of course they're going to blame the caucus
I'm pretty sure even last week's 2.93, which was full of post rumble hype and a 25 minute rock segment, was still way down from the year before.
this trend is just going to continue until there is a fundamental change in how the show is produced and written.
There's always an excuse. That was just the one trotted out for this week's ratings failure.Interesting that people were expecting the Iowa caucus to hurt Monday Night Raw's ratings. American professional wrestling fans do not strike me as people who are interested in things such as politics or culture.
What match is that building towards?
Well, these are the results they can expect for continually denying to have Daniel Bryan perform on their show.
Did Daniel Bryan skyrocket the ratings when he was champ?
Interesting that people were expecting the Iowa caucus to hurt Monday Night Raw's ratings. American professional wrestling fans do not strike me as people who are interested in things such as politics or culture.
he was more of a draw than roman reigns
Please, the Iowa caucus was booked 1,000 times better than the Royal Rumble. We had all sorts of fun angles leading into that double main event and this year they even had some true heels on both sides of the isle.
Daniel Bryan's tenure as champ was largely dominated by him getting beat up repeatedly by Kane.But didn't the ratings drop when he was champ? so it seems more of a general decline in the business than anything
Daniel Bryan's tenure as champ was largely dominated by him getting beat up repeatedly by Kane.
Of course the ratings would tank. That was BY DESIGN. They wanted him to fail and prove that they were right and that their fans were wrong.
True, but I can't see American pro wrestling fans caring about "boring politics." There's no chanting involved, and they'd rather watch women wrestlers get slut shamed.
Please, the Iowa caucus was booked 1,000 times better than the Royal Rumble. We had all sorts of fun angles leading into that double main event and this year they even had some true heels on both sides of the isle.
Please, the Iowa caucus was booked 1,000 times better than the Royal Rumble. We had all sorts of fun angles leading into that double main event and this year they even had some true heels on both sides of the isle.
So basically, ratings are used a gauge of the effectiveness of a wrestler when it's convenient for the argument
yes! that's how it's always been.
roman ain't catching any heat for these numbers. it's everyone else who's at fault.
So with HHH as champ once again,Raw has seen its lowest ratings of all-time.
Cherry-picking, and it ignores a variety of other outside factors, but let me have my fun.
WWE is what happens when a control freak like Steve Jobs gets old and irrelevant and won't let go or change a single damn thing ever.
Why would they have to make any changes?At some point, they have to start making changes. I'm sure the excuse tossed around in the back right now is the long list of injured wrestlers, but even if they had everyone healthy, it'd still be the same old shit. I seriously don't think there will be any changes until Vince dies.
Sinclair TV is too risk averse and Panda Energy don't give no fucks.
Sinclair TV just bought The Tennis Channel, a network with a lot of clearance. From what I read they're turning it into a vehicle for all of their sports programming, likely including Ring of Honor.
I don't know how people watch RAW live, I only watch the condensed 1.5 hour Hulu version and even then I forward through most of it as it's just really bad. I've got to the point where I just tell my brother to only watch the PPVs
There will NEVER be another WCW level competitor for the simple reason the TV landscape can't handle more than one prominent wrestling show
there is a reason there is only one pro football, basketball, baseball.... league
There will NEVER be another WCW level competitor for the simple reason the TV landscape can't handle more than one prominent wrestling show
there is a reason there is only one pro football, basketball, baseball.... league
There will NEVER be another WCW level competitor for the simple reason the TV landscape can't handle more than one prominent wrestling show
there is a reason there is only one pro football, basketball, baseball.... league
Why would they have to make any changes?
Vince loves his product.
Bonnie Hammer and USA loves his product.
The scam artists at Susan G. Komen love his product.
The WWE's shareholders love his product.
The Make-A-Wish Foundation loves his product.
Their advertisers love his product.
ESPN loves his product.
Apparently, lots of fans LOVE his product because they keep signing up for free months of the WWE Network.
So who really cares whether ratings keep dropping or if the product isn't watchable? The people that matter are happy.
Interesting that people were expecting the Iowa caucus to hurt Monday Night Raw's ratings. American professional wrestling fans do not strike me as people who are interested in things such as politics or culture.
A prominent wrestling company can exist in streaming services. With regular TV dying, a wrestling show other than WWE on Netflix or Hulu would be great. Lucha Underground would fit the format really well.
So basically, ratings are used a gauge of the effectiveness of a wrestler when it's convenient for the argument
I do wonder if wrestling has peaked. Like, is there anything that could be done to get non-wrestling fans into it the way they did during the Monday Night Wars/Attitude Era? I often wonder how much of that was a happy accident and lightning in a bottle.
One could argue they had it with Daniel Bryan, but we'll never know for sure.
I mean, what is the next "era"? There has to be one after the PG era. There just has to be.