out Swags and Fandango, Swags had his chance at a career resurgence as of late and blew it, he's out of the running. Fandango just isn't as compelling or as good as the other participants in this match though I hope to see a spiffy leg drop from the ladder or some fancy footwork somehow to his benefit in this match.
Ambrose has a lot of potential but I can't see them handing the case to him quite yet, the US title run will do for the moment. Sandow is a tricky one to gauge, his character is fantastic and his ring work is solid, i'd like to see him with the case but I can't quite picture WWE putting his unique character type in such a spot. Rhodes is a dark horse for sure, he has the skills but he's lost the momentum yet this is where the blue case in particular tends to shine, it offers that extra kick in the arse (and a complimentary losing streak/poor booking up until cash in), so I would consider Rhodes one of the more likely candidates.
Cesaro impresses in the ring but he has been all over the place with WWE booking as of late, do they have faith in him or not? well having Zeb on board certainly indicates something, maybe after the Swagger plan fizzled out this is the next big move.
And finally we have my man Barrett, floating around with no real direction, much like Rhodes i'd consider him one of those guys who may get the case in an attempt to salvage their potential.
So i'm considering Rhodes, Barrett and Cesaro the most likely winners, because I want to believe and am also driving the Barrett Bandwagon to this event i'm placing my bets on that Barrage.

WWE title contract MitB

It has to be Daniel Bryan, he's been booked incredibly strong heading into this event, rumours abound about facing Cena in a big match of Summerslam which would be sweet and we could always use a few more "honourable" cash ins.
Orton is a possibility but i'm not sure WWE want to take a chance on the Viper as of late. Sheamus would be crushing disappointment, Captain Charisma's main event ship sunk long ago and he's gone down with it being the captain that he is, Punk likely has Lesnar plans afoot and why the hell is RVD even here? to fall off ladders spectacularly? probably.
Meanwhile with Kane out of the running (fuck you WWE booking, i'm still bitter) there's always room for a surprise entry like Miz last year (I think?). I'm still not sure where Big Show has vanished to but i'm keeping him in mind for this spot.
Meanwhile i'll just be over here hoping for Sin Cara for no particularly explainable reason.

ADR vs Ziggler for the WHC
It'll be a good match but I just don't care, I honestly just find ADR bland as hell and have reached the stage where I speed over half his segments, Ziggler has gained little from his cash in run, both from the unfortunate concussion timing and the crowd being lukewarm to him. So from where i'm standing it's a battle between two guys the fans are kind of ho-hum about, not really a big title match feel. Expect Ziggler to be more aggressive in this one but ultimately fall short to Alberto Del Rio and his never ending conga line of main event matches/pushes that cause the crowd to go mild.

Cena vs Mark Henry for the WWE title
Cena's current title run feels very 2007, it's like a Saturday morning cartoon with the hero Cena facing a new monster adversary each month, how will Cena best the worlds strongest man? find out same Cena time, same Cena channel!
Booking so far indicates Cena being both a bit wary of Henry and also the perennial favourite that is can Cena even lift Henry?!
So Henry will dominate, Cena overcomes the odds to the surprise of no one when he lifts Henry up through sheer hustle, loyalty and respect to gain the victory.
As for the actual match, dare I say Cena can do some of his best work in these big men situations, credit where it's due as he even got some medicore matches out of the Great Khali which is in fact pretty impressive, with no gimmicks on hand it's not going to be a Cena/Umaga LMS slugfest but it may be pretty solid, just prepare yourself for lol Cena wins, as if you hadn't already.

Oh hey, my GAF account got validated at a convenient time! Looks like a pretty good card tonight.
Welcome! prepare for your first taste of peoples perception of the ppv shifting for the worse after Cena wins, it's a time honoured tradition in these parts.


I have a feeling that when John Cena hoists Mark Henry up for the inevitable AA, Michael Cole's going to act like it's the first time such an event has ever occurred and that, also, it's the greatest feat of strength he's ever seen. They do the same thing whenever Cena wrestles Big Show, too.

Remember when he did it before Once In a Life Time Part Once with no struggle at all? And Rock also Rock Bottomed him with ease? Or when he did the FU to Big Show and Edge with not a lot of struggle? Mark Henry is significantly lighter than the last time Cena picked him up. Is Cena not working out as much?


Hey guys, remember that I will be at ringside tonight trying to shoot some Vine videos. You can follow along @The_Ozone to see if I get anything good.


whats the best site for wrestling news? maybe with some insider stuff too?

WrassleGAF. They post everything the dirtsheets print (usually twice) and then blast the hell out of it until there's nothing left ONLY THE TRUTH REMAINS with liberal sprinklings of the joke-du-jour throughout.


So not worth it
WrassleGAF. They post everything the dirtsheets print (usually twice) and then blast the hell out of it until there's nothing left ONLY THE TRUTH REMAINS with liberal sprinklings of the joke-du-jour throughout.

And just like dirtsheets we post every news item 3 times over and post hot divas pictures for extra clicks.


Neo Member
For those of you who like to gamble on the PPVs, 5dimes has odds up - but there is someone who knows the results so every match has a 1.01/1.00 shot in it. It's been like this for every PPV since Wrestlemania and the match with the favourite on the day of the PPV has always won, including where there were last minute changes on the day/reversed finishes and such.

You can take advantage of it by backing the 'winners' at William Hill/Sky Bet (prob do an accumulator as everyone is odds on). It's close to free money (barring a last-last minute change/injury in a match).

MASSIVE SPOILERS - don't highlight unless you want to know the results! (most likely)

Del Rio*********************************************
Sandow (this one is the longest odds of the lot at 1.067 so there may be a *slight* doubt over this one I guess?)


Well who ever wins the all stars money in the bank Bryan Alvarez says that
Bryan vs Cena
is still happening but probably by a different way if he doesn't win the match.
I think Sandow could win, they seemed to tease Sandow being disapointed with Cody a few weeks back. Cody got squashed by Sheamus I think and Sandow just looked at him with disgust. Either way I'm sure we will get a spot with both guys at the top and they will turn on eachother. terrible way for them to break up, but if it ends up with one of them moving up the card that it fine with me
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