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Xbox to address multi platform games in spring, says former employee


What time is it?

Is he drunk or is his cadence always...this.....sloooooow?


It’s already tomorrow where I’m at. Bring on the earth shattering news. Going by the Twitter/X army Xbox is dead. Let’s see how the suits handle this, going to be a historical couple of days.


What time is it?
🤷‍♂️. but i also had that thought....is he slow?

That was my nice way of calling him a Trogg. I turned off the podcast after he said this move, while he didn't like it, was their quickest way of being number and that will probably happen by the end of the year.


I wonder if they'll rename their publishing business back to Microsoft Game Studios. Always found it strange that during their console-focused years, they were called Microsoft Game Studios, but when they started doing PC releases again, they renamed to Xbox Game Studios. What a dumb decision to rebrand it.
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Are you daft!? Lmao Minecraft has been on everything since Microsoft acquired them and every update has been everywhere same with eso and fallout 76. They specifically changed Indiana jones to just Xbox and canned the ps5 version according to the court documents. Using Minecraft is just facetious. They also could have let Sony put those games in their most recent direct or the press release after the direct. Stop reaching .
Never go full retard folks.


If only Phil Spencer was a different universe man. A man that understood what gamers wanted from their consoles....


"Hello, Xbox gamers. It's me: Phil Spencer. I'm here to make your gamer heart tingle and your pocket book jingle. Let's begin to make you a fan of the newest at Xbox, circa 2015.

Sure, we had a rocky start but I'm here to rebuild your confidence in the brand Xbox. I'd like to express my gratitude for you showing up and letting my briefcase do the talking. But inside isn't money to bribe you. No, gamer. No no. It's ideas and pitches.

You see, our boy Don really screwed the pooch with his solitary ideas of TV and Kinect spyware and pitching ads to you while you gamed. Yes, no more is the days of charging you per person if you rented a digital movie because the Kinect is spying on you to see who's all in there's illegitimatly viewing a movie you legally rented. Those days....

....are over.

Xbox gamer, inside my briefcase are ideas. You let me know when we can open the briefcase with ideas and hope for Team Green.


Ah yes, this briefcase is full of green money, but it's not for you. No, it's for the ideas. Ideas which will make you give us briefcases full of your green.

So step one to fixing our horrible problem of no one liking our games is so work on games. Games people want to play and not just games that are flooded with more cosmetics to buy than features in our game. Were talking about using all of our studios to produce some of the most beautiful games that play well, do things you haven't seen before, and are promoted to high heaven.

We'll manage to do this without the games missing features day one and promised to be patched in later or putting out "game preview" early access stuff to help pay for development costs, something we could easily afford anyway.

No, none of that nonsense.

We're go to have the very best employees working on our games and make sure the library is blazing hot to even look at. You'll need shades to view our bright and shining... Flaming hot featured games.

You have have heard a rumor of TV TV TV but I assure you, we don't have any plans on making a half baked Halo television show and abandoning the accompanied game while the TV is still on the air. Who would do such a stupid thing? Losers. Does it look like I, Phil Spencer, am a loser?

We will be on the phone with some of the greatest in the business to make deals to get games constantly pouring into our system. We want the confidence of the original Xbox and 360 era back and that's why I'm bringing you these games, generations later, on hardware that will blow your freaking socks off..

Conker is back. Banjo is back. Perfect Dark is back. MechAssault is back thanks to making seals behind the scenes. Crimson Skies? It's dropping it's landing gears after the next E3. We have Crazy Taxi 4, JSRF2, the real Shenmue 3 with an ending. We got CliffyB back after his humbling experience with LawBreakers. He's working on an epic new Gears game that feels as exciting as the first game when it launched. We even have a new Tears for Fears cover for the commerical.

Halo is going to be like No Man's Sky, but launch with features it'll probably have in 7 years. But with all the Halo goodies. You will feel like you're really in a galactic war. Its what kid you dreamed up after playing Halo 2 and what you expected from the future.

