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WWE Money in the Bank 2013 |OT| Return of the Whole Show F'N, RDV

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This are more recent RVD pictures to temper your expectations:



Looks like he ate the whole show f'n.


Looks like he ate the whole show f'n.

And no one seems to have the heart to tell him his already terrible hair cut (the undercut was lame and out of date even by 1998, and he's still rocking it 15 years later) looks worse the farther back it starts on your head.

Jamie OD

"Bah GAWD King, that's--that's Kofi Kingston! The Wildcat is back!"

Where the hell is Kof anyway? Injured, drug charge, personal time off? Seems like they'd want him back for the face MitB if only for the spots.

Lol @ the idea of main event Kofi.

Kofi's injured. They wrote him out by having Ryback destroy him during the build up to the last PPV.
For Kane's replacement get ready for something that you'll never know, you wont see it coming but I promise you'll know, it's

I swear those lyrics up there contradict themselves at the end.


WWE are that desperate.

Haha tbh I'm surprised to see a lot of new and old faces. The days of The Undertaker and HHH being in everything is over. Cena still seems to be doing well. I think the last proper match I watched was Cena vs JBL in a no holds barred if I remember correctly. Or maybe it was a parking lot Brawl?


Punk wins the rumble to finally get a spot in the main event of mania, but Bryan holds the briefcase till then because he wants to main event mania. Thats how its gonna happen. Cena vs. Bryan vs. Punk.

Sounds like an homage to that WM 20 Triple Threat main event between HHH, HBK and...someone else. Funny that I can't remember who it was.


So not worth it

Okay, lets get the three worst matches out of the way first, one is a pre-show match so that's okay, the other two will hopefully last no longer than five minutes each.

Tag Team Championship: The Shield vs. The Usos (Kickoff Match)
So, apparently slapping on face paint gives jobbers superpowers nowadays, because after not being relevant for years The Usos managed to become the #1 contenders to the tag-team division. It's a shame with a roster as talented as WWE, they aren't making more tag-teams happen to give those midcarders something to do. But alas, The Shield is now jobbing to jobber tag-teams in singles matches so they can win PPV matches against them. Poor guys, The Shield retains their championship.


Intercontinental Championship: Curtis Axel vs. The Miz
Oh Miz, from MitB winner and main eventing WrestleMania to jobbing to Curtis Axel. Rightfully so, because you UTTERLY suck as a face, but hey, at least you're getting another PPV payday, so congrats to you. Please stop doing commentary as well, because you suck at that too. Also, stop doing MizTV, because that fucking sucks donkey balls more than all the other stuff you utterly suck at. STOP SUCKING! Axel will retain in a shitty way, making sure he'll never get over as well, because boo this man lol.


Speaking of people that have fallen far. Remember when Ryback was squashing jobbers two at a time in 1 minute squash matches for months? Neither does WWE, because the STRONGEST MONSTER EVAR is now resorting to faking knee injuries to win matches (see Friday's Smackdown). Seriously? The guy was your unstoppable monster and now he can't win a match against a midcarder because he's lost every PPV match since last fall? Wait, hang on, that actually makes sense. How else is he gonna win matches? Oh, I know, put him against the other guy that CAN'T EVER WIN A PPV MATCH, Y2J. Ryback wins, because Y2J is off for a summer tour with Fozzy.

Right then, on to the good stuff!

Divas Championship: AJ Lee vs. Kaitlyn
Last month AJ and Kaitlyn surprised everyone (but me, because I told you so!) by putting on a entertaining 10 minute match, that was preceeded by an actual build-up and people caring. It was refreshing, it was good and AJ rightfully won her first championship and cried. Because that's what people do when they accomplish their goals and become champion. WWE proceeded to fuck up for three weeks, even going so far as having a terrible photoshop segment again, something they resort to way too much. But luckily both AJ and Kaitlyn have been doing their best and things paid off by a great 7-minute segment on Smackdown, where AJ got to do some good heeling promowork and Kaitlyn go to respond with some brutality. Exactly how these two should be booked. I have faith that WWE will give them at least 10 minutes again and they will give us another enjoyable match. AJ Lee will retain because she's only won the title last month and quite frankly, she's one of the best performers (female or male) they have.


