Stop 50-50 booking, it makes everyone look like a joke. Stop treating champs like crap.
Stop 20 minute promos
Stop 20 minute promos
So let me get this straight. Rollins:
- Was caught cheating on his fiance, and his dick pix were leaked on the web during an airing of RAW.
- The chick he was cheating with turns out to be a women hating neo-nazi, and he never condemned her behavior.
- He broke Lord Sina's nose.
- Nearly killed Stang in the ring.
- Has the worst ratings of all time as a champion.
How is this man not jobbing to Hornswoggle yet? Let alone still the champion?
He must have pics of Vince fucking a goat or something, there's no other explanation, friends.
Hope it keeps tanking.
Can someone please bring back Muhhamad Hassan! This man was meant to be champion!
All this and he even got a promo on ESPN.So let me get this straight. Rollins:
- Was caught cheating on his fiance, and his dick pix were leaked on the web during an airing of RAW.
- The chick he was cheating with turns out to be a women hating neo-nazi, and he never condemned her behavior.
- He broke Lord Sina's nose.
- Nearly killed Stang in the ring.
- Has the worst ratings of all time as a champion.
How is this man not jobbing to Hornswoggle yet? Let alone still the champion?
He must have pics of Vince fucking a goat or something, there's no other explanation, friends.
Makes no senseAll this and he even got a promo on ESPN.
All this and he even got a promo on ESPN.
In terms of changing up how wrestling is presented, I've got two words for ya:
Lucha Underground.
So let me get this straight. Rollins:
- Was caught cheating on his fiance, and his dick pix were leaked on the web during an airing of RAW.
- The chick he was cheating with turns out to be a women hating neo-nazi, and he never condemned her behavior.
- He broke Lord Sina's nose.
- Nearly killed Stang in the ring.
- Has the worst ratings of all time as a champion.
How is this man not jobbing to Hornswoggle yet? Let alone still the champion?
He must have pics of Vince fucking a goat or something, there's no other explanation, friends.
This. Just about every episode of Lucha Underground had PPV quality matches, and they don't devote a lot of time to stories.
If Vince truly did believe in telling stories and not having wrestling for wrestling's sake, maybe he'd stop green lighting storylines without a goal or purpose other than to spin wheels and fill time in his three hour monstrosity of a show and focus on getting over actual characters and plots.
He has the pedigree as a finisher.So let me get this straight. Rollins:
- Was caught cheating on his fiance, and his dick pix were leaked on the web during an airing of RAW.
- The chick he was cheating with turns out to be a women hating neo-nazi, and he never condemned her behavior.
- He broke Lord Sina's nose.
- Nearly killed Stang in the ring.
- Has the worst ratings of all time as a champion.
How is this man not jobbing to Hornswoggle yet? Let alone still the champion?
He must have pics of Vince fucking a goat or something, there's no other explanation, friends.
The problem with attracting Latino stars is that they can get good money with easier schedules in Mexico right now.Just from a cursory look there's no diversity on the roster. All the guys look the same.
WWE really needs to get more ethnicity in its cards. I think the absolute dearth of Latino wrestlers is a mistake, for example.
Just from a cursory look there's no diversity on the roster. All the guys look the same.
WWE really needs to get more ethnicity in its cards. I think the absolute dearth of Latino wrestlers is a mistake, for example.
Listening to the Shane Douglas Stone Cold podcast last week brings up an interesting point. Shane seems to think that wrestling needs to get more real and unpredictable, more worked shoots, more unscripted (in terms of promos I agree with him) because you can't insult anyone's intelligence anymore...but I wonder sometimes if the opposite has to happen. Like, there is so much exposure to these guys with social media and the internet that the "Attitude Era" didn't have to deal with, that realistically trying to pull off some of the stuff they did would be impossible. Someone mentioned it above maybe WWE needs to go back to the cartoony era of the 80s and 90s and drop the line between fiction and reality completely.
But that was why the WWE almost died in the mid 90s, people evolved from the cartoony gimmicks.
It evolved into something more realistic, which, for that time, was seen as cool. Realistic wrestling angles are not cool in 2015. The Attitude Era stuff wouldn't work today. It needs to adapt and evolve again, maybe into something completely different. They've been living on Attitude Era fumes for years now.
Oh that I agree with. But going cartoony won't help either. That was the base of the PG era and it's seen with disgust. Reality TV angles aren't helping as well. They just need to write a story, have a arc but not be silly or come off as cheap.
Vince needs to take action. Come out to that ring and fire everybody after the next ppv. Shake things up.
He needs to cough up a few more mil as well and make Lesnar full time. Having him once or twice a month is a stupid strategy. Push him to the max while he is still somewhat young.
Oh that I agree with. But going cartoony won't help either. That was the base of the PG era and it's seen with disgust. Reality TV angles aren't helping as well. They just need to write a story, have a arc but not be silly or come off as cheap.
What can you do? Wrestling is, especially the more you are exposed to it, sort of inherently silly. Maybe they should embrace that instead of trying to ground it and bend over backwards to try and make it make sense. I don't mean turn it into a sitcom but it should probably just be wacky as shit. Lucha Underground is sort of like that from a character stand point. There's a guy who transforms into a dragon for fucks sake.