Dudebro, the future is hot. We have the games."
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Thinking back to the ABK negotiations with Jim Ryan around CoD...
What thr was even the point of that if this has been the goal in the long run?
There has been an internal conflict around these matters, that's clear. It permeates everything, especially their marketing. No wonder one couldn't make heads or tails of anything in their messaging.
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Gold Member
MS is not abandoning Xbox hardware but in fact doubling down and making more and different ways to play
based in xbox's/MS's track record i wonder if they genuinely thought Xbox series + Game Pass was going to make them dominate the console market or at least sell way more consoles.

what i am saying is that they "doubling down" means having hardware just for the sake of having hardware without actually committing in selling it, cuz if xbox hardware is in the state that it is.....i think the odds of increasing market share on hardware (regardless of the shape it takes) are very low.


I'm bracing myself for the potential twist that Jim Ryan shows up next to Phil and Sarah Bond saying PS exclusives will also come to Xbox


Gold Journalism
I thought it was implied it would be Switch 2 and not the current one that would get those games.

Hi-Fi Rush is not even available on the Xbox One series of consoles
Yeah it would be surprising if Hi-Fi Rush is ported to Switch without a port on Xbox One.

I think it'll launch on PS5 and then, later, on Switch 2.


Gold Journalism
switch 2 ain't gonna have PS5/SeriesX and i even wonder if series S specs.
It won't need spec parity because (1) possible DLSS and (2) small screen size needing less resolution.

If they can render the game at, say, 540p with excellent DLSS upscaling to output at 720p or 800p, that'd be fine. The specs would be sufficient for that I reckon.


Gold Member
It won't need spec parity because (1) possible DLSS and (2) small screen size needing less resolution.

If they can render the game at, say, 540p with excellent DLSS upscaling to output at 720p or 800p, that'd be fine. The specs would be sufficient for that I reckon.
i am talking about the effort/challenge to make it happen. ain't gonna be easy and i think the headache is not going to be financially worth it. (is not going to sell as well. talking about CoD).

in the case of High-Fi yes. it shouldn't be much of a problem


Gold Journalism
i am talking about the effort/challenge to make it happen. ain't gonna be easy and i think the headache is not going to be financially worth it. (is not going to sell as well. talking about CoD).

in the case of High-Fi yes. it shouldn't be much of a problem
For COD, yes, I agree. That may not be financially viable, mainly because the audience was never there. But they have promised to Nintendo fans and regulators and also signed a deal with Nintendo. So they are kind of stuck.


switch 2 ain't gonna have PS5/SeriesX and i even wonder if series S specs.
It doesn't need to be on the same level. All it needs to do is be at the bottom of the requirements for modern games (UE5), which mostly means a modern CPU with a GPU good enough for low settings. I don't think it will be series S specs

Yeah it would be surprising if Hi-Fi Rush is ported to Switch without a port on Xbox One.

I think it'll launch on PS5 and then, later, on Switch 2.
Yeah, it's what I'm inclined to believe. I heard they tried a while ago to port it to Switch, and that's why they data-mined those avatars, but they gave up. They might have pulled it off though I'd be surprised


Putting games on PC had nothing to do with Xbox vs PlayStation. Sony's PC ports would have happened regardless of what Microsoft did.
Not so sure about that.

With Xbox going 3rd party, the smartest thing Sony can do is make all their games exclusive again, apart from multiplayer games.


Gold Journalism
Not so sure about that.

With Xbox going 3rd party, the smartest thing Sony can do is make all their games exclusive again, apart from multiplayer games.
I think Sony will have even more incentive to release PS games on PC or a bit quicker in case they want to release a game earlier on PC.


I think Sony will have even more incentive to release PS games on PC or a bit quicker in case they want to release a game earlier on PC.

Now the PC port-begging and thirst for PS 1st party will reach new heights.

Smartest thing to do then is make them exclusive.
Like witholding drugs from a junky.


Moderated wildly
I seriously can't understand how they got here.

I get it, its tough if you market and execute your platform plans so poorly that you can't entice enough people onto the platform. That's on them. They made such good hardware with the series x and then flounder the launch and first two years.

Why go and buy a 70 billion dollar company to then turn around after 3 months and drop everything.

The ABK deal broke them, clearly. They thought it would be some golden goose and it ended up airing all their dirty laundry, made them look as shit as they obviously are and now they are doing this.

I legit thought they would have had some master plan, but it legit looks like Satya has just gone, nope....we just want all the cash, that's who MS is.

