I just learned a very dear lesson in not meleeing a muton.... ever. Almost lost my highest level guy that way
So, I decided to do a GAF run on legend ironman and will update y'all as to make me play to the end, be it my end or the alien's. No restarting until some ending movie plays.
I did rush guerilla tactics school and got squad size 5, but I've yet to make contact with anywhere else and have no weapon upgrades, you sure this is a good idea?Do it early. I did it as soon as I hit Squad Size 5 and had a few free vets. If you do it early enough, enemyYou won't even get anything other than Advent and Sectoids
It was the same deal in Enemy Unknown. If you did the missions early you avoided a lot of nasty advanced monsters.
I did rush guerilla tactics school and got squad size 5, but I've yet to make contact with anywhere else and have no weapon upgrades, you sure this is a good idea?
What's so annoying about missing high percentage shots is you never compensate for them by taking low percentage shots. Who's going to take a 10% to hit? Or even a 20% let alone a 1%? You never make up for your misses even though technically you can. It's always against you.That said once or twice I've got sub 30% chances but that's still nearly one in three, I know I'll never take a one in ten shot.Welp... I just missed a 99% shot for the first time and it got a guy killed...
Okay, so my first playthrough I failed nearly instantly. Like two missions in.
Whoever linked that "Psi Effect" fanfiction a while back, thank you, this stuff is really fun to read!
What's so annoying about missing high percentage shots is you never compensate for them by taking low percentage shots. Who's going to take a 10% to hit? Or even a 20% let alone a 1%? You never make up for your misses even though technically you can. It's always against you.That said once or twice I've got sub 30% chances but that's still nearly one in three, I know I'll never take a one in ten shot.
Indeed. But I almost think it's cheating to rely on Grenadiers/grenades. Not by much though.That's why grenades are so good. Guaranteed hit and cover removal. The proper way to kill an alien is not to have a 85% shot at it, it's to shoot a grenade and have two different guys line up two 85% yellow shots. Suddenly the odds don't just matter anymore.
Indeed. But I almost think it's cheating to rely on Grenadiers/grenades. Not by much though.
What's so annoying about missing high percentage shots is you never compensate for them by taking low percentage shots. Who's going to take a 10% to hit? Or even a 20% let alone a 1%? You never make up for your misses even though technically you can. It's always against you.That said once or twice I've got sub 30% chances but that's still nearly one in three, I know I'll never take a one in ten shot.
There's also a (cosmetic) bug where they sometimes don't get "scared" when shit goes down, and instead walk through the firefight like they're taking an evening stroll.yeah speaking of which is so gosh darn easy to be a terrorist in this game. I hope somewhere is keeping track of 'civilians accidentally murdered'.
It doesn't help they don't run away from fire effects and so one burned to death when I started off combat with incendiary nades despite being 3 or 4 tiles away from fire
There's also a (cosmetic) bug where they sometimes don't get "scared" when shit goes down, and instead walk through the firefight like they're taking an evening stroll.
So, I decided to do a GAF run on legend ironman and will update y'all as to make me play to the end, be it my end or the alien's. No restarting until some ending movie plays.
No editing to make character pool more likely because I unshackled some stuff that prevents rookies from looking crazy, so I like my crazy rookies.
Some gifs of the first mission.
Mupod and Glitchesarecool are on my initial squad. The other two are generic rookies, but I hope everyone will learn to love them.
It's the first mission, so the plan is simple: find a building and cheese the height bonus. I set up my ambush and...
...the other people on the pod don't seem to notice their dead comrade, meaning that Mupod will have to go and be bait.
The bait does his job and even manages to score a free kill with a grenade. His job is to die, but hey, if he wants to kill, that's cool, too.
Second pod, second building, this map is really good, btw, I should know, I've played this first mission *a lot*. A good building helps a bunch, two good buildings and we're all set.
Glitches does her job, Mupod the bait, fails, but it's ok. The real problem is that the overwatch rookie on the roof also misses, and the trooper escapes to find his friends, which helps, because he gives us their direction.
And he doesn't even have a chance to join his pals, as my bait manages another kill.
A sectoid and a trooper when you have a godlike position are no threats at all. A little scare when both people on the roof missed their overwatch shots, allowing the trooper to shoot. But the trooper also misses, so all is cool.
What else is cool is glitches, who decided to not miss twice.
Flawless first mission. It helps a lot going into the game with a full squad.
Glitchesarecool became a specialist because glitches are cool. Mupod, tired of being bait, decided to become a sharpshooter.
I'm pissed off at this game right now, vent post
They added too much RNG shit. In EU, so much could be controlled. This shit like grazing/dodge and chryssalids getting free burrow attacks are just fucking unfair
There's a lot of borderline stuff too, like blazing pinions and codex splitting, that isn't 'random' but very obviously designed to fuck you over the first time you see it
It's why I happily bashed my face against Classic on EU but dropped to Veteran on this one. In Classic I could -always- trace losses to my own fault. This time I'm having to learn on an easier difficulty what shit to expect.