Bring back jobbers clap clap clap-clap-clap.
What I'm trying to say is bring back Jack Tunney. Tunney got shit done.
So build your own. How many buff white dudes can realistically be pushed to the top of the card?The problem with attracting Latino stars is that they can get good money with easier schedules in Mexico right now.
Listening to the Shane Douglas Stone Cold podcast last week brings up an interesting point. Shane seems to think that wrestling needs to get more real and unpredictable, more worked shoots, more unscripted (in terms of promos I agree with him) because you can't insult anyone's intelligence anymore...but I wonder sometimes if the opposite has to happen. Like, there is so much exposure to these guys with social media and the internet that the "Attitude Era" didn't have to deal with, that realistically trying to pull off some of the stuff they did would be impossible. Someone mentioned it above maybe WWE needs to go back to the cartoony era of the 80s and 90s and drop the line between fiction and reality completely.
Why did they get rid of 3MB?
The problem with attracting Latino stars is that they can get good money with easier schedules in Mexico right now.
What I'm trying to say is bring back Jack Tunney. Tunney got shit done.
I'm behind this idea too. Problem is Brock's the only guy they have that pulls this off, and it's probably more by contract than design. If he was full time like the rest, he'd be overexposed like them too.So build your own. How many buff white dudes can realistically be pushed to the top of the card?
I think a guy above said it best - matches don't mean shit anymore because being the champ means nothing. When I was a child Hogan was amazing because you just DID NOT see him sully himself on free tv. At best he squashed the shit out of some regional jobber on Superstars. All the real shit was on PPV, or if you managed to stay up late enough, SNME.
Now they're giving everything away for free on RAW. that worked when WCW still existed and interest in wrestling was at its apex, but now WWE is the only major game in town. RAW should be exclusively used to build up PPV matches/WWE Network. Put the good stuff behind a paywall again.
Look at Mayweather. You rarely see him, his matches are hyped months in advance, and his record demands you respect him. Just like with Hogan years ago. What current WWE star could claim any of that today?
He should just go back to RoH. I don't watch the shit WWE product but he was the fucking man in RoH.
Also this
Rollins is awful in and out of the ring
Haha yes, he should totally give up a huge paycheck and the main title on a tv show that airs around the world live each week to go back to the indies haha.
I hate when trolls can't even be bothered to put in effort to troll properly
Rollins would be an amazing champ if the booking was good, he is one of the best wrestlers on the roster and can be great on the mic when they don't script him to do 30 minute long Triple H style promos and he was amazing when he was a coward but still a heartless piece of shit like when he was going to kill Edge. Now they just have him getting beat by the Big Red Jobber.
Bring back jobbers clap clap clap-clap-clap.
Rollins has all these high impact moves and they all go for nothing. Springboard knee, powerbomb into the turnbuckle, frogsplash, indy-as-fuck superplex into Falcon Arrow. List goes on. Has any of these finished anyone for a pin? No, instead, they work a Rollins-Cena contest like they did when he fought low mid-card Neville. Zero sense.
Cesaro has that role on lock
The WWE forgot how to book title feuds that don't revolve around champions constantly getting pinned clean (or by lame ass distraction garbage like I'll get the guy in the truck to play my entrance theme during your match) in non-title contests.You know what'd also be great? Wins and Losses mattering. Rollins losing every fucking TV match since August is bullshit. He shouldn't be Champion. Champions don't lose clean.
Listening to the Shane Douglas Stone Cold podcast last week brings up an interesting point. Shane seems to think that wrestling needs to get more real and unpredictable, more worked shoots, more unscripted (in terms of promos I agree with him) because you can't insult anyone's intelligence anymore...but I wonder sometimes if the opposite has to happen. Like, there is so much exposure to these guys with social media and the internet that the "Attitude Era" didn't have to deal with, that realistically trying to pull off some of the stuff they did would be impossible. Someone mentioned it above maybe WWE needs to go back to the cartoony era of the 80s and 90s and drop the line between fiction and reality completely.
Apparently they're NOT supposed to feel special.The most alarming thing about Rollins being 1-19 since SummerSlam isn't the W/L record, it's that he's fought 20 times in about 2 months. Talk about over exposure. How is a ppv match supposed to feel special when they are beating every feud into the ground.
Rollins has all these high impact moves and they all go for nothing. Springboard knee, powerbomb into the turnbuckle, frogsplash, indy-as-fuck superplex into Falcon Arrow. List goes on. Has any of these finished anyone for a pin? No, instead, they work a Rollins-Cena contest like they did when he fought low mid-card Neville. Zero sense.
They spam false finishes all night. Every single match. It's the same thing. Another point, those sort of moves should be able to finish off lower card guys if there is any believability to giving them any credibility against greater opponents.And yet the crowd buys them as finishes regardless.
People can talk smack about Rollins all they want, but the crowd absolutely buys him as someone who can beat Cena et al. Legitimately. Not in a 'we want him to' way, but in a 'he actually could' way.
It evolved into something more realistic, which, for that time, was seen as cool. Realistic wrestling angles are not cool in 2015. The Attitude Era stuff wouldn't work today. It needs to adapt and evolve again, maybe into something completely different. They've been living on Attitude/Reality Era fumes for years now.