This is exactly how you get the current WWE product. 15 minute meaningless matches on a weekly basis.
Wrestling is the least important thing - starpower, storylines, etc- Al Snow's point about Hogan/Andre being the "best" WM3 match from a business perspective isn't wrong.
I don't call most of what goes on in WWE "wrestling". How many moves are in their spots? 2..3 tops? Yeah...those aren't good wrestling examples to push. Punchy kicky runny shit with very little back and forth. Just a lot of "this guy is up" then "this other guy is now up" stuff. Not a lot of move for move sets to tie those moments together. Not enough shoot moments and not enough back and forth countering or complex spots with half a dozen plus moves.
Wrestling is the MOST important thing in wrestling. WWE's problem is they are running low on quality workers and have a lot of toolboxes that are half empty out there trying to act like they have a complete toolset of spots and sequences in their arsenal. 15 minutes "samey" matches with little to no real variance between performers is laughable to call wrestling.
Lucha Underground has real performers who could go 15 minutes and showcase nearly an entirely different repetoir of moves and sequences every time. WWE has backed the wrong performers and has a roster thats not talented enough to work the few they got. It throttled down their high octane wrestlers and now they're roster is running on fumes.