What's the opposite of frothing?What's the Japanese demand for the Xbox One like?
What's the opposite of frothing?What's the Japanese demand for the Xbox One like?
With a crossed out hinomaru? Japanese would be furious.White Edition Incoming?
Chill out dude, every attempt to keep stationary consoles in japanese living rooms is worth it.Let's be honest, we all want it to flop, otherwise ms will fucking moneyhat japan if they get a small chance. Japanese games are to be played only on Nintendo and sony consoles.
I just hope to god microsoft doesn't moneyhat a lot of developers I like into exclusives again since there's no way I'm buying an xbox one and I hate third party exclusives.
Which Japanese developer did MS moneyhat last gen?
They should have worked closer with Mistwalker to establish the studios they helped to fund, even further.
Which Japanese developer did MS moneyhat last gen?
Which Namco-Bandai and SE games did they moneyhat? My memory is drawing a blank.
Which Namco-Bandai and SE games did they moneyhat? My memory is drawing a blank.
With SE, I'm thinking The Last Remnant and Infinite Undiscovery off the top of my head, and maaaybe they had Star Ocean first? This assumes they paid for the exclusivity/partial exclusivity or whatever for these of course haha.
They had Idolm@ster 2 as an exclusive for ages and I don't think I need to mention all the cave games x_x
But we're past April 9 already.
I can't believe you guys think evil MS was moneyhatting Japanese exclusives when the real reason, as has often been the case, was Sony's incompetence.
I'd much rather see something new from From Software. Souls games are great, but we already have three of them with more undoubtedly on the way.
CBOT was the first to mention that MS had an exclusive from PG, ntkrnl was the one who mentioned it by name (Project Nagano) and release date of 2016. So far he's been on the mark with his other leaks and some seemed to think he is an MS plant.simply because the 360 is the probably the worst selling console in japan lol. i am not trying to be a rude or troll since i enjoy my xbox one right now way more than my PS4. but the sales could only go up. just like the fellow gaffer posted above, the 360 is probably selling 300 units right now. so sales of xbox one couldn't go any lower than that.
also, who said that MS has Platinum's game exclusive ? CBOT ? the dude who was proven wrong many times? or is there another leak ?
A new Otogi or a new Chromehounds would've been glorious but it's probably just a new Armored Core game.
An exclusive Xbone Souls directed by Miyazaki will cause the biggest meltdowns of this forum since FFXIII going multiplatform, there's no way that's happening though.
BTW it's weird that Platinum and Valhalla games are not on the list.
They had Idolm@ster 2 as an exclusive for ages and I don't think I need to mention all the cave games x_x
Steins;Gate was also initially a 360 exclusive for quite a while which annoyed the heck out of me.
Except having both a PS4 and an XB1 is rather redundant since they play
majority of the same games. If anything, a PS4/Wii U combo would net the
most unique and diverse set games across numerous genres. Or even a
PC/Wii U combo.
With that said, I don't wish for MS to flop, but if they resort to money-hatting
(which they are prone to do) to gain foothold in the market, then I'd be upset.
MS was the original publisher for Infinite Undiscovery before they chose to let SE publish it, and MS still owns the trademarks.
Star Ocean was never moneyhatted. The team started working on the 360 version well before the PS3 version because they were in talks about the game with MS well before Sony, as the 360 specs were released earlier.
The Last Remnant was meant to release on the PS3 on the same day as the 360 version, but the team could never properly get a hang of the PS3 architecture.
I can't believe you guys think evil MS was moneyhatting Japanese exclusives when the real reason, as has often been the case, was Sony's incompetence.
I don't know about the other games, but Vesperia was moneyhatted for sure. Bamco came right out and said it. I find it very difficult to believe that MS didn't pay for timed exclusivity on Star Ocean, though I can't find any proof. Do you have proof they didn't?
Proof is generally required when claiming someone is guilty of something, rather than claiming they may not be. Proof that something wasn't moneyhatted is basically impossible to offer.
that S controller was so much better than the duke.
Bullshit. He's not saying there's no way to know. He's flatly stating "Star Ocean was never moneyhatted." That's an assertion that requires proof. And it's hardly impossible to prove. All you need is a statement from someone who knows for sure.
I wonder why they even try for Japan. They've done poorly for two generations regardless of how hard they've tried. They really went for it games on the original Xbox and early 360 too.
You're right, I didn't read the quote properly. I got it mixed up with doniewhalberg's "maaaybe" post. My bad.
It's pretty much impossible to prove a game was not moneyhatted if the topic has never been brought up by someone who knows for sure though. You just can't make assertions like he did either. I could suspect a lot of games in the PS2 era were moneyhatted, and chances are there's no quotes for most of them, that prove definitively otherwise, despite how unlikely it is that they were.
REMEMBER CITADEL said:They never moneyhatted Cave games. A lot of these alleged Japanese moneyhats were simply a case of Xbox 360 being cheaper/easier to develop for, and having a mature development environment long before Sony. There were a few cases of moneyhatting, certainly, but not nearly as many as some people seem to believe.
