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WWE Raw drops to lowest TV rating in 18 years

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It's crazy. They aren't trying to build anymore stars except for Roman Reigns, who they are trying to make into a Cena 2.0 but who will never be another Cena. They are so screwed once Cena retires because it looks like they don't have a backup plan at all. Everyone else on the roster look like huge losers compared to superman Cena.

Daniel Bryan is the only one, but the seems more close to retire right now

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Daniel Bryan is the only one, but the seems more close to retire right now

Bryan's done. He's an anti-vaxxer who refused normal medical treatment and now is reaping the "benefits" of all of that. WWE doctors won't clear him, but his personal doctors will. That's pretty convenient.

You can't fix concussions and arm strength issues with some peppermint oil, bay leaves, and a healing poultice.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
He still ain't shit. There's plenty of worthwhile storylines going on.

- Seth Rollins is a chickenshit champion who manages to keep his belt
- Rusev is still gold no matter how much fuckery goes on. He even dealt with Dog Ziggler and came out safe
- The Bellas as actual Divas and standing up for what they believe is a valid female representation. While tired, there is merit in this idea.

the fact that you think those story lines are worthwhile is where the real problem lies


Bryan's done. He's an anti-vaxxer who refused normal medical treatment and now is reaping the "benefits" of all of that. WWE doctors won't clear him, but his personal doctors will. That's pretty convenient.

You can't fix concussions and arm strength issues with some fuckin' peppermint oil, bay leaves, and a healing poultice. Z-paks are the real healing poultices.

You should probably keep this nonsense to community side.


Bryan's done. He's an anti-vaxxer who refused normal medical treatment and now is reaping the "benefits" of all of that. WWE doctors won't clear him, but his personal doctors will. That's pretty convenient.

You can't fix concussions and arm strength issues with some fuckin' peppermint oil, bay leaves, and a healing poultice. Z-paks are the real healing poultices.

Is there any proof of that beyond of the fact that DB is some sort of granola boy?


I mean, can anyone honestly look at some of the biggest stars of the 80s and 90s and think they could make it in this shithole? You'd have Randy Savage stuck in the midcard in black trunks and a crewcut with Paul Heyman to do his promos.
Randy Savage in this era would be buried like Damien Sandow.

naw. He is way to charismatic, like he says "the cream will rise to the top". He would probably be in the position he was when he was with wwe, a top mid carder.
Wellness violations and stringent scripting would have ensured we never got Macho's spontaneous coke filled promos.
Bryan's done. He's an anti-vaxxer who refused normal medical treatment and now is reaping the "benefits" of all of that. WWE doctors won't clear him, but his personal doctors will. That's pretty convenient.

You can't fix concussions and arm strength issues with some peppermint oil, bay leaves, and a healing poultice.

This is legit funny. XD


Wellness violations and stringent scripting would have ensured we never got Macho's spontaneous coke filled promos.

if they gave macho man a script i bet you my bottom dollar that he will not follow it to a t. I can imagine him following the script at the start then going completely off the wall after he gets started.


The low viewership numbers for Raw and Smackdown are not the only problem for WWE. The attendance at shows is dropping. Fans at the Smackdown taping on Tuesday noted that the entire upper arena was tarped off and half of the upper deck was tarped off at the 10/6 tapings in Philadelphia. They drew just 3,000 fans for the show this week.

The Wrestling Observer notes that the 10/26 Raw in San Diego has sold 6,000 tickets. The arena is set up for 8,500 fans. That is the post-Hell in a Cell edition of Raw. They did draw 10,000 fans in Chicago for Raw this week but they were a few thousand fans short of a sell out even though they announced that they sold out the arena. Chicago is a hot wrestling town but they didn’t seem as hot as in the past. Keep in mind that they usually sell out Raw when they are in Chicago. It’s hard to use the Chicago Cubs as an excuse because they usually sell out months in advance.
They didn't sell out Chicago? The markiest mark city there is?


But Ill keep saying it. I think this trend is going to continue until a drastic change in the direction of the product.

