Loved the Cyberpunk joke.
Not agreeing isn't trolling
This is just as bad, If not worse, than the PS5event. Halo looked like shit, Forza only an in engine trailer? What the fuck?
This is just as bad, If not worse, than the PS5event. Halo looked like shit, Forza only an in engine trailer? What the fuck?
Look I dont normally use profanity. But get the fuck out here with that shit. Ori is not simple in any capacity.The first game that they're showing in this presentation, Dragonquest XI, does not look impressive at all; the graphics are below Switch quality. 12 teraflops being wasted.
The second game that they're showing, Exomecha, looks like it's still in the alpha phase; the textures are flat and have practically no detail.
This third or fourth game that they're showing (I might have missed one), Hello Neighbor 2, looks pretty good. It has intentionally cartoonish graphics and an aesthetic that reminds me of Tim Burton; it's impressive, as the character models and environment have a very appreciable sense of depth and the colors are quite bold, which makes me wonder how it'll look in HDR. As simple as it looks, for some reason I don't think that it'd look as good on current-gen consoles.
Balan Wonderworld looks like a browser game. Unimpressive.
Halo Infinite looks okay. The facial animation of the human NPC with whom Master Chief chats at the beginning of the gameplay is very fluid, but even though it's in-engine, it's not live gameplay; so, it's ultimately not very impressive. As for the actual gameplay, it doesn't look like anything new relative to previous entries; it's comprised of the same ol' shooting, jumping, and shield-deployment. Also, the graphics for the environment and enemies are nothing special, as well as the physics and animation; they honestly don't look next gen. The skin texture of the gray, monstrous, monologing creature at the end has is flat and lacks detail.
State of Decay 3 was shown via a pre-rendered, cinematic trailer. So, there's no basis upon which its graphics can be judged.
Forza looked impressive. However, it was described as being in-engine but not in-game, and there's a difference between the two.
Everwood looks good, but there are many Japanese RPGs that look as good due to also employing cell shading.
Tell Me Why looks like an indie-level game for current-gen consoles. Character models are flat and have stiff, awkward animation.
Ori looks great, but it's a simple 2D sidescroller that relies more on art design than graphical quality for its aesthetic.
Nah the comments are definitely trolling and trying to start a fanboy war, just shut up and watch the show.