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Xbox to address multi platform games in spring, says former employee


Wait, HeisenbergFX4 HeisenbergFX4 I'm starting to think the silent treatment is an intentional strategy to create a sense of apathy towards what they are doing? So that by the time they talk about it everyone is already exhausted and will have had their tantrums?

That's the only sense I can make of this, because the current situation is certainly not calming anyone down, nor is it bringing people closer to the brand.
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And smartphone don't go thru R&D? do games on smartphone not work on all 5 recent SKUs?

If it's not a nightmare for buyers on the Smartphone market which is even more expensive, why would it be for them on the console one? Which is I think the only electronics market that doesn't evolve every year (TVs, Smartphones, etc).

You're not getting one every year, you're getting one every whenever you wanna buy a new one.

It’s a terrible idea and it’s not going to happen. The problem with the Xbox (well, the Series X anyway) isn’t specs.

Yearly consoles is a horrific idea and nobody wants it.


Wait, HeisenbergFX4 HeisenbergFX4 I'm starting to think the silent treatment is an intentional strategy to create a sense of apathy towards what they are doing? So that by the time they talk about it everyone is already exhausted and will have had their tantrums?

That's the only sense I can make of this, because the current situation is certainly not calming anyone down, nor is it bringing people closer to the brand.
No, its because their getting ready to break the big news to them. GamePass (how we know it) isn't coming to Playstation, Nintendo or Xbox.
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GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Starfield must've been an epic failure for whatever metrics they used to see if exclusives could move their needle.
I believe that MS was counting on Starfield bringing in a significant influx of new console sales. They likely expected that "The studio that brought you Fallout and Elder Scrolls" would move units. Which is not terrible thinking, BUT Starfield isn't Fallout or Skyrim.

If that had happened, I believe Phil would have bought himself enough time to continue on their path. MS might have said, "Ok, lets see if we can continue to grow"

There was no significant subscription increase and hardware sales were actually DOWN from the previous year. That shocked even me as I expected Starfield to do something. Instead all that really happened was that those who were already subscribed to Gamepass played it and it sold on Steam. MS next move was to drop the price of the consoles over the holiday. Again, another move that I thought might give them a boost. Turns out that while it was the best selling month (according to MS) since launch, it was still 3rd place to PS5 and Switch, a platform that is losing steam not gaining.

So the CFO stepped in and said eneough is enough, we are not going to operate this thing at a loss.


I've been thinking about this recently and I've decided that there is no way that Microsoft is going full third-party. Not a chance. Yes, all Activision games will be on Sony and Nintendo platforms, maybe a few other choice selections, but that's it.

Starfield, Halo, Gears etc are not going to be playstation. Ever.

Doing that would mean leaving the console space completely. I don't see that happening. Yes console sales a lower than expected, but are they really so bad that they're going to do a Sega? This is Microsoft. Surly they have the money to ride this out?
That’s the point…. They ARE leaving the console space sand going third party.

Yes they have the money to ride it out…. But the board don’t want to ride it out. They want profits and they are willing to sacrifice they platform they built for profit. Seriously….. fuck’ em…. This is what they want. Better to say by now than draw it out any longer. They are just lying to their community and stringing them along for gamepass money until they make these announcements. And they can kiss that GPU money from Xbox users goodbye. They are dunce beyond belief.


but most people buy it with a screen, it's its own thing. It's not a plug and play to your TV as a console is.
I was actually looking at alternative la and yeah… compact PCs really are not a substitute for console…. And they still can have all the problems that PCs have. And pre-built usually means pre loaded with useless bloatware and mediocre components at console prices.


Gold Member
Wait, HeisenbergFX4 HeisenbergFX4 I'm starting to think the silent treatment is an intentional strategy to create a sense of apathy towards what they are doing? So that by the time they talk about it everyone is already exhausted and will have had their tantrums?

That's the only sense I can make of this, because the current situation is certainly not calming anyone down, nor is it bringing people closer to the brand.
It could very well be one of those controlled type of leaks and let people get over it before someone faces the actual music.

I know this I asked a certain someone how bad things actually were and just got back a smiley face so it SEEMS my info from Sept ish is out dated

I appear to be behind the times of current events


It could very well be one of those controlled type of leaks and let people get over it before someone faces the actual music.

I know this I asked a certain someone how bad things actually were and just got back a smiley face so it SEEMS my info from Sept ish is out dated

I appear to be behind the times of current events
What info from sept?


Gold Member
in massive fanboy plot twist. Phil is pissed by Bond's strategy so he quits Xbox and is going to be the new head at Sony replacing Jim Ryan when he retires shortly!

Suddenly I've always liked Phil.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Another thing I hadn't considered is - if MS are third party, it gives them greater opportunity to acquire more developers and publishers seen as "monopolistic practices" will no longer hold much leverage against them.

I guess they could just turn into Tencent and start vacuuming up Ubisoft and EA.

Hence.............going 3rd party like we said last week when yall were fighting us.


M2 slut
It could very well be one of those controlled type of leaks and let people get over it before someone faces the actual music.

I know this I asked a certain someone how bad things actually were and just got back a smiley face so it SEEMS my info from Sept ish is out dated

I appear to be behind the times of current events
It's worse than what you knew?


The writing is on the wall. Microsoft are exiting the hardware business but will be doing so in a controlled winding down of operations, as opposed to Sega's dramatic crash out. Another thread on here said that MS will still be committed to hardware, but that doesn't tell us anything about what sort of hardware. According to sales reports the Series S has been the more successful of the two Series models, and has even been able to sell modestly well in difficult markets like Japan. There is a place in the market for lower end, sleekly designed hardware, plus there are devices MS can provide like streaming-only Xboxes.