You're right, I didn't read the quote properly. I got it mixed up with doniewhalberg's "maaaybe" post. My bad.
First, I've reread my post and I think I was overly aggressive, so I apologize to you for that. My "Bullshit" statement is much more heated than you deserved, and I'm sorry I wrote it.
Getting back to the subject, you're right, there's almost never proof one way or another. In this case, I think the balance of evidence comes down on the side of MS paying for timed exclusivity. SE was very coy at the announcement, with their "no plans" statements, and then, suprose, there's a PS3 version exactly 12 months later.
Please bear in mind as this discussion goes forward; my post was purely written off of "what games came to 360 only/early than PS3, in the case of square enix", as hardin had written as if he was not aware of any possible examples (I think perhaps I was naive in reading it that way now though, and perhaps he was waiting for an opportunity to jump down this road, and I was the lucky guy who posted the response). I have no idea if those games were moneyhatted or not, nor do I assert they were or not, I simply assumed those are the games one would be referring to if SE were deemed to have been. They either arrived earlier or only on 360, thus the only examples that make sense in my mind.
I don't know about the other games, but Vesperia was moneyhatted for sure. Bamco came right out and said it.
Play: We love the 360, but it hasnt been doing very well in Japan.
YH: I suppose you want to ask, why 360? (laughs) We had actually begun research into HD hardware while still working on Abyss. When Abyss was finished, it was very well-received, and we had to decide where we were going next. There were many possibilities-at the time, we could certainly have done another game on PS2. But we felt there was a need to go HD. Logic would dictate wed have to do it eventually, so why not now? That left two choices. When we started this project, the 360 had the more complete development environment.
Play: Was that the only reason?
YH: Well, even thought the West isnt our main target, I knew we had to cater to our overseas fans as well, so thats another reason. But this doesnt mean were not going to work on PS3 or other hardware-just that Tales is coming to the 360 first.
Play: Can you see Vesperia getting ported to PS3 some time in the future, like Eternal Sonata?
YH: Yes, I wont deny the possibility. But were not thinking about it yet-there are so many other things to concentrate on first.
If the platform holder publishes the game, it's a second party release not a third party exclusive.3rd party exclusives can be good for games we wouldn't have gotten without it. See Ryse, Fatal Frame,DR3, Bayonetta and maybe TF.
I really doubt Microsoft don't paid for Vesperia and Last Hope.
This timed exclusives doesn't make sense without Microsoft paying for it.
JPGAMES.DE: Why did just the Xbox 360 version of Tales of Vesperia make it to the west and not the PS3 version?
Hideo Baba: Tales of Vesperia was the first title in the series which was planned to be released simultaneously in Japan, North America and Europe. This was very difficult and it was such a heavy burden for the team. So for the PS3 version, it was decided to reduce this burden and to develop it just for Japan.
That was debunked, she was just a junior community manager (so probably not more than a forum moderator) when she made that statement, without really knowing what she was talking about. Of course, you are free to keep believing it was all a big conspiracy, as I'm sure you will.
As for why Vesperia was on Xbox 360 first:
We know, for a fact, that MS uses them.
Yeah, it takes two to tango, but the same whiners about exclusivity forget all of the instances where their favored platform receives games and content by the same set of business practices. The only victims are falsely entitled fanboys. The rest of us pay what we justify we have to in order to have things that aren't coming to our platform of choice.It bothers me that people talk about "moneyhatting" as if it's something developers/publishers are a victim of and have absolutely no say in the matter.
If a game winds up with exclusivity it's obviously because those making it figured they would be better off that way.
Microsoft must have given Namco a lot of money since a lot of their games became 360 exclusive all of a sudden.
Lets look at a list:
Tales of Vesperia
Star Ocean 4
Lost Planet
Magna Carta 2
Steins Gate
Eternal Sonata
Ridge Racer 6
Ace Combat 6
Infinite Undiscovery
MH Frontier Online
Earth Defense Force 2017
Mobile Suit Gundam Operation Troy
Thats some serious moneyhatting.
Boohoo. That seems like a problem for you. True gamers will buy whatever console the game is on. Bayonetta 2 is the sole reason I'm getting a Wii U. Deal with it.
That was debunked, she was just a junior community manager (so probably not more than a forum moderator) when she made that statement, without really knowing what she was talking about. Of course, you are free to keep believing it was all a big conspiracy, as I'm sure you will.
You know how the PS2 got a load of exclusives because there were simply a load more of them in the market than there were Xbox and Gamecubes? Why is it impossible to believe that maybe the 360 having a year to get multiple millions of units ahead didn't affect the choice of where some of these games headed?
Also, Ridge Racer 6 was a launch game. There wasn't a PS3 to release that on for another year (and they did, as RR7... which the 360 didn't get).
EDIT: Don't ask me about Idolm@ster though... that never made any sense to me (not even as a moneyhat prospect).
Monster Hunter Or Devil May Cry I say