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WWE Raw drops to lowest TV rating in 18 years

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I sincerely hope that's only a rumor because face Triple H against a young talent in the WM main event in 2016 physically hurts me.

There is no way they could have made it work with face Triple H.

Trips would screw Seth and take the title from him and Seth would go on the chase as a face. Maybe even throw a short SHIELD reunion in there. I'm not sure I would want that now but nine months from now when Seth returns I could see it working.


Can't stand this face he makes all the time


"huntr pls"


He'd benefit from the crowd turning on him New Day style but I think he's too far in for something like that. Cliche as it sounds, I'm sure he'd kill it as a heel.

His spear is still cool. I may not like the guy other than that, but I like his trademark moves.

A heel Roman run is absolutely what he needs, which means it wont happen
He needs a better move. The Superman punch/Spear combo are not good. Get rid of one. The Superman punch would work well as an "out of nowhere" type move, as the whole pound the ground/cock my wrist shit is so lame it just kills the impact, but the spear is already a sort of "out of nowhere" type move. Give him something else.


Roman needs to make his spear look more brutal again like it was during his Shield days.



During this timeframe he had the best spear since Goldberg


He needs a better move. The Superman punch/Spear combo are not good. Get rid of one. The Superman punch would work well as an "out of nowhere" type move, as the whole pound the ground/cock my wrist shit is so lame it just kills the impact, but the spear is already a sort of "out of nowhere" type move. Give him something else.

You say that, but when he Superman punches Dean Ambrose's Mum and does a 'I'm Superman' pose as Ambrose cries and cradles his unconcious mother... that shit'll sell Mania 32.


He'd benefit from the crowd turning on him New Day style but I think he's too far in for something like that. Cliche as it sounds, I'm sure he'd kill it as a heel.

His spear is still cool. I may not like the guy other than that, but I like his trademark moves.

i've been team turn Roman heel for a while, but I just thought of something. he spends like 90% of his matches taking a nap on the outside, i don't know if he has the ability to carry a match as a heel, since the heel is usually dictating what goes on in the ring for a good majority of the match.


He needs a better move. The Superman punch/Spear combo are not good. Get rid of one. The Superman punch would work well as an "out of nowhere" type move, as the whole pound the ground/cock my wrist shit is so lame it just kills the impact, but the spear is already a sort of "out of nowhere" type move. Give him something else.

they should give him the sharpshooter

at survivor series


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Who the fuck ever wants HHH to be a face? Triple Face has never been as remotely as good as HHHeel

He is a face though, look at the NXT crowd go wild for him

Smarks also love him


He has no personality and no motivation. He cannot tell a story. This is where he always falls flat. He is poison to existing storylines. He needs to go. Just because he can bump doesn't mean people care about what or why he does what he does. He's a big nothing.

His problem. They gave him a huge Survivor Series angle and he fucking bungled it because he's a worthless cunt.

How did Ziggler's character respond to any of this? It didn't? Because he has never had any sort of character. He exists to job, and when he doesn't job, nobody knows WHY he's here.

WHY did he "steal" Lana? I don't know. Do you know? I don't think anyone does.
WHY was he the Sole Survivor? I don't know. Nobody does.

He is nothing.
WTF am I reading? This is the markiest mark shit since Wahlberg.
I like the Superman Punch but I do agree it would be so much cooler as an #OutOfNowhere move. His apron dropkick's pretty sweet too, I forgot to give that props.

i've been team turn Roman heel for a while, but I just thought of something. he spends like 90% of his matches taking a nap on the outside, i don't know if he has the ability to carry a match as a heel, since the heel is usually dictating what goes on in the ring for a good majority of the match.
I might be talking out of my ass, but didn't he play a heel in NXT/FCW? He's young so he does have time to improve in the ring; I want to like the guy, he's just so limited and he's too awkward on the mic for me to get behind him.


WTF am I reading? This is the markiest mark shit since Wahlberg.

Ziggler is a great heel because God-DAMN is he unlikeable. Dude is pre-retirement Shawn, minus the talent. He needs to leave, find religion, bang a Nitro girl, then come back and have the power of God on his side so that his douchebag nature becomes endearing.


Anyone who has a problem with Rock/Brock is crazy, that's the biggest mainstream match WWE has, as much as the company has a problem promoting part timers over its young stars, when it's such a big match then it can be the exception to the rule.
My issue with Brock/Rock is... it's been done before (over 13 years ago). Brock won then and there's absolutely no reason he shouldn't win again now that Dwayne's doing movies full-time. I can't get invested at all in that program. Maybe if The Rock wasn't a pedestrian 5-5 lifetime at Mania.

If you've got a treasured commodity with credibility and limited dates like Lesnar, use him to build someone you're hoping to build your company around. Giving him and Dwayne a match is just a waste of both their time. And ours.

I really only want to see The Rock back to face off against a heel Roman Reigns.

And I'm not sure Ambrose/Reigns is big enough for a Mania match.
A Shield triple threat is big enough.
But if Rollins is out of the equation, I'd rather see the Ambrose-Reigns feud done sooner rather than later.

