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Xbox One Launching 9/4 in Japan

Mory Dunz

MS always manages to pull a few suprises out of Japan so it should be fun to see what they have other then the stuff thats already been leaked.

I just hope they dont go nuts and moneyhat nearly every major JRPG developer and cause a generation long downturn in the genre because no one is buying a xbox to play AAA JRPG's like they did with the 360 early on.

There would be huge freakouts if the XB1 started to get a lot of JRPG exclusives, or at least I think so.

I wasn't on GAF around '05 so I wonder how that was.
Hey guys! Remember us? The company you completely ignored the past 2 generations? Well now we're back and better than ever! We have substantially weaker hardware than the main competition, cost more and require a large day 1 update just to get rid of all the DRM stuff we tried to force on you! If somehow we haven't got your attention yet, and I know we have, we also have TV stuff!! That's right, TV stuff!!!
Wtf is this shit


besides, the Xbox one can't do any worse than xbox 360. and that survived 6 years.

Why it can't? It's more expensive than 360 and it doesn't have exclusives that 360 had, like Tales Of Vesperia or Star Ocean 4. That Platinum Games exclusive will probably be a good game, but saleswise it won't be anything different than other Platinum's games. And even WiiU and PS4 are struggling in Japan and there's a good chance that both of those are gonna sell less than their predecessors, so I don't think Xbone will be different.


Its imagery. The rising sun is most closely associated with the atrocities in Asia because that's the flag the military was wielding at the time. Its also the symbol for Japan's military expansion. I'm not that knowledgeable about Nazi Germany but the swastika is the most associated symbol with the atrocities in Europe.

Point is, maybe it seems confusing to the West, but Asians take this very seriously.

It's fine that some people find the Japanese flag offensive. I understand that. I'm sure there are people that find flags of other countries offensive too. I just mainly had an issue with the article because it goes as far as saying the Japanese flag is in ways worse than the Nazi one, when they are two completely different things. I'm sorry for going off topic.


Guess, for MS, damned if you do and damned if you don't, if they don't release the Xbox One in Japan. I'm expecting exactly like the Xbox 360 and Xbox generation, meaning a marketshare of less than 5-10% in the Japanese videogame industry. Guess if they want Japanese studios to keep making games for them, gotta show commitment to keep fighting in region, where they have no hope of outselling the PS4 and Wii U. I applaud MS, of willing to bleed red ink in Japan.


Guess, for MS, damned if you do and damned if you don't, if they don't release the Xbox One in Japan. I'm expecting exactly like the Xbox 360 and Xbox generation, meaning a marketshare of less than 5-10% in the Japanese videogame industry. Guess if they want Japanese studios to keep making games for them, gotta show commitment to keep fighting in region, where they have no hope of outselling the PS4 and Wii U. I applaud MS, of willing to bleed red ink in Japan.

This, what they will loss in Japan is just a tiny drop in their warchest


Junior Member
Why it can't? It's more expensive than 360 and it doesn't have exclusives that 360 had, like Tales Of Vesperia or Star Ocean 4. That Platinum Games exclusive will probably be a good game, but saleswise it won't be anything different than other Platinum's games. And even WiiU and PS4 are struggling in Japan and there's a good chance that both of those are gonna sell less than their predecessors, so I don't think Xbone will be different.

simply because the 360 is the probably the worst selling console in japan lol. i am not trying to be a rude or troll since i enjoy my xbox one right now way more than my PS4. but the sales could only go up. just like the fellow gaffer posted above, the 360 is probably selling 300 units right now. so sales of xbox one couldn't go any lower than that.

also, who said that MS has Platinum's game exclusive ? CBOT ? the dude who was proven wrong many times? or is there another leak ?
Wtf is this shit

Well, he does have a valid point if you think about it. More expensive hardware with less power and possibly even more Western influence(less Japanese games in the long run since they are seemingly making less games as time goes by) after two consecutive colossal failures should make people concerned.


Wtf is this shit

Hi Black Republican,

I'd call it a slightly, I do do mean slightly, sardonic take on reality.

