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WWE's Dr. Chris Amann Files Lawsuit Against CM Punk And Colt Cabana

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Pipe bomb.


Cook County Record said:
A ringside doctor for the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) hit two former wrestlers with a defamation lawsuit Thursday.

The suit, filed in Cook County Circuit Court, focuses on statements Phillip Jack Brooks and Scott Colton– known to WWE fans as CM Punk and Colt Cabana, respectively — made about Dr. Christopher M. Amann last year on Colton’s “The Art of Wrestling” podcast.

Amann, a Will County resident who has worked as the senior ringside physician for WWE since 2010, claims the duo’s statements were false, defamatory and put him a false light by improperly insinuating “a lack of integrity … and/or inability or lack of competence to perform his professional duties as a medical doctor.”

Claiming his reputation has suffered as a result of the former WWE wrestlers’ comments, Amann is seeking more than $1 million in compensatory damages, as well as an undetermined amount of punitive damages.

Amann says all of the statements Brooks and Colton, both of whom live in Cook County, made, literally and in their implications, are false.

“Amann was not requested by Brooks to treat and/or excise a lump, let a lone a purple, baseball-sized lump,” the suit asserts, further alleging that Brooks never sought treatment for or showed him a lump and that he never prescribed Brooks antibiotics for a lump or concussion.

In regards to Colton, who left the WWE in 2009 and hosts the weekly podcast that features interviews with professional wrestlers, the suit alleges he helped Brooks falsely depict Amann as a lazy and bad doctor by urging listeners to “hear the struggle” in what Brooks was saying so they could understand why he retired.

Strange that the doctor himself would sue, but not the WWE.
Oh wow.

I didn't see this coming. I can't wait to see where this goes.

It's pretty telling that this story and the original Punk podcast on his departure has been more interesting than the current WWE product. :p


WWE should have probably just paid the doctor to let it go. This is just going to drag up shit that Punk didn't talk about


Won't this just cause CM Punk to reveal even more dirt on WWE since he'll be forced to tell the whole story now?

Poor AJ.


Won't this just cause CM Punk to reveal even more dirt on WWE since he'll be forced to tell the whole story now?

Poor AJ.

On top of that its very likely CM Punk could drag others into it. Reveal how others were treated and really rock the boat


On top of that its very likely CM Punk could drag others into it. Reveal how others were treated and really rock the boat

Maybe that is reason he is the one that filed the lawsuit and not the WWE? and the reason that it took so long for him to do so? didn't get WWE support?


But why would it have taken this long for the doctor to sue?

Presumable there would have to be some passage of time to determine whether was damage done to his practice as a result of the allegation...assuming the doctor is being sincere of course. The other side of this is whether Punk can prove whatever other dirt he is supposedly holding back on.


I wonder if fans chanting Z-Pak at him as he came out to assist a wrestler at a recent NXT event had any leanings on his decision to file this.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Won't this just cause CM Punk to reveal even more dirt on WWE since he'll be forced to tell the whole story now?

Poor AJ.

Or maybe Punk is just full of shit and exaggerated the story to make himself look better.

Don't have a real opinion of this either way but I can't blame the doctor for wanting to stand up for himself if the shit he was accused of was being made up.


Or maybe Punk is just full of shit and exaggerated the story to make himself look better.

Don't have a real opinion of this either way but I can't blame the doctor for wanting to stand up for himself if the shit he was accused of was being made up.

I'm pretty sure Punk wouldn't do something stupid like lie about medical malpractice. He's a lot of things, but he isn't dumb.
Or maybe Punk is just full of shit and exaggerated the story to make himself look better.

Don't have a real opinion of this either way but I can't blame the doctor for wanting to stand up for himself if the shit he was accused of was being made up.

It just seems like a pretty crazy story to make up out of whole cloth.


If this was a made up story, this is the first thing I would expect the Doctor to do. I'd imagine right now his reputation is such that he couldn't get a job or client outside of the WWE.

It's kind of telling that WWE is sticking by him though. If there was any truth to it in their eyes, they would have quietly let him go, even if they were behind some of the decisions he was making. But he's still on staff as far as we can tell.

If Punk did make this up, I hope he's got a lot of that money saved up from his WWE run. I don't know if I agree on Cabana's part in it, because he kinda just gave Punk an open platform to tell his story.

It should be interesting to follow.


There's probably no proof of anything Punk said. I doubt they keep records of little checkups and whatnot so they'll be like "Prove it" and he won't be able to.


WWE would never cut ties with the doc over the story because it would confirm everything.

WWE is basically forced to protect the doctor even if everything punk is said is true otherwise WWE suddenly opens itself up to mega millions lawsuits because there would be no way they could claim ignorance
I just wish people would separate their feelings for Punk out of these kinds of stories, because unlike most shoot interview, people are 100% behind him, it's really hard for people to believe he's embellished anything about his stories with HHH, Ryback the doctor and others.
Now, I might be remembering this wrong.

But didn't Punk say he went to another doctor after this whole debacle and they were the ones telling him he had the staph infection? Wouldn't he be able to use that as proof that what he said wasn't a lie?
I just wish people would separate their feelings for Punk out of these kinds of stories, because unlike most shoot interview, people are 100% behind him, it's really hard for people to believe he's embellished anything about his stories with HHH, Ryback the doctor and others.

He was one of my favorites in the ring and on the mic, but I don't care for him outside of wrestling. I could easily see him embellishing stories and making stuff up. I just don't think he's stupid enough to lie about something like that.

That being said, I'll gladly eat crow if it turns out he was lying.
Now, I might be remembering this wrong.

But didn't Punk say he went to another doctor after this whole debacle and they were the ones telling him he had the staph infection? Wouldn't he be able to use that as proof that what he said wasn't a lie?

Yup, not only that I'm pretty sure there's video evidence of him shitting himself in the ring.
If Punk was lying I'll gladly eat crow. Thing is, all he has to do is pull the records from the doctor that treated him for MRSA and this is a done deal if he isn't.

Hopefully this ends pretty quickly, dumb when stuff like this gets dragged on for months for no reason.
Ill hold all my judgments until this gets going. I took punks podcast as "stories". I don't know him at all to believe anything he says.

Either way, this is going to be interesting.
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