I get it, they will end up being huge in gaming and making shit loads of money, will dwarf everyone but at all this cost to actually pushing some innovation.

Quick start, all these awesome features, gamepass. All lost becuase for the life of them, they can't get their eggs in line.

A lot of rejoicing for many, which I get but I genuinely think we have lost any credence of MS being anything but the ms trillion dollar company now. They are going to double down on revenue and profits and, well, hopefully we get some good games but for those of us like myself who liked the hardware, I think we will lose out on some cool shit.
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Gold Member
I seriously can't understand how they got here.

I get it, its tough if you market and execute your platform plans so poorly that you can't entice enough people onto the platform. That's on them. They made such good hardware with the series x and then flinders the launch and first two years.

Why go and buy a 70 billion dollar company to then turn around after 3 months and drop everything.

The ABK deal broke them, clearly. They thought it would be some golden goose and it ended up airing all their dirty laundry, made them look as shit as they obviously are and now they are doing this.

I legit thought they would have had some master plan, but it legit looks like Satya has just gone, nope....we just want all the cash, that's who MS is.

I get it, they will end up being huge in gaming and making shit loads of money, will dwarf everyone but at all this cost to actually pushing some innovation.

Quick start, all these awesome features, gamepass. All lost becuase for the life of them, they can't get their eggs in line.

A lot of rejoicing for many, which I get but I genuinely think we have lost any credence of MS being anything but the ms trillion dollar company now. They are going to double down on revenue and profits and, well, hopefully we get some good games but for those of us like myself who liked the hardware, I think we will lose out on some cool shit.
The acquisition certainly broke Phil-
Before ABK:

After ABK:


Moderated wildly
A bunch of people (including myself) have told people on here that this is what was going to happen. You guys didn't want to listen. The writing has been on the wall for a while now. Be careful what you wish for.

Their plan was decent until they failed the fundamentals. Great hardware in series X, great service in gamepass. The problem is they've had games cooking for years that they can't get out the door, and the games they got out in 2023 didn't land at all. So, they couldn't pull the crowd in.

For a service like gamepass to work they need numbers, to get numbers they need appealing games. They've failed. Simple. They took a shit and missed the goal completely. Now here's the repercussions.


A bunch of people (including myself) have told people on here that this is what was going to happen. You guys didn't want to listen. The writing has been on the wall for a while now. Be careful what you wish for.
They didn't even merely refuse to listen. They took offense, lashed out, and then, even when things were taking shape not long ago, condescended by telling those raising the red flags that they just couldn't see Microsoft's big picture. The reality may very well be that they were the ones who were blind.


I seriously can't understand how they got here.

I get it, its tough if you market and execute your platform plans so poorly that you can't entice enough people onto the platform. That's on them. They made such good hardware with the series x and then flounder the launch and first two years.

Why go and buy a 70 billion dollar company to then turn around after 3 months and drop everything.

The ABK deal broke them, clearly. They thought it would be some golden goose and it ended up airing all their dirty laundry, made them look as shit as they obviously are and now they are doing this.

I legit thought they would have had some master plan, but it legit looks like Satya has just gone, nope....we just want all the cash, that's who MS is.

I get it, they will end up being huge in gaming and making shit loads of money, will dwarf everyone but at all this cost to actually pushing some innovation.

Quick start, all these awesome features, gamepass. All lost becuase for the life of them, they can't get their eggs in line.

A lot of rejoicing for many, which I get but I genuinely think we have lost any credence of MS being anything but the ms trillion dollar company now. They are going to double down on revenue and profits and, well, hopefully we get some good games but for those of us like myself who liked the hardware, I think we will lose out on some cool shit.
Really? You can't understand it?

That's because you were in complete denial and reality caught up to you.


Gold Journalism

Now the PC port-begging and thirst for PS 1st party will reach new heights.

Smartest thing to do then is make them exclusive.
Like witholding drugs from a junky.
That'd be the smartest thing I agree. But Sony will likely see it this way: there are console gamers and then there are PC gamers. As they will be the only high-end console manufacturer, the console population will not leave them.

P.S. Sony also started porting to PCs (without the negative repercussions) because their only direct competitor in the high-end console market was already doing day and date. If Xbox was not releasing their games on PC day one, Sony would NEVER publish their games on PC either.
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