Xbox is not allowed X-men games until 2036 due to Sony signing a deal with Marvel

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and people blame MS for buying stuff. It's because Sony keeps doing this shit and trying to lock Xbox out of everything if they can till it die. MS decided to play the same dirty level but.... on a MS level.
Is Xbox really lacking in IP so much, the only way they can make a game is license one?

Is it Sony stopping MS from making a new Perfect Dark?
I'm not really bothered about superhero games, or superhero movies anymore to be honest.
Blade might actually be a supe I could get behind though simply because of the fond memories of the original movie, have to see how the game pans out though. Xmen I love the old 90s tv show but hated all the movies so if the Xmen games adopted a style that brought back that aesthetic form the 90s cartoon then I would be interested but wolverine, xmen and avengers in the current form, don't hold much interest.


Gold Member
"Competition is good for the industry."


and people blame MS for buying stuff. It's because Sony keeps doing this shit and trying to lock Xbox out of everything if they can till it die. MS decided to play the same dirty level but.... on a MS level.
Oh no,oh no,ohhhhh no…Xbox have ALWAYS been doing this, moneyhatting exclusivity, hell even buying up studios to prevent releases on other platforms starting with Bungie and Halo which was originally a Mac Exclusive.
So dont start with that nonsense, at least PS buys things they have history with, and not solely to cancel content in a rival platform…


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
You gotta to give it to Sony's negotiations teams.
Over the last 40 years they have been stuff of legends.
When they walk in the room you know ya gonna get a shake down.


Bought in 2019- and Insomniac has worked under Sony primarily prior. (2nd Party Studio)
Regardess- its still a new game from "Scratch" that isnt being taken away from anyone. The clown is you bud

Saying "They didn't just buy a studio" is a cheap gotcha comment, suggesting exactly what you just failed at again, that only when other companies do it it's bad, but when Sony buys a studio, it's "different" "organic" like they didn't just buy their way to locking Marvel exclusivity, that's good and ok somehow, they didn't just buy an ENTIRE existing set IPs and locked it away from other platforms, nothing to see here, amirite? Not that what Sony did is uncommon or illegal, but let's not be hypocrites.


Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member

  • According to the agreement between Marvel, PlayStation, and Insomniac Games, no X-Men games (not developed by Insomniac) can be announced by Marvel until Dec. 31, 2035, meaning there will not be an X-Men game on Xbox before that time.
  • Insomniac Games has not officially commented on the breach.
A su mecha 😨😰.

Marvel would have signed the agreement with Capcom and we would all win.
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That clause is applied to all developers. None of them can make X-Men games. Why is Xbox singled out here? Clickbait articles need clicks, right?
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