Good decision. Japan is a very important market, if only for the game development community there. So, even if the system, like its predecessors, doesn't exactly set the world on fire, launching there is a very wise. Not launching there would have been catastrophically stupid.
I'm sure they will allocate a reasonable amount, considering how hard it's been to find success there in the past.
You have a ps4, why not hope they come there so their fan are can enjoy them? Xbox is already dead in japan.
The xbox 360, irrelevant of its success in Japan, was a fantastic console for Japanese games. Lack of success in Japan doesn't mean there's zero or even a negligible number of fans of good Japanese games who own an Xbox. Hell, I
only bought an Xbox 360 due to Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey being announced for it. I had never owned an Xbox console before then. So, when people look at the growth of the console's userbase over the original Xbox, decisions such as not foolishly ignoring the importance of good Japanese made content were absolutely key to that.
I wouldn't be so bitter about it, because PS4 will get its own share of fantastic and unique Japanese content, just as the Xbox One likely will. So, it goes without saying that it would be beyond ridiculous to expect that each and everything will show up on your preferred console.