As a returning fan who came back around the time of Wrestlemania 30 after abandoning the WWE during the whole Katie Vick/Kane storyline - my issue with the current product outside of the obvious booking issues (lack of story build up, characters worth a damn, etc,) and the abhorrent commentating...
- Predictability. Honestly, I don't read any of the wrestling news sites. Nor am I terribly privy to the back stage goings on but there's almost no drama to anything that happens in the ring. Sheamus cashing in at Survivor Series was so telegraphed with the running time of the final match-up, it meant zero. When was the last time a title changed on Raw? Having been a fan straight through the 80/90's, I remember a time when both WCW and WWE would have meaningful matches on Monday Night for the big titles and it never lessened the impact of title changes during the PPV's - would be it be so awful as to have a world title change happen on Raw?
- Why does Smackdown exist? Seriously - it serves no purpose.
- The production value is so...vanilla. Remember the PPV set designs back in the day? You had crazy moving hooks swaying back and forth. Big fists breaking through the front set, etc. Each show had a "mood" and "feel" that was distinct. PPV's in particular. Now, outside of Wrestlemania - everything feels like Raw. They literally just add different color LED's, a new splash on the Titantron and call it a day. There's very little distinction between the "big" shows and the stuff that shows up every week on TV. For some that may not matter but for me, it's a big reason why PPV's feel like just another episode of Raw more often than not.
- Fuck three hour RAW. Seriously, just fuck it. I don't know how anyone can sit through three hours of it regardless of its quality. It's too much content to fill and it lessens the quality of the show overall as they try to fill the time. I'd LOVE if the show went back to a two hour time format but I understand there's lots of money involved in keeping that three hour format.
There's more that I could get into on the booking side that just boggles my mind and its not all just a nostalgia trip or the Attitude Era as there was plenty of shit booking then as well. So many of these guys on the roster feel like CAW's from a videogame to me and none are allowed to develop a personality seemingly. When guys are on the verge of breaking through (Cesaro is a great example) - they get put into some squash match that just completely kills their momentum (Big Show vs Cesaro prior to the Brock PPV). I don't get it!