World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio vs. Dolph Ziggler
So this match is weird to me. Last month they told a story and did a double turn so losing the title made sense for Dolph. But what bothers me is that all signs are pointing to Del Rio retaining . Which means Dolph isn't getting a title run. I don't see them doing a third match between these two either. It's really weird, Ziggler is getting some response, but not enough because they haven't properly turned him yet. Officially he's still a team with AJ and Big E, as illustrated in a backstage segment where he ragged on AJ for messing with Kaitlyn as she was better than that (cue Dolph dressing up as Sin Cara so he could beat up Del Rio) and telling her he was dissapointed she didn't accompany him to the ring for his match (Ziggler has yet to be with AJ for just one of her matches and wasn't there when she won the title). So yeah, who am I cheering for in this scenario again. Del Rio on the other hand is back as a heel and he's better off that way, however, the crowd didn't get behind his heel persona back in the day, so it remains to be seen if they will this time around. That said, these are two of the better workers in the WWE and you can be damn assured this match will be very good. I'm looking forward to it, expecting some Big E and perhaps AJ shenanigans, costing Dolph the win and the title, and finally causing the rift between them. Rumors are Dolph vs Big E will be at WM, so we'll see what happens.


World Heavyweight Championship Contract Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, Dean Ambrose, Fandango, Jack Swagger & Antonio Cesaro
-Wade Barrett: He was on the fast-track to super stardom, then Cena happened, other stuff happened, he got injured and now he's gonna be stuck a midcarder forever. Probability of winning: 2 Union Jack's out of 5.
-Cody Rhodes: Cody is an outsider, but unlikely of winning. He's slowly turning face it seems and poised for a feud with Sandow. I expect we will see shades of that (VINTAGE MICHAEL COLE!) in this match, so I expect in this match of heels we'll see people getting behind Cody. He could win, but it's doubtful. Probability of winning: 3 Half-Grown Mustaches out of 5.
-Damien Sandow: When Sandow debuted I expected him to hold the WHC within a year, that did not happen. I still think there's great value in Sandow, he's amazing in his role and lives his character, it's a shame that I can rank him higher, but as with Rhodes their impending program makes him less likely to take the briefcase. Still, that briefcases matches well with his robe, so I'll give him a slight edge over Cody. Probability of winning: 3.5 Ignoramuses out of 5.
-Dean Ambrose: Will be the star of the match along with Cesaro regardless if he wins or not. As US champion his chances of winning normally wouldn't be amazing, but it's obvious he's the guy with the biggest star power behind him, even though he's the newest guy there if we're counting Johnny Curtis's NXT run. He has a good chance of winning, and definitely deserves a WHC run in the near future, so: Probability of winning: 4.5 Crazy Eyes out of 5.
-Fandango: Fandango isn't happening, so I give him the second lowest chance out of all seven guys. Probability of winning: 2 FAHNDAHN's out of 5 GOOO's
-Jack Swagger: A former winner, but also a lower midcarder. Now that Zeb has Cesaro he is also the worst guy out of the stable, even though his skill can't be denied he has no chance of winning the briefcase over Cesaro, let alone the other people in the match. Probability of winning: 1 Medicinal Joint out of 5.
-Antonio Cesaro: WWE like Zeb Coulter. WWE better like Cesaro's in-ring skill. Together they should be a big deal. They were willing to give Swagger a WHC run before his DUI based on Zeb alone, so I expect them to feel that way about Cesaro now. He's my favorite to win after Ambrose. Probability of winning: 4 Foreign Languages out of 5.


