Conscience Falls
Uhm, what?

I wish concealment were a more dynamic system, like enemies didn't magically know where all your troopers are if they get los on one guy. Maybe units that radioed in your position, or the possibility of killing all witnesses so they didn't know your precise location
I thought maybe a crossbow or bow class could be something that kills from concealment. But there would be some complications you'd have to overcome to make it not OP.
I wish concealment were a more dynamic system, like enemies didn't magically know where all your troopers are if they get los on one guy. Maybe units that radioed in your position, or the possibility of killing all witnesses so they didn't know your precise location
I really like the idea of radio units. Atm there's something a little bit like it with the whole "last unit of a pod runs to get help" thing, but it could be more potent.
I'd also like to see all enemy pods start converging on the sound of gunfire, though you could potentially fall back and and avoid incoming hostiles.
Another question for you guys, what does the Psy-Ops do? On my first play through I skipped it entirely. Does it do more than just give you Psy Operatives?
The enemies would hear all the gunshots though, especially since the weapons aren't suppressed.
So apparently calling an evac zone changes the AI behavior so that they are more likely to overwatch instead of attack.
Uhm, what?
RIP Earth.
The earth should beat the aliens in only 8,000 years, it's okay.
Mutons scare me so much and I don't even know why. They're always so intimidating, even though they go from BADASS to FODDER in like a month's time.
Mutons Die First--words to live by.
Mutons scare me so much and I don't even know why. They're always so intimidating, even though they go from BADASS to FODDER in like a month's time.
Mutons Die First--words to live by.
My first run I hardly saw any mutons in the first place. On my second run I did see a lot more but I also had an increased enemy size mod on. I saw a few muton only packs iirc. And I also had muton centuron on. I still feel like they are under-utilized. I don't want 8 pods of heavy mutons like LW had, that was a bit overboard, but I wouldn't mind seeing 5 pods of mutons. I feel like you should be afraid of these guys, but as you mentioned they aren't that intimidating.
They are the first armored unit, and they are melee proof. Basically have to have either fire or acid to really make dealing with them straight forward without huge bullet investments.
...I still haven't seen berserkers again, after the first time.
The first armored enemy is the advent mec.
Yeah, berserkers are another extremely under-utilized enemy. But they also made them super weak I think. I say I think because I've just never been hit by one. One you get poison rounds or grenades, and you should have them by that point, one hit makes him really slow and miss. First time I saw a berserker I thought I was screwed. But then I dropped a gas grenade on him and he didn't even move to attack.
They could be deadly if they are immune to slows and disorients I guess. Maybe an upgraded version for someone to mod in. They look badass... they need to be badass.
I hate codices so much...
Right now it feels like Legend/Ironman is essentially getting a good start till you get 2 grenadiers with 3 nades each and mimic beacons out the wazoo, then it's simply not making any mistakes. Those first few months are the roughest. Psi Op or 3rd Grenadier (feels like former would be better for final mission because cooldowns > consumables) for 6th slot.
We'll see how it pans out if/when those essentials are nerfed.
So... if I change the game language (Spanish -> English), I can't load any save not created with that language.
Firaxis pls.
At least don't show up the "Some save games were not displayed because they were created in another language" message each fucking time I want to load a game. I ALREADY KNOW THAT.