Andromodon falls into that category too. THere was zero reason for me to expect revival with like 10 hp and insta-kill melee. I was super super super careful, because nothing else in the game had led me to believe it might have 2 lives. They count on that.
This game takes too much pleasure in fucking you over in unexpected ways, new enemies always have some stupid shit they can pull
And are you seriously complaining about Blazing Pinions? That's the single most easily and obviously avoidable attack in the game. Unlike the codex AoE ability, it doesn't even do anything to you unless you just stand there under the giant obviously bad lasers.
It's easily avoidable but it sucks if cover is not plentiful/you're using snipers who you need a good rifle shot to do damage/you're being overwatched.
I think I had a harder time with sectoids ay the start of the game than I've had with the big enemies much later.
I think I had a harder time with sectoids ay the start of the game than I've had with the big enemies much later.
What's so annoying about missing high percentage shots is you never compensate for them by taking low percentage shots. Who's going to take a 10% to hit? Or even a 20% let alone a 1%? You never make up for your misses even though technically you can. It's always against you.That said once or twice I've got sub 30% chances but that's still nearly one in three, I know I'll never take a one in ten shot.
So you know what actually needs a buff? Swords
Someone told me that this game was fairer compared to the first one.
That person was talking out of their arse. Or comes from bizarro world.
I'm using the 100% accurate swords mod this time, and I still don't want to use them. Way too much risk, for a small amount of damage. Fixed damage or bust I guess. It worked fine with a MEC in EW, and they have WAY more defensive options than a Ranger has, so the risk would still be nice and high for the guaranteed damage.
I'm using the 100% accurate swords mod this time, and I still don't want to use them. Way too much risk, for a small amount of damage. Fixed damage or bust I guess. It worked fine with a MEC in EW, and they have WAY more defensive options than a Ranger has, so the risk would still be nice and high for the guaranteed damage.
I totally think commander difficulty is more "fair" than classic at the start. I have zero fears of a wipe when I start a game in 2, but I know if I get Murder Street, or Highway to Hell in EW, it's goodbye squad. Early Thin Men missions before upgrades are also a big old roll of the dice.
That's why I have the Enhanced swords mod. I still am eh on them though.
Yep, I remember reading a classic difficulty guide that started by saying 'if you get these maps then restart because you'll just wipe'.
This is a wee bit late, but I'm uncertain of how mimc beacons can be nerfed.
If they make them less of an attractive target that's an extremely thin line on how to balance priority, as that's the entire point.
But if they double the resource cost of faceless needed to get one, or make them one-time use only, that's also (moreso the latter, to be fair), that's also potentially a huge cost/investment change.
This is a wee bit late, but I'm uncertain of how mimc beacons can be nerfed.
If they make them less of an attractive target that's an extremely thin line on how to balance priority, as that's the entire point.
But if they double the resource cost of faceless needed to get one, or make them one-time use only, that's also (moreso the latter, to be fair), that's also potentially a huge cost/investment change.
Vipers were tricky the first time around, but Mutons are the place where things start to get interesting for me.
Sectoids are just a non-factor, generally (at least until they start spawning in multiples, but that's post-Muton). Kill their podmates when they appear and you're basically buying a free turn to kill them because they're so damn zombie-happy. Effortless.
This is a wee bit late, but I'm uncertain of how mimc beacons can be nerfed.
If they make them less of an attractive target that's an extremely thin line on how to balance priority, as that's the entire point.
But if they double the resource cost of faceless needed to get one, or make them one-time use only, that's also (moreso the latter, to be fair), that's also potentially a huge cost/investment change.
I just learned a very dear lesson in not meleeing a muton.... ever. Almost lost my highest level guy that way
I think giving them less health/defense would be a simple nerf.
I'd say make them the first thing an alien shoots at, but only on the first turn they see it.
There are lots of options. I'd so some combination of this, with 1. being key to any nerf.This is a wee bit late, but I'm uncertain of how mimc beacons can be nerfed.
If they make them less of an attractive target that's an extremely thin line on how to balance priority, as that's the entire point.
But if they double the resource cost of faceless needed to get one, or make them one-time use only, that's also (moreso the latter, to be fair), that's also potentially a huge cost/investment change.
What else is cool is glitches, who decided to not miss twice.
Flawless first mission. It helps a lot going into the game with a full squad.
Glitchesarecool became a specialist because glitches are cool. Mupod, tired of being bait, decided to become a sharpshooter.
So you know what actually needs a buff? Swords.
Those stun lancers are pretty nasty at times, especially with the potential to inflict Unconscious.
I've never seen a Slash ever really produce a worthwhile effect, and burning damage isn't the most useful when you're face to face with an enemy, probably in terrible cover, or no cover at all.
Can we get some lightsabers in here? Some progressive knives? Least give me that stun baton.