FF XVI was projected to sell equally on XSX|S as it was on PS5 or much less? Was Starfield expected to sell much more on XSX|S or not?
Then again single game temporary exclusive vs buying the entire publisher and yanking all of the content you legally can…

How does this invalidate the usual advantages we can read about ? The fact that PS5 was removed from the equation will lead to a better game day-one, for example. For reasons you know. Bethesda themselves told that it would launch with "less bugs" than previous games. Funny statement, really, but still they seem confident and showing has been quite robust for now.
Game being exclusive helps building the console's identity, another point that is often brought up about modern consoles etc... MS are not a charity, their goal is to strengthen the image of Xbox, so more games associated to the brand, the better for them.
Mario Wonder probably has a lot of potential of selling on PS, yet Nintendo won't release the game on this platform. They might be missing 5 or 10 millions sales as well. Nobody is losing sleep over this.
Making Starfield console exclusive makes a lot of sense now that MS possesses the developer/publisher/license. More than continuing releasing their games on other consoles, obviously. This is the exact logic that has always been applied, and accepted for other manufacturers for 30+ years, and I don't see a reason for it be different for MS.
And yes, I would have loved to play Wipeout on Dreamcast or Xbox back then. I enjoyed both games on Saturn, especially the second one, which was technically very well made.