For the hardcore players, they can move over to the PC, PS5 and Switch 2. It doesn't actually matter as long as Microsoft continue to sell games and make money (and in fact they'll probably make even more with the PS and Nintendo player bases added into the mix). Game Pass Ultimate already accounts for 70-80% of subs, so it's not like people will cancel the service en masse once 'Xbox', as a piece of living room hardware, dies off. They'll just be playing it from a PC instead. And I wouldn't even rule out Game Pass on PS5 eventually as an EA Play or Ubisoft+ style catalog service.

All of this is why MS will be going third party. It's why they have pivoted to releasing everything on Steam. It's why the Activision deal kind of makes sense if you look at very long term ROI over say 10-15 years. Microsoft chose between the Xbox brand vs profit and decided, like any business with shareholders, that the latter was more important. Eventually the hardware business will just atrophy away. I wouldn't be surprised if some in MS might even be cheering that on - why even bother losing $100-200 per console unit sale when you can cut that out completely and just have people buy your games on other platforms?
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
It seems I don't know what is actually going on atm, I don't know what to think right now
Emergency meeting this morning; Phil managed to get them to reverse course. Xbox Direct on 2/14/24 will open up with Phil holding a copy of Hi-Fi Rush physical for PS5, smiling. Then slowly, a serious look shows up on his face as then covers the case in gasoline and lights it on fire. Phil stares at the flames as it melts for 20 minutes while the camera slowly zooms in on his face so you see the flames in his eyes reflected, accompanied by the Halo choir theme song in the background. As soon as the direct is done, every Minecraft and Call of Duty player not on Xbox has their saves deleted.


It WILL result in less competition and it is bad. You don’t need to be any kind of fanboy to understand that.

Don't agree with that statement.
Seems you never known the Super Nintendo era or PS2 era to say that.
Both Nintendo and Sony were in dominant position and in spite of that plenty best game of there respective generation were out


It WILL result in less competition and it is bad. You don’t need to be any kind of fanboy to understand that.
Yes, I am 100% behind exclusives(I even wish we had 2 more consoles on the market), BUT the same people were saying the opposite just 24 hours ago


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives

timdog joins the chat.

edit: don't know who these people are. TY algorithm. the shit show is massive and growing

I can't believe I listened to TimDog and his crew for 2 WHOLE HOURS!!! Timdog isn't as crazy on this podcast as he is on Twitter. Dude is pretty reasonable.


I can't believe I listened to TimDog and his crew for 2 WHOLE HOURS!!! Timdog isn't as crazy on this podcast as he is on Twitter. Dude is pretty reasonable.
Heck he’s probably right. They will still launch a next gen console and it will bomb predictably and that will be the last one. 😂

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
Read the whole post. He’s right. 100% spot on. They’ve messed this up badly enough that the Xbox One DRM seem like yet another bad take an ordinary monday.
They need to talk. Not in the spring. Now. Or rather a month ago. They can’t stay quiet til the spring, that’s plain dumb.
And knowing them they’ll do some bullshit ”We hear you” speech and try to calm people, Phil will do some interviews with 3000 words saying nothing new and then they’ll go on with their plan and the platform will shrink even more.

I’m just glad I stopped investing in software. My loss this gen if they go under is the plastic. Even my Gamepass sub ends in a couple days so my investment ends on all fronts this month.

Like clock work.


And knowing them they’ll do some bullshit ”We hear you” speech
Like clock work.
Yeah I should change my name to Nostradamus.

And tbh as things unveiled the last day I’m going to say you were right that everything will come to PS without Gamepass.
And we’ll have to rebuy everything on PS once Xbox goes down, likely full price, and no saves transferred, no Achievements and Gamerscore. If they’re shit they’ll do timed exclusivity on everything like Sony do with PC so people feel like they need a Xbox even though they really don’t need one.

I’m so tired of it all right now. I hope Valve step in with some powerful enough Steam Box thing and just clean house in this industry. Everything else sucks one way or another. Nintendo can stay as the secondary platform.
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Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
Yeah I should change my name to Nostradamus.

And tbh as things unveiled the last day I’m going to say you were right that everything will come to PS without Gamepass.
And we’ll have to rebuy everything on PS once Xbox goes down, likely full price, and no saves transferred, no Achievements and Gamerscore. If they’re shit they’ll do timed exclusivity on everything like Sony do with PC so people feel like they need a Xbox even though they really don’t need one.

I’m so tired of it all right now. I hope Valve step in with some powerful enough Steam Box thing and just clean house in this industry. Everything else sucks one way or another. Nintendo can stay as the secondary platform.

It'll definitely be stagged to give the idea that Xbox still has value, but when you consider the size of backlogs, no one really needs to play most of these games day 1.

Yeah, there is likely no cross-save or transference of achievements.

Regardless of what they do, the xbox brand is dead now. He could come out on Monday or Friday of next week and say they're not going multiplatform and not a single title is going to PlayStation or Switch, and they'll still be dead.

A Steam box has no chance at any real market penetration.

What's more likely is Sony is going to end up challenging both Steam and Switch with a PC Storefront and a handheld respectively.


I see where Ms is comming from and where they try to go.

The Series didn't come close to the PS5 in households and all those big time aquisitions didn't bare fruits, at least no yet... The biggest aquisitions to be more specific made ether duds, questionable, or are falling appart leaking fans.
They consider this generation lost, and are trying to allow their devs to make some profit from their games and keep the audience familiar with their IPs.
When "Xbox Bubblegum Y" (their naming is ridiculus) comes in the next generations, their first party sequels will become exclusive again and old PS5 usuers will be already familiar with them.
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