I didn't realize the ticket sales were that low too.

IIRC House shows and Smackdown tapings have been pretty tanking for a while. I guess its finally trickling up to RAW


No need to fret. All of the old nostalgia acts are returning this week to stand in the ring and talk. Undertaker, Austin, Flair, Michaels... hell, maybe even Vince himself will show up. Who could possibly resist such a lineup? Guaranteed to pop a massive rating.

I'll be busy watching the ALCS and paying attention to election results. May check in on the Giants-Eagles game if the Jays are getting blown out.


Meanwhile, in Stamford, Connecticut:

Did Vince build himself a time machine? 'Cause he looks much younger and he's standing on something that isn't the "recycled for everything that isn't Mania" RAW set.
I think the funniest part of that .gif is Road Dogg.


They didn't sell out Chicago? The markiest mark city there is?


But Ill keep saying it. I think this trend is going to continue until a drastic change in the direction of the product.

IIRC House shows and Smackdown tapings have been pretty tanking for a while. I guess its finally trickling up to RAW

I remember when the WCW shows would sell in the low 1,000s and they'd have to give away all the tickets, and even then everyone would be moved to the front.


They didn't sell out Chicago? The markiest mark city there is?

First thing that came to my mind. Yea WWE needs a change and badly at that. They have the best roster in years and many of them get waisted if not on NXT. Such a shame I felt this coming since the fallout of Punk. Him leaving hurt the product a bit but now many moons later with the writing they have done in the past few months(If you can call it that) it's just been horrendous.
They didn't sell out Chicago? The markiest mark city there is?


But Ill keep saying it. I think this trend is going to continue until a drastic change in the direction of the product.

IIRC House shows and Smackdown tapings have been pretty tanking for a while. I guess its finally trickling up to RAW
Yeah, I figured Smackdown would tank since it's just a horrible and boring retread of Raw.
I try to watch but it mostly stays on mute. I used to live for Monday nights, and now i just dont care anymore.
Same. I used to get so mad when friends made Monday night plans I had to attend. Who hangs out on Mondays? Mondays were made for being annoyed at the start of the work week and watching goddamn wrestling. Now I don't care at all.

I feel like we're in another 1994-ish situation where Vince McMahon is making a goofy ass kids show with goofy ass characters, storylines, and gimmicks, and it's going to take numbers getting far worse before he listens to anyone and it gets better. I can't relate to anything going on on the main show anymore except the hope of another Brock Lesnar massacre. I'll even take old ass Randy Orton doing his massacres again.


I've been watching old Memphis wrestling clips on YouTube from the late 1980s and I don't even know what wrestling is trying to be these days.

I saw Eddie Gilbert legit run over Jerry Lawler in the parking lot with a car. Jerry get body slammed through a car windshield, and wrestlers throwing fucking fireballs in each other's faces. I read that people in the studio were calling the police on Eddie Gilbert after running over Lawler. I know it's all a work but there was some magic here where I honestly believed these guys wanted to kill each other for real.

I don't what WWE is. It isn't wrestling. And it isn't entertainment. They call them WWE superstars but not a damn one of them outside a small handful of the roster has done anything to earn that title. Everything is so saccharin, stale, and dumbed down to appeal to the largest number of advertisers.
I know it's all a work but there was some magic here where I honestly believed these guys wanted to kill each other for real.
I miss the absolute most basic, necessary part of weekly wrestling: characters actually responding to things that happened to them the week before. Characters caring if they won or lost.

The New Day destroyed four top guys to end Raw two weeks ago. Last week on Raw, they interacted with 0 of them.

Cesaro main evented two straight Raws against John Cena a couple of months ago. Now I can't even remember if he's on the show anymore. Why wouldn't Cesaro as a character have something to say about this?


So Monday's rating was a 2.3 wasn't it? I have to say watching the show it does deserve that because of how it's so formulaic. Being accustomed to 20 minute promos at the start, awful promos such as the one Reigns did, 50/50 booking, constant reminders of what happened 5 minutes ago, I just know what to expect and can't see an average viewer stay tuned.