You say that, but when he Superman punches Dean Ambrose's Mum and does a 'I'm Superman' pose as Ambrose cries and cradles his unconcious mother... that shit'll sell Mania 32.
Ambrose's mother? That shit is weak. Nobody cares about anonymous wrestling parents getting maimed.
Have Reigns superman punch Renee.

i've been team turn Roman heel for a while, but I just thought of something. he spends like 90% of his matches taking a nap on the outside, i don't know if he has the ability to carry a match as a heel, since the heel is usually dictating what goes on in the ring for a good majority of the match.
If Roman can't carry a match at this point and needs his precious naptime, perhaps the WWE shouldn't be so bound and determined to pin their hopes and dreams on this man.



It's weird because usually Brock just lets someone throw him full on into the post and assumes that he'll bleed from the impact. At HIAC it was 'I'm going to kneel here for a second, rub my hand across my head, and no-one will know I bladed.' It really needed Brock to yell 'FUCK' while Heyman is all 'BAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRROCK' for authenticity.


Viewership is down yet again:

Monday's WWE Raw television show averaged 3.173 million viewers, according to Showbuzzdaily.com. Viewership was down from the 3.248 million average from last week.

Powell's POV: The first hour of Raw averaged 3.480 million viewers. Hour two drew 3.177 million viewers. The final hour of the show averaged 2.863 million viewers. A dreadful third hour despite the teases throughout the night for Undertaker and Kane via the video packages, which may not have been blunt enough to keep viewers watching. We hope to have the actual rating later today.


8pm: 3.480
9pm: 3.177
10pm: 2.863

Avg: 3.173

It wasn't made very clear that Undertaker would appear at the end of the show. Saving Bray for the final segment was a dumb move.

they'll blame it on the fact that the show was pre-recorded and everyone read the spoilers. then it's business as usual.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
...I don't think there were any teases about the Undertaker. It was mostly just a tease that Bray would come out and deliver another nonsense promo. It wasn't entirely clear that was going to be the "main event" either so I can see people tuning out.


Well obviously it's the wrestlers fault for not grabbing the brass ring and HEY, STOP DOING THAT SHIT WE DIDN'T TELL YOU TO DO. YOU DON'T GET OVER UNTIL WE SAY SO. As I was saying they're just not trying!


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
"I know what will fix the ratings! A terribly boring tournament bracket!"
are they worried about this or what? WWE I mean.

Sure. Seems like it.

But when bad stuff happens and they need to try harder that just means Vince will be more hands on then he normally is with the booking and that just means more bullshit no one wants.

So the more they try and fix it the more broken its going to be.


They can't be too worried about the ratings because they clearly didn't even try with that tournament bracket.

I was excited about the tournament. As soon as I saw a picture of the bracket, the bit of interest I had instantly disappeared.

For almost every guy in it, there's no way in hell they would have a chance in winning. Half of them have no business being in a tournament for even the IC title, much less world title.


The lack of star power and three hour length of Raw took its toll last night as, even with a lower-rated NFL game than in recent weeks, Raw set another modern audience record low mark last night.

Raw was down from last week's 3.24 million viewers to 3.16 million this week, with the lowest viewed hour (hour three) in modern non-holiday history, even on a night built around the first round of the WWE title tournament. When the brackets for the tournament didn't list outside stars, and the most pushed star in the tournament, Roman Reigns, had already wrestled in the first hour, interest fell greatly.

The three hours were:

8 p.m. 3.48 million viewers

9 p.m. 3.18 million viewers

10 p.m. 2.86 million viewers

Yikes. I dont understand why the biggest star in the tournament (Roman) was not saved for the main event spot? They basically gave the fans what little stardom there was at the start of the show and left the rest of the show hanging.

The graphic also showed no Cena, Taker or Lesnar, obviously hardcore fans know they wont partake in the tournament. But casual fans might wonder why none of them are in it.


They could have (should have) made some changes last night, yet they just cobble together the bottom of the barrel of the midcard geeks to fill 16 spots in a tournament that is as predictable as it is dull. Make some changes to the stale layout of the graphics and the look of the show, update the format so it's not the same old boring 20 minute promo to open the show, anything.

People used to say "I'm done watching!!" and then be back the next monday, but it really seems like there is a big chunk of fans that has just given up and moved on.


Raw is my entertainment of last resort, i ended up going to Rocket League over it after watching for a bit. I thought the Wyatt kane/taker tribute stuff was just about wasting time, i didn't catch the ending with them coming down but i after knowing it happened i still don't care. That tournament bracket was an interest-killer.

Just the intro with HHH coming down to tell Roman how amazing in every regard he is outside of his one flaw, not selling out, put me off the rest of the show.


So not worth it
They could have (should have) made some changes last night, yet they just cobble together the bottom of the barrel of the midcard geeks to fill 16 spots in a tournament that is as predictable as it is dull. Make some changes to the stale layout of the graphics and the look of the show, update the format so it's not the same old boring 20 minute promo to open the show, anything.

People used to say "I'm done watching!!" and then be back the next monday, but it really seems like there is a big chunk of fans that has just given up and moved on.

All they have is the mid card. There is nothing but Cena at the top, then whoever is the WWE champ at the time, then the part timers and after that everyone else.

There is no upper level talent besides John Cena on the permanent roster, by their own design.

As for people not watching. It is true, this happened to me. Even when all of WrassleGAF says a Raw is awesome I find myself not caring enough to check it out. Best I have done is check some backstage interviews on YT On Tuesday.

I just watch old 1997 Nitro's and 2002 Smackdown's instead of Raw nowadays, how sad is that?
For WWE, not me.
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