How would you propose they market the XBone in Japan? The US has a fair amount of brand power thanks to the 360 as well as a fixation with shooters. Neither is really true in Japan, at least not unless you change shooter to shmup. Given the failure of Titanfall to move systems at the same time as numerous investors calling for the dismantling of the XBone division, I don't see Microsoft dropping a lot of money trying to buy up titles this gen. It just seems to me that the system is being sent to die for no real apparent reason. A hail mary? An olive branch? I can't even conceive of what they're thinking.


simply because the 360 is the probably the worst selling console in japan lol. i am not trying to be a rude or troll since i enjoy my xbox one right now way more than my PS4. but the sales could only go up. just like the fellow gaffer posted above, the 360 is probably selling 300 units right now. so sales of xbox one couldn't go any lower than that.

also, who said that MS has Platinum's game exclusive ? CBOT ? the dude who was proven wrong many times? or is there another leak ?

So you want to compare X360 today sales with a new launch?
PS4 is expected to do worse than PS3 in Japan, why XBO should do better than X360?
It's better to gain 100,000 lifetime sales than none at all... Well it's Japan they would be thrilled with that amount.

My worry is Kinect. Due to the small dwellings didn't the first one need more space than the average living room?


I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict that the xbox one will ship without kinect in japan.

Also, seeing that arc system works is on the list, does that mean that guilty gear xrd is a possibility? What else could it be? That new rumored bloodrayne game?


Let's be honest, we all want it to flop, otherwise ms will fucking moneyhat japan if they get a small chance. Japanese games are to be played only on Nintendo and sony consoles.


Let's be honest, we all want it to flop, otherwise ms will fucking moneyhat japan if they get a small chance. Japanese games are to be played only on Nintendo and sony consoles.

Um, didn't MS moneyhat a ton of games for the 360? It still didn't help them...
Good decision. Japan is a very important market, if only for the game development community there. So, even if the system, like its predecessors, doesn't exactly set the world on fire, launching there is a very wise. Not launching there would have been catastrophically stupid.

I'm sure they will allocate a reasonable amount, considering how hard it's been to find success there in the past.

You have a ps4, why not hope they come there so their fan are can enjoy them? Xbox is already dead in japan.

The xbox 360, irrelevant of its success in Japan, was a fantastic console for Japanese games. Lack of success in Japan doesn't mean there's zero or even a negligible number of fans of good Japanese games who own an Xbox. Hell, I only bought an Xbox 360 due to Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey being announced for it. I had never owned an Xbox console before then. So, when people look at the growth of the console's userbase over the original Xbox, decisions such as not foolishly ignoring the importance of good Japanese made content were absolutely key to that.

I wouldn't be so bitter about it, because PS4 will get its own share of fantastic and unique Japanese content, just as the Xbox One likely will. So, it goes without saying that it would be beyond ridiculous to expect that each and everything will show up on your preferred console.

Mory Dunz

It's better to gain 100,000 lifetime sales than none at all... Well it's Japan they would be thrilled with that amount.

My worry is Kinect. Due to the small dwellings didn't the first one need more space than the average living room?

I don't think that's how it works.
I think a lot more costs go into shipping and gettting units to places, that it becomes not cost effective at a certain point if the numbers are low. That's why production and shipping to certain areas stops if the numbers are not worth it, I assume.


No Platinum... heh. Are they keeping it a secret or something? Because even if they're not making an exclusive X1 game, they have to support that platform in the future...

People will be crying at E3 though if its real lol

People have been ok with this since that CBOAT rumor. I know some people love drinking tears, but sorry no one's gonna cry.
No Platinum... heh. Are they keeping it a secret or something? Because even if they're not making an exclusive X1 game, they have to support that platform in the future...

People have been ok with this since that CBOAT rumor. I know some people love drinking tears, but sorry no one's gonna cry.
Nah, that thread will be kinda stacked if it rings true


Looking forward to buying this for 4000yen ($40) in a few years.

I have done this with the last 2 Xboxes. (Xboxi?)

Xbox: Kasumi Blue Edition (4500 yen in 2004 with DOA2, Panzer Dragoon Orta and Jet Set)

Xbox 360 (last year for 3900yen with Tales and DoA4).