Money in the Bank All-Stars WWE Championship Contract Ladder Match: Randy Orton, Rob Van Dam, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Christian & Sheamus
-Randy Orton: Randy hasn't been WWE champion in a long time, in fact he hasn't held the WHC since 2011 either. I doubt WWE will even attempt to get behind him again now that he's officially on two strikes. He remains an outsider for the win because he's Randy Orton, but I don't think his chances are very big. We'll hopefully see his long awaited heel turn during the match. Probability of winning: 2.5 Voices out of 5.
-Rob Van Dam: After watching RVD not give a shit in front of small Impact Zone crowds I'm looking forward to seeing him return to WWE. Hopefully the massive crowd and the response they'll give him will motivate him to step up his game. Rumors have it he's gonna be a part-timer, so he's not winning this match. Probability of winning: 2 F'N SHOWS out of 5.
-CM Punk: Punk is moving on to a feud with Lesnar, he also had the WWE Title for a damn long time recently. Probability of winning: 1 Pepsi Bottle out of 5.
-Daniel Bryan: People are getting scared because Daniel Bryan's been booked so strongely over the past month, but WWE has a chance here of elevating Daniel Bryan to main event status by having him do an honorable cash-in against Cena and win the belt with a clean win. I think that will happen, because lets be honest, even WWE realises that they need another main event guy besides the few they have now. Probability of winning: 5 Gene LeBell's out of 5.
-Christian: WWE will sadly never ever give Christian a WWE title run, but maybe he'll accidentally fall when he grabs the briefcase and win that way. Probability of winning: 1 MORE MATCH out of 5.
-Sheamus: WWE loves this guy, even though nobody older than 9 years of age does. He's won every belt, the Royal Rumble, but not yet a briefcase. Also, he likes taking things from Daniel Bryan, so we can hate him even more. He's the only guy in the match I can legit win the briefcase over Bryan. Probability of winning: 4 Irish Clovers out of 5.


WWE Championship: John Cena vs. Mark Henry
Cena wins lol. Not looking forward to the commentary for this one, it will be 10 minutes hopefully, 9 of which will be glorious Mark Henry doing what he do and 1 minute will be Cena overcoming, finally MANAGING TO PICK HENRY UP FOR THE AA, OH MY IS CENA IMPRESSIVE, WHAT A MOVE. etc. Fuck this company, Cena should lose. On the other hand, if he drops to title to Daniel Bryan at SummerSlam, I will forgive you, WWE, for this match and your treatment of the World Strongest Man.


For Kane's replacement get ready for something that you'll never know, you wont see it coming but I promise you'll know, it's

I swear those lyrics up there contradict themselves at the end.
I'm SO in if it means I get to witness
The Golden Ladder


Keep on eye on your E-mail connected to your PSN account if you got a offer for the last PPV for free. I got an e-mail today from them telling me i can watch MITB 2013 for free.

Hopefully it actually works this time.
Keep on eye on your E-mail connected to your PSN account if you got a offer for the last PPV for free. I got an e-mail today from them telling me i can watch MITB 2013 for free.

Hopefully it actually works this time.

Yours didn't work? Mine played Elimination chamber 2010 perfectly fine lol.

Got the email and am ready. MITB has been one of the better Ppv the last few years so I'm pretty pumped.

Although no Kane and no soulplaya, it just won't be the same
Haven't brought a PPV in about 10 years and no longer have New Zealands equivalent of cable, how is ordering directly from wwe.com? Decent quality options? Can you rewatch/on demand it afterwards?


Haven't brought a PPV in about 10 years and no longer have New Zealands equivalent of cable, how is ordering directly from wwe.com? Decent quality options? Can you rewatch/on demand it afterwards?

Well I ordered them and I believe it comes in HD and you can rewatch the pay per view for a year and then its gone.


----- ------

Tag Team Championship: The Shield vs. The Usos (Kickoff Match)
Intercontinental Championship: Curtis Axel vs. The Miz
Divas Championship: AJ Lee vs. Kaitlyn
World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio vs. Dolph Ziggler
World Heavyweight Championship Contract Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Wade Barrett
Money in the Bank All-Stars WWE Championship Contract Ladder Match: Daniel Bryan
WWE Championship: John Cena vs. Mark Henry
The highlight of this last run will be the world's strongest swerve.

I was perfect last ppv, hope I am again.



