I seriously can't understand how they got here.
I get it, its tough if you market and execute your platform plans so poorly that you can't entice enough people onto the platform. That's on them. They made such good hardware with the series x and then flounder the launch and first two years.
Why go and buy a 70 billion dollar company to then turn around after 3 months and drop everything.
The ABK deal broke them, clearly. They thought it would be some golden goose and it ended up airing all their dirty laundry, made them look as shit as they obviously are and now they are doing this.
I legit thought they would have had some master plan, but it legit looks like Satya has just gone, nope....we just want all the cash, that's who MS is.
I get it, they will end up being huge in gaming and making shit loads of money, will dwarf everyone but at all this cost to actually pushing some innovation.
Quick start, all these awesome features, gamepass. All lost becuase for the life of them, they can't get their eggs in line.
A lot of rejoicing for many, which I get but I genuinely think we have lost any credence of MS being anything but the ms trillion dollar company now. They are going to double down on revenue and profits and, well, hopefully we get some good games but for those of us like myself who liked the hardware, I think we will lose out on some cool shit.