When Japan rejects something the discounts are Epic.


Junior Member
Let's be honest, we all want it to flop, otherwise ms will fucking moneyhat japan if they get a small chance. Japanese games are to be played only on Nintendo and sony consoles.

i really do not want to flop. the thing is. i believe 2 systems per generation is the " ok" number to own. one is not enough


Junior Member
Looking forward to buying this for 4000yen ($40) in a few years.

I have done this with the last 2 Xboxes. (Xboxi?)

Xbox: Kasumi Blue Edition (4500 yen in 2004 with DOA2, Panzer Dragoon Orta and Jet Set)

Xbox 360 (last year for 3900yen with Tales and DoA4).

When Japan rejects something the discounts are Epic.

wow ... alright . preparing next conference paper for a Japanese conference .. time to make a 4 day trip and get me a 40 dollar xbox :)


No Platinum... heh. Are they keeping it a secret or something? Because even if they're not making an exclusive X1 game, they have to support that platform in the future...

People have been ok with this since that CBOAT rumor. I know some people love drinking tears, but sorry no one's gonna cry.

No tears but I sense a lot of salt with your post and several others in this thread. Which is really pathetic.


i really do not want to flop. the thing is. i believe 2 systems per generation is the " ok" number to own. one is not enough

Except having both a PS4 and an XB1 is rather redundant since they play
majority of the same games. If anything, a PS4/Wii U combo would net the
most unique and diverse set games across numerous genres. Or even a
PC/Wii U combo.

With that said, I don't wish for MS to flop, but if they resort to money-hatting
(which they are prone to do) to gain foothold in the market, then I'd be upset.
Except having both a PS4 and an XB1 is rather redundant since they play
majority of the same games. If anything, a PS4/Wii U combo would net the
most unique and diverse set games across numerous genres.

Those combinations are the same in that regard, you just exchange one set of exclusives for another. Which one you'll prefer depends on your taste, not some inherent qualitative difference.


No tears but I sense a lot of salt with your post and several others in this thread. Which is really pathetic.

My post? lol. How exactly did you sensed "salt" in my post? I'm not salty my friend. I would love to see more games from Platinum. You sensed wrong.
It might not have been your intention (although I question how somebody could be so ignorant) but I believe that is a fucking horrible thing to say.

referencing Hiroshima is a one way ticket to ban town
they have enough crap theyve had to deal with without some random guy on a forum being a dick
It's not that. It's that many people like myself buy Nintendo's & Sony's consoles & handhelds for Japanese 3rd party games.

Games like Tales of Vesperia, for example, we didn't get for PS3 in the U.S., because Microsoft paid off Namco-Bandai to keep it exclusive to the 360 for the west. That's what I meant by what I said.

They don't want to have to shell out $500 w/tax for another console just to play games that they want to play.

Boohoo. That seems like a problem for you. True gamers will buy whatever console the game is on. Bayonetta 2 is the sole reason I'm getting a Wii U. Deal with it.



Must be an exclusive soul's game

Devil's Souls

or Otogi

A new Otogi or a new Chromehounds would've been glorious but it's probably just a new Armored Core game. :(

An exclusive Xbone Souls directed by Miyazaki will cause the biggest meltdowns of this forum since FFXIII going multiplatform, there's no way that's happening though.

BTW it's weird that Platinum and Valhalla games are not on the list.


I just hope to god microsoft doesn't moneyhat a lot of developers I like into exclusives again since there's no way I'm buying an xbox one and I hate third party exclusives.
Wow nearly a year later. I don't expect much but I'm curious what Microsoft Japan brings to the table. Japan watches mostly satilite and ota digital HDTV. Not sure how one of the bigger features, according to Microsoft at least, will work here. I guess I'll benefit in a way. I can import cheaper US region games to catch up with the next gen scene if I decide to jump back into consoles again.
An exclusive Xbone Souls directed by Miyazaki will cause the biggest meltdowns of this forum since FFXIII going multiplatform, there's no way that's happening though.

I'd much rather see something new from From Software. Souls games are great, but we already have three of them with more undoubtedly on the way.
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