As polarizing as Vince Russo is, he had a list of 10 structural things he would do to the show which were right on the money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTz0zg3emI8


I've been watching old Memphis wrestling clips on YouTube from the late 1980s and I don't even know what wrestling is trying to be these days.

I saw Eddie Gilbert legit run over Jerry Lawler in the parking lot with a car. Jerry get body slammed through a car windshield, and wrestlers throwing fucking fireballs in each other's faces. I read that people in the studio were calling the police on Eddie Gilbert after running over Lawler. I know it's all a work but there was some magic here where I honestly believed these guys wanted to kill each other for real.

I don't what WWE is. It isn't wrestling. And it isn't entertainment. They call them WWE superstars but not a damn one of them outside a small handful of the roster has done anything to earn that title. Everything is so saccharin, stale, and dumbed down to appeal to the largest number of advertisers.

WWE was at its most popular in the late 90s/early 2000s. They pushed the boundaries of what you would see on live television, but the current television audience no longer finds that appealing. It also doesn't help that like you said, they aren't creating Stone Cold Steve Austins anymore.


I miss the absolute most basic, necessary part of weekly wrestling: characters actually responding to things that happened to them the week before. Characters caring if they won or lost.

The New Day destroyed four top guys to end Raw two weeks ago. Last week on Raw, they interacted with 0 of them.

Cesaro main evented two straight Raws against John Cena a couple of months ago. Now I can't even remember if he's on the show anymore. Why wouldn't Cesaro as a character have something to say about this?
If your talent can't be bothered to pretend to care... then neither should your fans. Period.
Go run your little dog and pony show for your advertisers. See how they respond to your shrinking ratings and audiences.


WWE will survive. I am curious how their next quarterly results will be though.

TNA has been around longer then WCW and TNA has never actually made money. Think about that.

Ted Turner got rid of WCW though. They could have had it run in a smaller capacity for a little while longer.


What's the point of Smackdown?
To tell the same fans who watched RAW that past Monday what they missed if they didn't watch RAW.
Also, to largely recycle the same matches and give some of the mid-card talent an opportunity to shine without being overshadowed by the likes of Cena, Brock, Triple H or other RAW-exclusive acts.


What's the point of Smackdown?

I honestly can't even answer that now.

From the WWE's perspective, it's another TV deal that brings them more money.

But from a fan's standpoint? I haven't watched Smackdown in years and haven't felt the need to in a long time. It seems like you miss pretty much nothing by skipping Smackdown.
It use to be about having 2 separate touring crews for house shows.

Now? I dunno. Havent sat down and watched it in years. Seemed like a holdover from a era thats passed. Another underused tool in WWE's tookbox.

When they split the brands and put the nest wrestlers on Raw and gave Smackdown 1 decent wrestler i quit SD, probably been about 5 years since i watched SD..


What never makes sense to me is that Smackdown got bumped to the Friday deathslot and therefore ended up taped, then it went to a new network that will always love Smackdown because it brings their highest ratings, but they keep it in the Friday deathslot instead of moving it back to Thursday.

I honestly can't even answer that now.

From the WWE's perspective, it's another TV deal that brings them more money.

But from a fan's standpoint? I haven't watched Smackdown in years and haven't felt the need to in a long time. It seems like you miss pretty much nothing by skipping Smackdown.

Yeah. I wanna say since I started watching WWE again about six years ago, I've never watched Smackdown, and never once felt like I was missing anything.
Smackdown is super weird, because you'll see matches on there first before they're repeated the next week on Raw. It happens every week. I don't understand it.
What never makes sense to me is that Smackdown got bumped to the Friday deathslot and therefore ended up taped, then it went to a new network that will always love Smackdown because it brings their highest ratings, but they keep it in the Friday deathslot instead of moving it back to Tuesday.
Smackdown's been on Thursdays for a long time now. I think it's even going Wednesday in 2016 when it goes to USA.
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