Can't stand this guy. Literally had to close youtube as he sat there and kept parroting "The industry is changing" and implying it wasn't just Xbox. No Parris its just Xbox and the industry isn't changing because Xbox is changing.
MS does this all the damn time.
Whenever they pivot they say that "
Online DRM console is the only future.
Digital is the only future.
Cloud is the only future.
Gamepass is the only future.
Multiplatform games the only future.
It's where the whole SonyToo
(TM) nonsense comes from.
They're just a few years behind XBox.
All of PlayStations biggest games this generation (GAAS) will benefit from being day and date PC. The single player studios are leaving money on the table by not doing that.
By the time PS6 gets here I expect day and date for all games.
Did you get your PR script straight from MS?
PlayStation is not a game publisher first, they know that
game publishing has small margins, now matter how many platforms you reach.
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, Valve and Epic know that being the platform holder is where the money is - it's why valve can literally release nothing and print money.
And why playstation studios can release 1 game in a year and still be successful.
Sony knows the Playstation platform prints money, and know that their single player games only being available on them is what makes their platform appealing in the first place.
Xbox fucked this up by not having a solid exclusive content pipeline... and now their Xbox platform has failed, so they had no choice to switch to becoming a game publisher first and foremost.
And now they are screaming that the
"Multiplatform is the future!" because they're were forced into it.
And predictably, there's a wave of xbox and pc fans parroting the SONY TOO and NINTENDO TOO to make them feel better about themselves.