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Xbox |OT| Power Your Dreams

Kagey K

Come on now guys be nice haha he is still one of our fellow forum members and we're all sick of the toxicity, doesn't mean we have to act in the same manner :)
You have to earn respect to get respect. He’s reaping what he has sown.

If I went and attacked somebody on Twitter who knew better than me and shut me down, I’d expect the same treatment. The difference is I’m not dumb enough to do that.
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Rossco EZ

I want that to be good but the reviews are gonna have to be really strong for me to hop in on day 1.
yeah i’m waiting for reviews as well, from what i’ve seen though looks really fun so hope it does well!

I have deep love and adoration for L4D and L4D2, so I have great hope that B4B delivers as a spiritual successor. If it succeeds, then it will own my gaming time for quite awhile
used to play them a lot back in 360 days (even now actually) and always wished for a left 4 dead 3 but it never came so when i saw this i was really happy.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
yeah i’m waiting for reviews as well, from what i’ve seen though looks really fun so hope it does well!
For whatever reason I am getting vibes that its gonna be a slow start kinda game. All of the pieces will be there but they will take some time to build new campaigns. Id probably wanna wait till its more fleshed out.

But hopefully i am wrong and theres plenty of content there.

Rossco EZ

For whatever reason I am getting vibes that its gonna be a slow start kinda game. All of the pieces will be there but they will take some time to build new campaigns. Id probably wanna wait till its more fleshed out.

But hopefully i am wrong and theres plenty of content there.
hopefully it’s not like that as i’d be disappointed. the devs are the ones who made the original games if i’m not mistaken? so fingers crossed it’s as fun as those games.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
hopefully it’s not like that as i’d be disappointed. the devs are the ones who made the original games if i’m not mistaken? so fingers crossed it’s as fun as those games.
Its the same team by name but i dont follow the studio well enough to know if its the same minds behind it.

I just look back to L4D1 and 2 and they everntually got there with content but at launch you could blow through the campaigns in an afternoon. I know they are obviously highly replayble but id like to see a lot of support from launch.
I very briefly participated in a couple of the “RDNA wars” threads Just a few brief comments. But the profound insecurity some folks display over the fact that their preferred gaming box may be (probably is) less capable than another ....well...it made me rather uncomfortable.

I think I’ll just hang in here from now on. :messenger_beaming:

Sometimes I feel like one of the only PS5 fans who doesn't have to wake up every morning solely to find clues or hints at my console's "superiority." I just play the thing. I play it a lot. It's great.

I don't own an Xbox but I like posting in here. Always felt welcome. Thanks you to all the regulars in here, sincerely.

I truly do try to avoid warring and the drive-by's but it is just so hard for me to ignore sometimes. I don't care if XsX or PS5 get valid criticism, as long it's fair and it works both ways. Problem is, that seems to rarely happen. Lot of goalpost shifting and hypocritical stances from a number of the more vocal advocates.

Hey, it is what it is.

It's Friday, baby. The weekend is here. Let's get it.

I am actually seriously considering getting a Series S (ironic, as I have talked shit about it) to hook up to my 1440p PC monitor and have as a side outlet for GP games and whatnot, especially with FR Boost becoming a new feature. There is a Series X in our living room, maybe would be cool to have my own S in my game room as well.
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Sometimes I feel like one of the only PS5 fans who doesn't have to wake up every morning solely to finding clues or hints at my console's "superiority." I just play the thing. I play it a lot. It's great.

I don't own an Xbox but I like posting in here. Always felt welcome. Thanks you to all the regulars in here, sincerely.

I truly do try to avoid warring and the drive-by's but it is just so hard for me to ignore sometimes. I don't care if XsX or PS5 get valid criticism, as long it's fair and it works both ways. Problem is, that seems to rarely happen. Lot of goalpost shifting and hypocritical stances from a number of the more vocal advocates.

Hey, it is what it is.

It's Friday, baby. The weekend is here. Let's get it.

I am actually seriously considering getting a Series S (ironic, as I have talked shit about it) to hook up to my 1440p PC monitor and have as a side outlet for GP games and whatnot, especially with FR Boost becoming a new feature. There is a Series X in our living room, maybe would be cool to have my own S in my game room as well.
Your always welcome here in the XboxGAF!

Wait till Halo Infinite comes out, this thread might be bouncing abit
I very briefly participated in a couple of the “RDNA wars” threads Just a few brief comments. But the profound insecurity some folks display over the fact that their preferred gaming box may be (probably is) less capable than another ....well...it made me rather uncomfortable.

I think I’ll just hang in here from now on. :messenger_beaming:

IKR, it's like you know you shouldn't venture in there, but you do it anyway. It is a little fun to stir things up every once in a while, they really don't like their motives to be questioned. But their are some guilty xbots (me) that do some of the same things, so it is what it is. I never go into the Sony specific threads though, let them have that space.
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Rossco EZ

Sometimes I feel like one of the only PS5 fans who doesn't have to wake up every morning solely to finding clues or hints at my console's "superiority." I just play the thing. I play it a lot. It's great.

