His job is to seemingly bury the entire roster and to make sure that no one is taken seriously.I don't understand what JBL is supposed to be. It seems like his purpose is to make me hate anyone he likes, which in theory is fine, but then he latches on to any gimmick with a tiny bit of popular momentum behind it and makes it seem like the lamest thing in the world.
His job is to seemingly bury the entire roster and to make sure that no one is taken seriously.
Cole is supposed to be the face commentator, but he pretty much just lets JBL shit on everyone with no comeback.
His job is to seemingly bury the entire roster and to make sure that no one is taken seriously.
Cole is supposed to be the face commentator, but he pretty much just lets JBL shit on everyone with no comeback.
Are we talking about the MITB where Punk won the title before his contract was up? If so, I don't even know if most people were aware of what was happening until after that PPV. I fell out of touch with wrestling around 2005 or 2006 and this CM Punk character winning the title and then leaving was the first thing I saw from the WWE in years, but it was only after the PPV when Punk was popping up at random spots with the belt while he wasn't under contract. You can't expect the pipebomb segment to happen and then there is an immediate jump in ratings. That's like expecting WWF numbers to jump as soon as Austin dropped the Austin 3:16 promo at KOTR. It takes time and WWE rushed it and ruined it.
Punk should've been allowed to defend the title at other promotions, but WWE had to have him back immediately when it started to pick up coverage and then fed him to Triple H shortly after that.
JBL is terrible. He sucks up to heels and faces.
Mauro and heel Lawler on Smackdown is five billion times better than RAW commentary.Mauro is insanely better on Smackdown. It almost makes me want to watch Smackdown from the small clips I've heard him in. Cole needs to be on the B show. Bring Mauro and heel Lawler to the main show.
Mauro and heel Lawler on Smackdown is five billion times better than RAW commentary.
Just please for the love of God fire Byron Saxton. I don't understand why or how he is commentating on all of their shows. He is literally a plank of wood with headphones.
Mauro is insanely better on Smackdown. It almost makes me want to watch Smackdown from the small clips I've heard him in. Cole needs to be on the B show. Bring Mauro and heel Lawler to the main show.
The forced branding is killing the show. Thedemonkane, Thevigilantesting, Thelunaticfringedeanambrose, Thebeastbrocklesnar - all of these and more are used every other instance that a wrestler is mentioned. It is truly fatiguing to listen to such marketing spiel.
I also can't stand that seemingly any off the cuff mention of the World title must be in full - "the WWE World Heavyweight Championship". Even a casual conversation between friends has to shoehorn the long version of it, rather than just " the title".
I want to fucking slap Michael Cole every time he says DOUBLEYOUDOUBLEYOUEEE.
Everything about their presentation is excruciatingly artificial and insincere. It's literally a 3-hour commercial with annoying jingles and buzz words.
This is a Vince/branding thing, not a Michael Cole thing.Mauro makes the entire Raw commentary team sound like fucking amateur hour.
god michael cole is so fucking awful. this reddit post does a good job explaining why he is so irritating:
But we can complain all we want, they won't change. NXT is where is at for a WWE product, with plenty of other alternatives outside of that. Can't wait to see how they ruin Balor.
The Pitbull AJ Styles!!
There's been talk that Balor won't be moving up to the main roster any time soon, because they want to keep some big stars in NXT.
We can only pray the same applies to Nakamura. And then AJ, KO, Neville and Cesaro make their way to NXT as well.
Since we are trashing all the over the top/ridiculous WWE catchphrases, can we mention "WWE Universe"? Every single time that shit is said it completely overshadows what the person who said it was saying because NOBODY WOULD EVER SAY THAT!
Every time I fall off the wagon it's because of crap like that. They did a similar thing with Matt Hardy after he was fired over the Edge/Lita thing. He started randomly turning up and attacking Edge whilst competing in ROH where he was cutting promos against Edge, Lita and WWE. They could have kept that going for months, costing Edge titles, getting in his head, putting Hardy over. But no. After about a month, Vince is stood there in the ring saying he was resigning Hardy and the whole thing fizzled out in a few weeks.
It was almost as if they couldn't bear not taking full credit for a worked shoot and giving ROH any sliver of promotion so they had to bring it all back in under corporate ASAP. It's so desperately insecure. Vince is still running scared from tiny, little promotions and the marks liking the "wrong" people that he'll throw away millions of dollars out of misplaced pride.
I think Cole gets a lot of undeserved stick.
Watching older stuff, I didn't realise how early it was when he became prominent.
If he was given a bit more free reign (than it appears now), then he'd probably impress a lot of people here again.
Apparently, if what I'm hearing is true, JBL is getting inducted into the Hall of Fame this year with the Godfather. I think Jacqueline is getting inducted, too.JBL is terrible. He sucks up to heels and faces.
Since we are trashing all the over the top/ridiculous WWE catchphrases, can we mention "WWE Universe"? Every single time that shit is said it completely overshadows what the person who said it was saying because NOBODY WOULD EVER SAY THAT!
