No one expects this to do that well, but the point is getting cool Japanese games...especially with this gen where the system is region free. No Treasure on that list disappoints me.
360 was region locked?No one expects this to do that well, but the point is getting cool Japanese games...especially with this gen where the system is region free. No Treasure on that list disappoints me.
360 was region locked?
360 was region locked?
Dammit Cave do not make me consider getting MS' DRM machine.
Well ntkrnl said that they're making a XBO exclusive so who knowsNo Platinum?
strange,why would they have them available now?What's funny is that Xbox One games have been available in Japan for a while, just no consoles.. lol
there is in 2016 rumored for a while.. this is just launch.No Platinum?
No Platinum?
360 was region locked?
SNK Playmore
Don't worry, the Cave we knew is dead. Their last arcade shooting game was created 2 years ago; it doesn't seem like there'll be any more.
Any Japanese company not releasing their games on PS4 after how 360 did in Japan has to be insane. I think games like Raiden IV coming to PS3 now (after all this time) indicates that they have indeed understood how the wind blows.
Xbox One games? As in games actually localised for the Japanese market, or imported copies sitting in stores?What's funny is that Xbox One games have been available in Japan for a while, just no consoles.. lol
Don't worry, the Cave we knew is dead. Their last arcade shooting game was created 2 years ago; it doesn't seem like there'll be any more.
Any Japanese company not releasing their games on PS4 after how 360 did in Japan has to be insane. I think games like Raiden IV coming to PS3 now (after all this time) indicates that they have indeed understood how the wind blows.
Didnt' DodonPachi get like another sequel released a year ago?
rumor is 2016 so i doubt they are ready to talk about it yet.No Platinum on that list. Guess the rumor isn't true.
People also seem to forget Japanese indie games. MS are good when it comes to the little or niche games in Japan.
And who cares about them?
People also seem to forget Japanese indie games. MS are good when it comes to the little or niche games in Japan.
Phantom Dust is one example. Personally, I am more interested in seeing indie JRPGs.
I dunno. This whole Gen? It's all indie nowadays.
And what indie scene there is is on 3DS and mobile already.Not a great Japanese indie scene.
Also niche games has a market, handhelds.
Sony is competitive too in the niche space too.
The difference is that they don't get localised.
After seeing Miku, Jojo, Tales games among others getting localized this Gen, I will never lose hope in a game getting localized.
strange,why would they have them available now?
EDIT: Didn't realize the image was so insensitive. I apologize if I offended anyone.
The age of Sony is done.
Well ntkrnl said that they're making a XBO exclusive so who knows
When's the last time America dropped a Titan in Japan??
People will be crying at E3 though if its real lolNo Platinum?
i doubt it wil be e3,more like a tgs thing.People will be crying at E3 though if its real lol
No Platinum?
i doubt it wil be e3,more like a tgs thing.
MS will buy exclusives for the xbone launch, you can bet on that
That article doesn't exactly make much sense. While the swastika was indeed the flag of Nazi Germany and thus represents specifically Nazi Germany, the rising sun (with those rays) was not the flag of Japan. The flag of Japan during WWII was the same flag as they use today. The rising sun flag is a military flag of Japan, and has been used by the military since 1870 (even during times when they were allies with the west), and is still used by the military today. I don't really see how it can be compared to the Nazi swastika... Sorry to go off topic here.
Not a waste of money if we still get to play the games over herewaste of money
Japan has made it clear they dont give 2 shits about microsoft
Same! I think people underestimate Microsoft's ability to see what fans and hardcore gamers want and give it to them. I always thought the original Xbox was really a Dreamcast 2.