Tag Team Championship: The Shield vs. The Usos (Kickoff Match)
Intercontinental Championship: Curtis Axel vs. The Miz
Divas Championship: AJ Lee vs. Kaitlyn
World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio vs. Dolph Ziggler
World Heavyweight Championship Contract Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Wade Barrett
Money in the Bank All-Stars WWE Championship Contract Ladder Match: Daniel Bryan
WWE Championship: John Cena vs. Mark Henry
The highlight of this last run will be the world's strongest swerve.

I was perfect last ppv, hope I am again.

I thought about doing predictions, but you pretty much did it for me!

The only exception being that Mark Henry is gonna win. (And I'm gonna be wrong again because "LOL CENA WINS".)

Jamie OD

Kind of funny how the MitB promos advertising Cena Vs Henry try so much to show how despicable Henry is yet he still comes off more likeable than Cena.

It's like if Bane robs a bank without wrecking the place and the police can't help but be impressed with how he did it.


Yours didn't work? Mine played Elimination chamber 2010 perfectly fine lol.

Got the email and am ready. MITB has been one of the better Ppv the last few years so I'm pretty pumped.

Although no Kane and no soulplaya, it just won't be the same
Yeah it played the older PPV.

Hopefully it plays the right PPV this time because i really want to see it but don't have to funds this month.


One of the best cards WWE has produced in a long time. Still deciding if I should wake up at 10AM and order it though.


Tag Team Championship: The Shield vs. The Usos (Kickoff Match)
Intercontinental Championship: Curtis Axel vs. The Miz
Divas Championship: AJ Lee vs. Kaitlyn
World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio vs. Dolph Ziggler
World Heavyweight Championship Contract Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Damien Sandow
Money in the Bank All-Stars WWE Championship Contract Ladder Match: Daniel Bryan
WWE Championship: John Cena vs. Mark Henry.
Oh hey, my GAF account got validated at a convenient time! Looks like a pretty good card tonight.


Tag Team Championship:
The Shield vs. The Usos - This should be a pretty good match, can't see the Usos winning this at all. Shield to retain.

Intercontinental Championship:
Curtis Axel vs. The Miz - Thankfully, I can only see an Axel win here, as I can't stand the Miz. He manages to make himself even more dislikable by doing the whole "H8Rs" thing.

Divas Championship:
AJ Lee vs. Kaitlyn - I've thoroughly enjoyed this feud, it's been nice to see a Divas feud get as much promo time as this has, and been booked sensibly (aside from that terrible photoshop thing) with AJ playing the manipulative heel role brilliantly. AJ retains the title.

Chris Jericho vs. Ryback - Ryback wins the battle of the eternal PPV losers.

Smackdown Money in the Bank Ladder match:
It's between Cesaro and Ambrose for me, but I'm going to have to go for a Cesaro win. Now he's got a mouthpiece (and a bloody good one in Colter) I can see WWE being more willing to get behind Cesaro.

RAW Money in the Bank All-Stars match:
I can't see anyone but Daniel Bryan winning here.

World Heavyweight Championship:
Alberto Del Rio vs. Dolph Ziggler - This one's a bit of a toss-up but I'm going to go for Del Rio retaining here. Possibly with some shenanigans from AJ/Big E.

WWE Championship:
John Cena vs. Mark Henry - I really, really want to believe Henry does what he does and splits Cena's wig here but I can't muster up any genuine belief that the result here is anything other than Cena_wins.lol.

As usual, it'll be a fun PPV aside from "Underdog Cena beats bigger man, Hustle Loyalty Respect!"
I have a feeling that when John Cena hoists Mark Henry up for the inevitable AA, Michael Cole's going to act like it's the first time such an event has ever occurred and that, also, it's the greatest feat of strength he's ever seen. They do the same thing whenever Cena wrestles Big Show, too.


I have a feeling that when John Cena hoists Mark Henry up for the inevitable AA, Michael Cole's going to act like it's the first time such an event has ever occurred and that, also, it's the greatest feat of strength he's ever seen. They do the same thing whenever Cena wrestles Big Show, too.

"I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like this before!"
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