That angle died the second Matt got a mic, it's been a long time so maybe I'm remembering it wrong but the second he started cutting that "Lita you whore" promo it felt like the crowd remembered Jeff was the Hardy they liked.
Yep size is the issue in the era of Mayweather, Pacquiao, Ronda Rousey, Colin McGregor and Steph Curry. Or maybe you need compelling story lines and you have to let people with big personalities show them. As a kid me and my friends never once cared about the rock or Austin's size. How about they let guys like big e and rusev show the personalities they show on twitter.
I can't tell you a single opinion Byron Saxton has on anything, and he's been on nearly every fucking show for a year.Mauro and heel Lawler on Smackdown is five billion times better than RAW commentary.
Just please for the love of God fire Byron Saxton. I don't understand why or how he is commentating on all of their shows. He is literally a plank of wood with headphones.
Mauro and heel Lawler on Smackdown is five billion times better than RAW commentary.
Just please for the love of God fire Byron Saxton. I don't understand why or how he is commentating on all of their shows. He is literally a plank of wood with headphones.
I always thought the "lunatic fringe" was a spectrum or a space that people occupied. Like, "Oh, those people are basically a lunatic fringe, nobody agrees with them." Why would one person be the lunatic fringe? That doesn't even make sense.
Ambrose's gimmick is horrible and I think it's been bad since The Shield days. He's the guy where the gimmick is stilted walking and the need to wash his hair. Like how is that a gimmick? He doesn't do anything demonstrably "crazy;" I'd think that's more of the lightweight wrestlers in NXT bouncing off the rings and diving around. This guy is pretty much bog standard. Except he needs to wash his hair.
I do agree with what someone said above that I don't know if Punk/Bryan/etc. would ever be as big a draw as Austin/Rock/DX/etc. In some cases, I think the culture has shifted a bit such that the gimmick is not as appealing (DX), but I really do not think those guys had the "look." I hate to sound like Vince, but Austin and Rock really were iconic. Bryan started looking absolutely ridiculous and it has nothing to do with size.
I always thought the "lunatic fringe" was a spectrum or a space that people occupied. Like, "Oh, those people are basically a lunatic fringe, nobody agrees with them." Why would one person be the lunatic fringe? That doesn't even make sense.
Ambrose's gimmick is horrible and I think it's been bad since The Shield days. He's the guy where the gimmick is stilted walking and the need to wash his hair. Like how is that a gimmick? He doesn't do anything demonstrably "crazy;" I'd think that's more of the lightweight wrestlers in NXT bouncing off the rings and diving around. This guy is pretty much bog standard. Except he needs to wash his hair.
I do agree with what someone said above that I don't know if Punk/Bryan/etc. would ever be as big a draw as Austin/Rock/DX/etc. In some cases, I think the culture has shifted a bit such that the gimmick is not as appealing (DX), but I really do not think those guys had the "look." I hate to sound like Vince, but Austin and Rock really were iconic. Bryan started looking absolutely ridiculous and it has nothing to do with size.
I also hate how Romans gimmick is still the same as when he was in the Shield. Idk why WWE didn't give their new golden boy different attire and music.
Brian Pillman was a lunatic. Sold it and played it like a champ naturally. Ambrose as a lunitic feels forced. It's a terrible gimmick for him.
I also hate how Romans gimmick is still the same as when he was in the Shield. Idk why WWE didn't give their new golden boy different attire and music.
The Shield was over, so they wanted to make sure that Roman and only Roman kept that heat.
Again, before they "ruined" it, when every smark on the Internet was splooging over the angle - Money in the Bank didn't draw any more than normal. Ratings didn't move. It might've change if they didn't ruin it, but for all the podcast appearances and posts on blogs about the pipebomb, the casual fan didn't seem to care.
And now he's the least over compared to his two teammates who everyone seems to love.
Another masterful move by WWE.
Can the PG rating & go back to two hours instead of three.
They're some of the reasons why the ratings dropped.
They misunderstand the house show popularity thing so much.But you don't understand, he's over at the house shows.
And he sells a bunch of merch! I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact that they push 5 new shirts for the guy every week
What does going above PG add at all? Be detailed.Can the PG rating & go back to two hours instead of three.
They're some of the reasons why the ratings dropped.
What does going above PG add at all? Be detailed.
What's with all the people saying that Lucas is some sort of hack? Just because he made a few crummy movies means that somehow he's applied as one, not to mention trying to deny anything that he was involved with prior to the Prequels? He's always been a creative mind that always needed to be reigned in a bit. Can't say the same for Vince, though, considering that he refuses to let the writers try and be ambitious.You're right. Like George Lucas, Vince McMahon is a fucking hack fraud that gets more credit than he deserves. The sooner he's out of the picture, the better for WWE.
Unless his idiot daughter decides to continue his legacy
Dean Ambrose's move where he fake falls out of the ring is called "the wacky line"
It speaks for itself