I don't own an Xbox but I like posting in here. Always felt welcome. Thanks you to all the regulars in here, sincerely.

I truly do try to avoid warring and the drive-by's but it is just so hard for me to ignore sometimes. I don't care if XsX or PS5 get valid criticism, as long it's fair and it works both ways. Problem is, that seems to rarely happen. Lot of goalpost shifting and hypocritical stances from a number of the more vocal advocates.

Hey, it is what it is.

It's Friday, baby. The weekend is here. Let's get it.

I am actually seriously considering getting a Series S (ironic, as I have talked shit about it) to hook up to my 1440p PC monitor and have as a side outlet for GP games and whatnot, especially with FR Boost becoming a new feature. There is a Series X in our living room, maybe would be cool to have my own S in my game room as well.
people on both sides do it though, better to just switch off and let those people do what they are gonna do anyway and console war lol.
Sometimes I feel like one of the only PS5 fans who doesn't have to wake up every morning solely to finding clues or hints at my console's "superiority." I just play the thing. I play it a lot. It's great.

I don't own an Xbox but I like posting in here. Always felt welcome. Thanks you to all the regulars in here, sincerely.

I truly do try to avoid warring and the drive-by's but it is just so hard for me to ignore sometimes. I don't care if XsX or PS5 get valid criticism, as long it's fair and it works both ways. Problem is, that seems to rarely happen. Lot of goalpost shifting and hypocritical stances from a number of the more vocal advocates.

Hey, it is what it is.

It's Friday, baby. The weekend is here. Let's get it.

I am actually seriously considering getting a Series S (ironic, as I have talked shit about it) to hook up to my 1440p PC monitor and have as a side outlet for GP games and whatnot, especially with FR Boost becoming a new feature. There is a Series X in our living room, maybe would be cool to have my own S in my game room as well.

Really good post there wired....not seen much of that kind of temperament and reasoning among much of the Sony faithful on this site. But maybe I’m just not looking hard enough? And yeah, there is stuff flung from both sides that is a bit cringe worthy.

I think the Series S is a really good option for those who can actually see Game Pass as the great deal it is are not hung up on 4K visuals...and are not blinded by their xbox hatred. It’s really cool that you are keeping an open mind on these things Tickle My Tendies Tickle My Tendies . I’ve got an 1080p TV at our cabin and I’m thinking of getting an S to use there. I was going to take my One X...but I can’t go back to HDD’s after living with an SSD now. I‘m quite open about my fond feelings for Xbox - and it’s only grown with my absolute love of the Series X - but I’m also keeping an open mind in terms of jumping into the Playstation world at some point. GIve me an all black design though please....and maybe address the coil whine thing (very tough to decipher how big a deal this is) and we can talk.

And yeah....WEEKEND. Except....when you are retired the weekends lose a bit of their previous sizzle. :messenger_grinning:
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Good takes on the available options.

If I had to pick, I'd probably guess they'll go with option three. Cherry pick the exclusives with the biggest impact but maybe still put some software elsewhere, at least until GP grows enough to cover all dev costs while being profitable. No question #1 would have the biggest positive impact on Xbox and maybe GP.

discussion wolf GIF


I have a question regarding 120 fps: Do you guys see a huge difference between 60 and 120? I mean, it probably varies from person to person, but still curious.

I have a C7 so it only supports 120hz in 1080p so I never bothered to try it out since getting XSX, but I tested it yesterday with Falconeer and New Super Lucky's Tale and while I see a difference, it is nowhere near as noticeable as the one from 30 to 60. Not even sure if I should feel sad or happy about it.
You feel the difference but on consoles I think the loss in detail / resolution makes it not very worth it. Dirt 5 for example just looks greasy at 120fps, 60fps is a lot better (still ugly but better).
I am laughing so hard at the Xbox Engineer thread...holy shit. EdGalTBR EdGalTBR you a legend

Jason Ronald has been quite clear that FPS won’t work on all games...he said with some games they tested it can cause glitches. I’d be very curious as to what percentage of BC games it will work on.

I am watching the podcast now, but yeah doesn't surprise me. Some games have physics and other things tied to the framerate so you can't just double it without causing glitches


Jason Ronald has been quite clear that FPS won’t work on all games...he said with some games they tested it can cause glitches. I’d be very curious as to what percentage of BC games it will work on.
I’m going to watch the video. If they can get hugely popular games like Hollow Knight and the Dark Souls trilogy running at 120fps on the Series S it’ll be a tremendous achievement.
Interview starts at 49:45.

That’s a really solid Xbox podcast. Listened to the audio only version while out on a run I just retuned from. Jason Ronald is a treasure, and his beard is too....he pretty much IS the Head Wizard of the BC program. It’s pretty damned cool how connected to the community how some of the big management figures are. . GOOD VIBES continue to grow within the Xbox platform.

He mentioned that the Xbox Team closely monitors all social media platforms and even most gaming forums. I wonder, for their mental well being, they avoid this one? :messenger_grinning_smiling:
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